5 Healthy Ways To Recover Quickly From Facelift Surgery

A facelift procedure can restore a more youthful appearance to the face, helping to restore skin elasticity, while mitigating jowls and deep smile lines. The facelift surgery is popular in London – yet it’s one of the more natural procedures once healed. The best way to be prepared is to become familiar with the surgery, the medical team, and your expectations. When it comes to bruising and swelling, here are some natural ways to recover quickly.

A facelift procedure can restore a more youthful appearance to the face, helping to restore skin elasticity, while mitigating jowls and deep smile lines. The facelift surgery is popular in London – yet it’s one of the more natural procedures once healed. The best way to be prepared is to become familiar with the surgery, the medical team, and your expectations. When it comes to bruising and swelling, here are some natural ways to recover quickly.


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5 Healthy Ways To

Recover Quickly From

Facelift Surgery

A facelift procedure can restore a more youthful appearance to the face, helping to restore skin elasticity, while

mitigating jowls and deep smile lines. The facelift surgery is popular in London – yet it’s one of the more natural

procedures once healed. The best way to be prepared is to become familiar with the surgery, the medical team,

and your expectations. When it comes to bruising and swelling, here are some natural ways to recover quickly.



Prepare your body for surgery.

Candidates tend to focus on post-surgery treatment to mitigate swelling and bruising. In reality, the best way to

prevent these side effects is by being proactive. The healthier you are before your facelift procedure, the speedier

recovery will be.

A healthy BMI will ensure that results are consistent throughout the healing process. If you know that you are

going to make an overhaul of your diet and lifestyle, then it is essential to reach that goal before obtaining a

facelift. Non-smokers with a healthier BMI and average blood pressure levels not only enjoy consistent results,

but they’ll heal faster with fewer complications.

Wholesome foods do matter.

Any invasive procedure can result in some swelling and bruising – including facelifts. Thankfully there are natural

ingredients that you can consume before your surgery and post-operation to expedite overall rehabilitation.

Bromelain is a type of enzyme naturally found in pineapple and its juice, with properties that allow it to reduce

inflammation and swelling, especially swelling around the nasal area. Quercetin is an antioxidant derived from

fruits and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Apples, red onions, citrus, and most leafy vegetables tend to

have concentrations of the flavonoid.

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Self-treatment and self-care.

Any treatment that will relax you will help mitigate complications. Follow the “R.I.C.E” method – which stands for

rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Take all the time you need to rest until you are comfortable resuming your

social life. Wrap ice packets in towels and lightly compress it in areas on your face that may have swelling, which

will typically be incision sites and in the nasal area.

Do not smoke.

Smoking restricts the blood vessels around your face, which will prevent the facelift procedure from properly

healing. Additionally, the action of withdrawing smoke from a cigarette strains the already stressed skin, leading

to severe complications.

Supplements before and after the facelift procedure.

Vitamin C, Vitamin A, B vitamins, and trace minerals, all support healing. These vitamins and minerals rebuild collagen,

supports the immune system and the enzymatic function, and can help with tissue repair. Avoid Vitamin

E since it is associated with increased bleeding – take note that this is not to be confused with topical vitamin E

preparations that are recommended to be applied post-operation.

Get in contact with your family physician or dietitian before your facelift procedure to make sure that you aren’t

taking any supplements that can adversely interact with medication or the healing process.

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