Working with Linux

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Chapter 1. Introduction

This book is split into multiple parts. In part 1, we'll explore a new terminal and show you how to

install and configure it. In part 2, we will concentrate on configuring your shell, adding plugins,

understanding regular expressions, and working with pipes and subshells. Everything will then be

coagulated into a shell scripting lesson. In part 3, we'll work with Vim, our recommended editor. We

will cover everything from configuring it, to learning keyboard shortcuts, installing plugins, and even

using it as a password manager. So let's get started.

In the following chapter, we will learn the following topics:

Understanding the working of Terminator

Using Guake for your quick commands or long running tasks

Using ClipIt to copy-paste text

So, we will start with a terminal after which everything will be wild! When it comes to working long

hours in a terminal, our choice is to use Terminator for its fast and easy split screen functionality.

Then, we will focus on Guake, a terminal that opens really fast and wherever you are. Towards the

end, you will understand the working of Clipit and use its copy and paste feature effectively.

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