EU Project Interns

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Quality Training; ICK’s menu is abundant with such skill improving cocktails.

What makes it so good is not only the overall rarity of the courses presented

to the general public; the professionals involved and the experience earned

cracks opportunities once never even considered. How, you ask?

Ask our interns!

In generous collaboration with the EU funded project “Training and Education

with Marketable ICT Skills for Employment and Self-employment in Kosovo”,

the Innovation Centre Kosovo got to show the employed side of earned skills

to training participants from Prizren and Prishtina and increase their prospect

of evolving the field of ICT in Kosovo.

There are plenty of things a person can dream of growing up to be.

Few of them however are accessible to young dreamers in Kosovo from the

lack of variety and resources. Until today

With multiple training courses offered to students from vocational education

High Schools “11 Marsi” in Prizren and “Gjin Gazulli” in Prishtina pursuing new

creative skill sets, testimonials of such experiences made not only great

examples of functional and creative courses but also the opportunities

blossoming from them!


Students spent 3 months absorbing expertise through internships

post-training and a majority of them ended up becoming fully employed

awesome-sauce individuals!

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