Working with Linux

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Again, to get a summary of actions:

The feature branch was merged back to develop

The feature branch has been deleted

The current branch was switched back to develop

If we do an ls, we see the file from our branch present on the develop branch. Looking at the

cheatsheet we see a graphical representation of this process.

Next up is starting a release. Release branches are good for stopping the incoming features and bug

fixes from the develop branch, testing the current version, submitting bug fixes on it, and releasing it

to the general public.

As we can see, the syntax is similar, the process is similar, the develop is branched to a release

branch, but when it comes to finishing the branch, the features are also merged to the master branch,

and a tag is cut from this branch. Time to see it in action:

git flow release start 1.0.0

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!