Big Picture Farm Goat Milk Caramels

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Big Picture Farm’s caramels are unlike anything you’ll ever taste. When our goat’s milk is

boiled down here at our farm, its unique makeup of amino acids imparts complex notes

of savory goodness and is, on the whole, characterized by a rounder, creamier, earthier,

and longer-lasting flavor (and is less generically-sweet) than, say, a cow’s milk-exclusive

or no-milk varietal. Moreover, it is velvety and melt-in-your-mouth-soft (and more

easily digestible) from having smaller fat globules and less lactose in the milk.

Our caramels have been awarded top honors at the prestigious Fancy Food Show five out

of the last six years, and the Good Food Awards organization has repeatedly recognized

us as one of the top producers of high-quality, low-impact confections in America today.

We use only high-quality, GMO-free, local and/or organic ingredients to supplement

our farmstead milk. Welcome to the new age of artisanal confections!



ghost trout.




We are very pleased with our newest line of organic chocolate

covered sea salt caramels. These 'edible vignettes' (which

feature one of Louisa’s delicate cocoa-butter goat portraits)

consists of our original sea-salt and vanilla caramels enrobed

in the finest organic, fair-trade (and GMO-free) 74% cacao

dark chocolate. The result is a perfect match that reflects and

integrates the unique flavors and narrative elements that make

Big Picture Farm's products what they seek to be:

one-of-a-kind, of the highest-quality, and memorably



























“A cheese--even a fresh chèvre--is never just a thing to put in your mouth.

It's a living piece of geography. A sense of place."

-- Brad Kessler, from Goat Song

Each cheese and caramel made at Big Picture Farm is a living piece of geography. It

carries with it and reflects the animals that graze on our hillside here in Vermont, the

deciduous woodlands they browse on, the lush pastures and wildflowers they forage,

and the ethics and hard work of the farmers who care for them, and who further

transform their milk into a delicacy.

And these aren’t just any goats. These are individual, uniquely expressive, deeply

emotive, often ridiculous, beautiful, loving creatures-in-this-world! There’s overly

protective Cicada, head-butting our neighbor’s dog. Or our queen Stella, who fiends

for a head scratch. Eva, the tree climber. Noon, the vocalist. Junebug, the diva. Twig,

the mischief. Manhattan, the tree-toppler. Take, for instance, Fern, who won’t cross a

stream no matter what—even when it’s a slow trickle and several sturdy

stepping-stones path the way to the other side. Not Fern. She’ll remain on the near

bank picking at limb ends, lonesoming the occasional howl at the rest of the herd now

off in the distance.

The concept of “terroir” has been a popular one in the food and wine culture in recent years. It’s a term that wineries and

cheesemakers like to use to help draw attention to the place where the product is produced. When we say “Farmstead

Caramels” on our boxes, we are trying to draw attention not only to our particular farm and animals, but also to our

method of production. The philosopher Walter Benjamin famously lamented a loss of art’s “aura” in the age of mechanical

reproduction. Well, the same thing could be said for food in contemporary society. “Farmstead” techniques have

been marginalized and largely eliminated during the modernization of industrial agriculture and food production over

the past century. Small batch, place-specific, traditional food production has been replaced with a centralized and highly

mechanized factory process. Which means a lot of food—despite being sold under different brand names – tastes pretty

much the same. On a farmstead operation, even reproducing the exact taste from one batch to the next can be a

challenge. That’s because all the living variables are still invited to the party.

And when we place our “Animal Welfare Approved” seal on each package, it means

the farming standards we implement at Big Picture Farm are the most rigorous and

progressive animal care requirements in the nation, as recognized by the World

Society for the Protection of Animals for two years running now. It’s an expression

of the tremendous pride we take in the work that we do. There’s a lot of labor

involved on the farm side, and the high cost of raising our primary ingredient

ourselves makes it difficult to compete with other candy companies who can simply

purchase their ingredients at commodity prices. But our animals are our family, and

this type of farming is more endangered than ever before, and therefore it is worth

it. And we trust that our customers will think so too. We rotationally pasture our

herd on 100 acres from May-November, using solar-electric fences to move the goats

twice every day to ensure fresh, delicious, and diverse forage. They are fed only

organic pasture, and supplemented exclusively with GMO-free and organic whole

grain, minerals, and alfalfa. Our milk is our medium. And it is a beautiful and

precious one, indeed.

Some folks may see our narrative as overly precious, a ploy. We understand that. Telling the story of

food is a marketing strategy. And each year different terms lose meaning. All Natural, for example, no

longer means a damn thing. Even Organic, which was once associated with local, small-farm production,

increasingly has lost appeal because of the ease with which large companies can achieve/purchase

“organic” status and lean on it in lieu of providing real, intimate knowledge to a customer.

