EU Project Interns

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Melisa Berisha previously interning at Adaptech, Albiona Ahmeti previously

interning at Enchele, Dren Kelmendi previously interning at APPbites and

Arlind Ramadani now at ClleanCode, got to hone their craft alongside

professional established companies and gain both experience and moments of

treasured advice.

“Not only were resources provided to us, but helpful tips of work

etiquette and workmanship that helped us feel less paralyzed in front

of adulthood and its expectations” commented Arlind with Melisa

adding that “ It helped my work go from good to wonderful and

something I can be genuinely proud of every time I go back to it.

Knowing the things I do now and having the opportunities opened in

front of me makes me feel like there’s nothing I cannot try!”

“Personally, to know that people have my back

and that a door is always open for me, is the

ultimate mark of a healthy workplace and work

table for me to express myself” wrapped up

Albiona in her experience at her internship.

Perhaps Design and

programming are all well and

good, but what about

promotional content? Ah, the

effort never goes amiss as proven

by Ardit Jashari now at

Kosipmedia and Dion Elezi now

at Jiroo.

The industry of hard and creative

work requires a lot more

diligence in social media, in turn

helping these students

comprehend and create quality

content for the best platform to

showcase the company’s


“A friendly atmosphere, wisdom and lots of skills intensified. My kinda thing”

remarked Dion along with Ardit saying that “It was helpful, fun and I got to

understand what it feels like to be responsible for a task and become reliable at


Hard work is always paid off with earned reward. With dedicated time to training,

enthusiastic effort given as an intern and due diligence exposing their potential and

finding their niche, students are starting a new chapter of their life well into

adulthood. By experiencing new things with new people, they become the best they

can be at their passion and find their proper path in both their career and life.

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