The Indie Gamer #13

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scholarship for college, and

everything was going really

good for him.

Vinny is a smart kid but he's

not street smart and throughout

the course of the game Vinny is

mentored by his Uncle who is a

captain in the Fionacci Crime


Q.) How will the

mission/progression system

work and how can players

utilize it?

A.) The way that you approach

missions in the game is

completely up to the player. If

they want to run in guns

blazing and get into massive

shootouts or if they're more of

the sneak their way around, and

silently take out their enemies

then they can do that too.

Upon completing missions

you'll gain cash, and/or respect

depending on your actions with

that particular mission. Respect

will open up more missions,

dialog choices in conversations,

it'll also affect how NPC's react

when they see Vinny as well.

Q.) What does it mean to you to

be an independent developer?

A.) I think for us at SCE, being

an independent game developer

allows us to have the freedom to

create the games that not only

we would want to play but our

consumers would as well. It's

something we enjoy, we got into

game development to create the

games that we want to create,

and that consumers would want

to play, and we feel like being

independent allows us to do


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