Intimate knowledge. In our opinion, what makes food truly exceptional is when the context surrounding

its production is inseparable from the product itself. Each caramel that we produce comes from a place,

a specific place, and is made from the milk of a specific animal, eating specific flowers and leaves and

plants at a specific time of year. At Big Picture Farm, we want you to know that Matilda’s milk went into

the caramel you’re now placing in your mouth, so that—in addition to the foreground taste, that creamy

and lingering southern Vermont tang—you’re granted access to the background taste: her breakfast of

striped maple, the season’s first wild baby strawberries and justblossoming vetch.

Let us help you

tell your story.

Whether you need 1 gift or

1000, we’re here to help.

We love working with folks

on custom designs.

Before starting Big Picture Farm, we were working artists – Louisa a

photographer and mixed-media artist, Lucas a writer and poet. The great

passion that continues to drive us resides in the proper artistic expression

and documentation of the life and evolution of our farm and products.

In our minds, modern farming on this scale must be a kind of

poem-making, what Wallace Stevens described as, “the poem of the

mind in the act of finding what will suffice.” Providing a narrative of the

farm to our customers—expressing this life we lead with our goats

sufficiently—will continue to be paramount. So that our customers may

experience our products fully (knowing what’s in the food and where it

comes from has become integral to one’s emotional-nutritional analysis).

And so that we too may experience our lives as farmers and artists fully.

It’s the only way to survive. It’s also the only way to compete at a time

when small farms are being gobbled up and food is being produced by

larger corporations ever more cheaply.

Over time, as the art accumulates, we hope the

‘big picture’ will come ever into focus. That’s the

idea behind our name. That the quirky traditions

and customs of this farm, the way we do things,

the contours and complexities of it all, the beauty

of the landscape being kept in agricultural use,

the tremendously rich lives of the animals, the

sweat of the farmers, and the craftsmanship of

the producers, the who & what & why & how of

it all shall, in time, stand out in sharp relief.

As has been proven by many scientific studies of farmstead French cheeses and

wines, the microbiology of certain products-- and by extension the actual quality

imparted to them—is often unique to an individual farm or location, to that particular

environment. In other words, the contextual factors have too great an impact

on the character and quality of the product for it to exist elsewhere. And therefore

it is not reproducible.

Nor is it permanent. As farmers, we’ve come to think about that a lot: impermanence.

Life and death hang in close proximity to one another on a farm. A

range of lifespans are experienced in the ecology of a place. I’ll always remember

when, after our first season farming, Louisa referred to autumn as the

season of “our goats’ food dying”. We laughed out loud at this new insight. But

the moment also struck me as one when our perspective on Nature took a

fundamental shift.

When something is imbued with a kind of seasonal sadness (or a ‘touch

of mortality,’ as it were), the great Japanese haiku poet Basho would say

it possessed sabi: a kind of beautiful and lonely quality (beyond happiness

or sadness) that each thing has in its singular existence, when

observed in the context of time. At the heart of sabi is true authenticity.

The understanding that such a thing perches delicately in the moment.

The same could be said for Big Picture Farm and our products. We

love what we do and will continue to do it for as long as we are capable

and have enough energy and spiritual wherewithal to make it all

transpire. Passion may not exhaust, but the body does and time will

likely prove it. A sense of transience imbues and fuels everything we

do. It makes us deeply grateful to our animals, our employees, each

other. It imbues our relationships with our customers. It shapes our


And with all that in mind, please allow us to present to you a tiny

taste of our life’s work: a living sculpture, a gift, an honoring.

Art-in-time. A confection imbued with beauty and delicacy and

possessing a touch of sabi to boot. A little reminder that a herd of

goats once lived on a particular hillside in Vermont and were deeply

loved and cared for by a couple of foolhardy romantics who figured

out how to turn their milk into the finest caramels you ever tasted in

your life. Ha. Go ahead: savor every last bite before it’s gone.










PS: We invite YOU to visit

Big Picture Farm, where

we now offer

boutique lodging and

farmstay experiences for

friends and visitors. An

elegant and spacious

9-bedroom manor,

the Farmhouse

at Big Picture Farm

is available as a whole

house rental for famiily

vacactions, reunions,

conferences, corporate

retreats, workshops,

weddings, fundraisers, or

other special events.

Please email us at


for the latest

information and pricing.

View more details at


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Big Picture Farm.

If you are interested in learning more about our products, please email us at

bigpicturefarm@gmail.com and follow us on our Instagram @bigpicturefarm.

Most of all, thank you for supporting our farm, goat ladies, and mission!!! We

couldn’t do any of this without you!

big picture farm




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