Building Structures

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Figure 1.24 Development of bending.

resistance to dimensional deformation. It must also be

inherently stable, both internally and externally. These three

characteristics—strength, stiffness, and stability—are the

principal functional requirements of structures.

Stresses and Strains

There are three basic types of stress: tension, compression,

and shear. Tension and compression are similar in nature

although opposite in sign or direction. Both tension and

compression produce a linear type of strain and can be

visualized as pressure effects perpendicular to the surface of

a stressed cross section. Because of these similarities, tension

and compression are referred to as direct stresses; one is

considered positive and the other negative.

Shear stress occurring in the plane of a cross section is

similar to the frictional sliding effect. Strain due to shear takes

the form of angular distortion, rather than the lengthening

or shortening due to direct stress.

Dynamic Effects

Vibrations, moving loads, and sudden changes in the state

of motion, such as the jolt of braking or rapid acceleration

of vehicles, cause force effects that result in stresses and

strains in structures. The study of dynamic forces and their

effects is complex, although some of the basic concepts can

be illustrated simply.

For structural investigation and design the significant

distinction between static and dynamic effects has to do with

response of the structure to the loading. If the principal

response of the structure can be effectively evaluated in static

terms (force, stress, linear deformation, etc.), the effect on

the structure is essentially static. If, however, the structure’s

response can be evaluated effectively only in terms such as

energy capacity, work accomplished, cyclic movement, and

so on, the effect of the loading is of a true dynamic character.

Judgments made in this regard must be made in consideration

of the adequate performance of the structure in its role in

the building system. Performance relates to both structural

responses and effects on the building and its occupants.

A critical factor in the evaluation of a structure’s response

to dynamic loads is the fundamental period of the structure’s

cyclic motion or vibration. This is the time required for

one full cycle of motion, in the form of a bounce or a

continuing vibration. The relation of this time to the time

of buildup of the load is a major factor in the determination

of the relative degree of the dynamic effect on the structure.

A structure’s fundamental period may vary from a fraction

of a second to several seconds, depending on the size, shape,

mass, materials, stiffness, support conditions, and possible

presence of damping effects.

Design for dynamic effects begins with an evaluation of

possible dynamic load sources and their potential actions.

The response of the structure is then considered using the

variables of its dynamic character. Once the dynamic behavior

is understood, the designer can consider how to manipulate

the variables to improve the structure’s behavior or to reduce

the load effects.

Design for Structural Behavior

In professional design practice the investigation of structural

behavior is an important part of the design process. To

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