CLM Fall 2018

Style and Fashion of Charlotte

Style and Fashion of Charlotte


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A Night of Giving


Benefitting Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina


There are few moments in life when you meet

someone, and you know you are in the presence of

greatness. When those moments do occur, there is

this assessing, scrutinizing and evaluating of your

own life. Scenes of past events flutter by to determine

whether you are worthy to converse with this

high-minded, noble of spirit individual whom you

have been fortuitous enough to cross paths with.

Every year for the last 29, The Chef’s Best Dinner

benefits the Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina.

Harris Teeter is one of the largest corporate sponsors,

and along with dozens of other benefactors, they

make this evening possible. I was honored to attend.

As I passed through the Convention Center’s

colossal doors, I followed the flow of fellow attendees

into the belly of the ballroom and on to the

check-in table. I furnished my name and was

thanked for my attendance. The exchange was so

sincerely warm that as I walked away, I did a doubletake

for another look at the sender of such kindness.

To my surprise, I was the recipient of the compassion

that CEO Kay Carter has showered on all she

comes in contact with. Regardless of whether it is

personally or indirectly, this woman moves mountains.

It is Ms. Carter's giving heart that makes this

event happen. No wonder she would be the person

ushering the guests into the room. What motivates

this lady is also what would make this a full circle

moment for her. We will delve further into Ms.

Carter and her tremendous capacity to serve in a

future issue of Charlotte Living.

Most interesting is how the funds and in-kind

contributions are funneled out to so many different

channels where the need is prodigious. If you have

been in Charlotte for any length of time, I am sure

you have heard of Second Harvest Food Bank of

Metrolina; although you may not be aware of its

scope in our community. The organization impacts

19 counties of both North and South Carolina.

Through education, advocacy and partnerships,

their goal is to categorically eliminate hunger.

In 2018, SHFBM distributed over 54 million

pounds of food to 700+ non-profit partner agencies

for those living below the poverty line, of which


Second Harvest CEO

Kay Carter at check-in

Guests enjoyed culinary delights

from Chef David Lucarelli of Vivaci,

Chef Stephen Schmitt of WP Kitchen

+ Bar and Chef Ryan Daugherty of

Fin & Fino.

188,000 are children and 41,000 are elderly. They are

the largest non-profit agency in the Charlotte region

with annual revenues in donations reaching a staggering

$84 million dollars. Agencies include soup

kitchens, emergency pantries, homeless shelters,

senior programs, veteran assistance organizations,

and animal rescue shelters.

Initiatives like the backpack program enable children

to receive nutritious meals sent home in their

backpacks for weekends and holidays when school

is not in session. There are 40 kid’s cafe locations in

the region, which are feeding sites for children. Food

shopping for low-income families happens through

a mobile food pantry. Giving kids the ability to think

and learn their curriculum at school is the goal.

Nearly 41,000 seniors in our area often must make

the hard decision between buying medicine or food

to eat. Boxes of nutritiously prepared food are sent

to homebound elderly in need. Mobile markets work

with senior programs in seven counties, all distributing

where the need is greatest. Veterans also receive

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