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New Year Quick Quiz

1. We have all heard of “Auld Lang Syne” but what does

it mean?

A. Times gone by B. For the future

C. Old gang sign

2. In a firework display, what determines the pattern an

exploding rocket makes in the sky?

A. The amount of explosive used

B. The timing of the explosion

C. The arrangement of the star pellets in the rocket

3. Which of these was the last place to celebrate the

new millennium on January 1 st 2000?

A. Antarctica B. Russia C. Hawaii

4. During the Chinese New Year celebrations what

activity should you avoid to ward off bad luck?

A. Wearing red B. Using scissors

C. Cleaning the house

5. In what year did New Year celebrations start in Times


A. 1904 B. 1912 C. 1933

6. Which country rings in the New Year by burning

effigies called Jack Straw?

A. Czech Republic B. Romania C.Hungary

7. Which of these would a superstitious person avoid

eating at a New Year’s celebration?

A. Lobsters B. Steak C. Fish

8. What is the Jewish new year called?

A. Hannukah B. Yom Kippur C. Rosh Hashanah

9. In which square does the famous ball drop at midnight

on New Year’s Eve?

A. Frisco B.Times C. Rockefeller

10. Why do the Chinese light firecrackers on New Year


A. To ward off evil spirits B. To bring good luck

C. Simply because they enjoy them

11. Which of the following is NOT eaten to symbolize a

financially prosperous new year?

A. Cabbage B. Lentils C. Pork

E. M. H. Sudoku

(Easy. Medium. Hard)

6 5 2 1 8

9 1 7 2

1 2 6 5


2 3 9 6 8 4


1 2 4 3

6 9 8 1

8 7 6 4 2

6 3

3 9 7 8

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5 8 6 7 4

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2 1 4 7

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8 1 7 4 3

5 1 3

6 5 4 3

6 4 5

9 5 2 1 6

6 4

3 5

12. New Year’s resolutions date back to early Babylon some 4000 years ago. But which of these

was a popular Babylonian resolution?

A. To undo wrongs done during the previous year B. To return borrowed farm equipment

C. To lose weight

Solutions/Answers are on page 31


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