Get Out! GAY Magazine – Issue 457 February 19, 2020

Featuring content from the hottest gay and gay-friendly spots in New York, each (free!) issue of Get Out! highlights the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, spas and other businesses throughout NYC’s metropolitan area that the city’s gay a population is interested in.

Featuring content from the hottest gay and gay-friendly spots in New York, each (free!) issue of Get Out! highlights the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, spas and other businesses throughout NYC’s metropolitan area that the city’s gay a population is interested in.


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I am the 4th Miss Gay

America to have won on

her very first attempt.

I competed and got

qualified for the national

competition as the first

alternate representing

Miss Gay New York

America. (The winner

and first alternate get to

compete at Nationals.) I

was able to secure and

keep the crown in New

York City for the second

consecutive year, after

Andora Tetee (Miss Gay

New York America 2018)

took home the national

crown last year as Miss

Gay America 2019.

The national pageant

was held in St. Louis,

Missouri, in October

2019. There were 37

contestants from all over

the country representing

their state preliminaries.

I performed a tribute to

my idol, Broadway legend

Chita Rivera, for my

talent portion. I produced

and choreographed my

talent number myself,

and brought my dance

students (from my dance

classes I teach at Steps on

Broadway) to dance with

me. I won Overall Talent,

Presentation (with my

female robot looks) and

Evening Gowns. I placed

second in Male Interview

and third in Onstage Q&A.

What makes this whole

week at the national

competition so special and

the most memorable for

me is that my mother, my

aunt and my sister flew all

the way from Thailand to

come cheer me on (with

their light-up LED signs),

and it was their first time

seeing me compete in


Who are your greatest

influences and why?

Jennifer Lopez. I related

to her a lot, because she

is a minority and trained

dancer who got her start

in New York City. She has

big dreams and works

very hard. She was one

of the very few dancers

that have crossed over

into film, TV, music and

fashion. Her work ethic is

commendable. She always

ventures into learning new

skills and is fearless when

it comes to fashion. Plus,

she’s humble and never

forgets where she came


If you could perform

anywhere in the world,

where would it be and


On Broadway, eight

shows a week. Broadway

musicals ignited my

passion for dancing and

performing. Getting to

be a part of the bigproduction

musicals in

Thailand had led me to

make a huge life decision

and move to New York

City to pursue a dancing


What do you enjoy most

about performing live?

As a performer, I feed

off the energy from the

audience. Their reactions

and the joy in their eyes

make me happy and fuel

the fire in me to keep on

spreading the joy of the


Do you have an ultimate

fantasy performing in


My ultimate fantasy

performing in drag would

be to perform for or to

share the stage with my

idols (Chita Rivera, Jennifer

Lopez, Christina Aguilera

and the Spice Girls).



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