Finding Happiness

Whenever life gets you down, here are the ways I pick myself back up. 1: The sun is always there, even if you can't see it. 2: You're allowed to ask for help when life gets rough. 3: Sometimes, you gotta be the one to love yourself. It's no ones job to do that for you. A book entirely written, lettered, designed, and photographed by me.

Whenever life gets you down, here are the ways I pick myself back up. 1: The sun is always there, even if you can't see it. 2: You're allowed to ask for help when life gets rough. 3: Sometimes, you gotta be the one to love yourself. It's no ones job to do that for you.
A book entirely written, lettered, designed, and photographed by me.


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Written, Designed, Photographed, & Illustrated by Hannah Potts



Written, Designed, Photographed, & Illustrated by Hannah Potts

Printed by www.blurb.com

@2020 All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

The opinions expressed in this book are those of the author only and not those of

York College of Pennsylvania.

This book is an experimental class project for purely educational design


Designed by Hannah Potts

Printed by www.blurb.com

This book is set in Arno Pro, a serif type family created by Robert Slimbach at

Adobe intended for professional use. The name refers to the river that runs

through Florence, a center of the Italian Renaissance. Arno is an old-style

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Headings, titling, and page numbers are set in Bebas Neue, a sans serif font

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warmth, which makes it uniformly proper for web, print, commerce and art”.



book is about how to create a little bit of happiness

on even the unhappiest of days. Inspired after a rough year

of life and a friend that seemed to always smile even when

she wanted to cry, this book has been a journey of selfdiscovery,

self-reflection, and has helped me deepen my

relationships, both with friends and with my God. It is all

about finding a little thing to make you smile every day.,

to not let anxiety or anger or sadness to overwhelm you.

It is about how I couldn’t control what happened in my

life, and so I controlled how I felt about life. This book

took three months to create, but was based off over a year’s

worth of frustration and chaos. All the photos and illustrated

lettering were taken or created by me. The bible

verses throughout this book relate to the topics at hand

and are also things I wish I had been able to find during

my year of struggle. They are here for you to provide

comfort and a little more insight into who I am as a person,

and what my faith entails. I may be a Christian, but I still

cuss like a sailor. You’ve been warned that because of the

language used in this book it’s probably rated PG-13.

With Love,

Hannah Potts



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This book is dedicated to my sister, Sara, for always being ready to fight for what

she believes and deserves, and Rebecca Carter and my friends for accepting me

despite my flaws and for being the awesomely honest and raw people they are.

You all make me feel loved. Thank You.



Chapter 1: Nature..............................................7

Chapter 2: Places...........................................23

Chapter 3: Phrases........................................39

Chapter 4: People............................................61



1 | Introduction

“The light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5



life ever gotten you down? Failed exams, payments

overdue, rough day at work, family health problems, fights

with friends or SOs (significant others), and everything

else just like the last that is neither fun nor bearable?

The world seems dark and dreary and hopeless? It’s times

like these when we all just need a little bit of rightness to

occur. A little ray of sunshine to make our smile seem a

little less forced. When it comes to these dark days I try

to remember 3 things. 1: The sun is always there even if

you can’t see it. 2: You’re allowed to ask for help when

life gets rough. Whether it’s from a friend or from a god.

3: Sometimes, you got to be the one to love yourself and

make your world a happier place. Because it’s no one’s

job to do that for you.

Finding Happiness sounds incredibly cheesy. But personally,

I think purposefully going out to seek the things in

life that make you happy is necessary. Sometimes we just

have a bad day, and would give anything for one sincere

smile to light our features. For a deep and hearty laugh

to sprout from our lips and grow into an uncontrollable

boisterous noise. Sometimes, all we want is for happiness

to find us so that we cannot feel so sad. But guess

what, buttercup? Life doesn’t always work out the way

we want, and I’m sure all of you already know that.

Life starts out hard, so when shit hits the fan, how do

you get through that?

In August of 2018, my sister got into a car accident.

Her car was totaled and she suffered from a mild concussion.

That, while rough, was honestly manageable. But then, the

seizures started. If none of you have ever seen or heard

of an Absence Seizure, consider yourself lucky. The first

time it happened to my sister I was utterly terrified and

had no idea what was going on. A generic scientific

explanation of these Absence Seizures is as follows:

“An absence seizure causes a short period of “blanking

out” or staring into space. Like other kinds of seizures,

they are caused by brief abnormal electrical activity in

a person’s brain.”¹

Introduction | 4

This explanation quite frankly does not do the type

of Absence Seizures my sister was experiencing justice.

My sister, when she had one, would stare off into space.

Her face would go slack, her mouth would slowly gape

sometimes, like a fish out of water. Then, her whole body

would just relax, I guess, and if she was holding anything

she would drop it. Bags, cups, anything and everything,

would fall to the ground. She almost lost a pricey leather

jacket I had bought her when she had an episode in a

mall. And then, as she was coming out of it, she would

just mumble. Incoherent sometimes. Complete sentences

at other times. But what was the worst part of it all.

The minute she came out of it, she had no recollection

or memory of it happening. These seizures are essentially

as if her brain just turned off or tried to reboot. These

abnormalities then turned, at about New Year’s 2019, to

a true foaming-at-the-mouth seizure.

My family and I were absolutely mortified. My 21-yearold,

healthy, average sister was having seizures? And she

lived half-way across the country and we couldn’t even

be there for her at the hospital.

And as if the world wanted to crush my soul, and keep me

forever wondering what was next. Two weeks after heartbreakingly

and abruptly ending a relationship, my grandpa

died suddenly, within five hours of catching pneumonia.

And I found out via a text from my own father the morning

of an exam. Talk about perfect fucking timing, am I right?

5 | Introduction

So, there I am, my sophomore year of college, with the

world falling apart around me, and through all the forced

smiles and laughter, desperately wanting them to be sincere.

And so, when it seemed like these small fleeting moments

of peace or happiness would not come to me, I said

“Fuck It” and went out and took the happiness for myself.


you got to be the one

to love yourself

and make your world

a happier place.

Because it’s no one’s

job to do that for you.”

Introduction | 6

7 | Chapter ONE

“You cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plants

for people to use, to bring rteerth, and wine to gladden the human heart.”

Psalm 104:14

Chapter 1: nature

Step One:

Find something that

can make you smile.

Then proceed to find

more of said thing

or things.

I don’t know about you, but I think nature’s fucking

beautiful. The trees go from green to orange, to red or

yellow in the fall, butterflies flap around like the majestic

beings they are in the spring, and the life of the natural

world is free from the stresses of things like health problems,

or exams, or whether or not anyone in class saw

you do that really embarrassing thing you didn’t even

try to do. Nature doesn’t have our worries and that’s

what makes it so beautiful and peaceful to be in.

Because it is already at peace.

Nature | 10

I am a Christian. I say this not with the intention of

“converting” anyone to Christianity or to hold conservative

debates (I’m a democrat anyways so do with that info

what you will), but I say that so you can begin to understand

me and my point of view a little more. And by point

of view I don’t mean a political point of view, I simply

mean the way I look at the world. There is no mention

of anything political in this book because that is not

what’s important. But I am a Christian and I believe in

Creation, and Creation, for any who may be unaware, is

the essential antithesis to the Big Bang Theory. Every

single thing in existence from particles of dust, to grass

and bugs, to humans and animals, to space and the never

ending beyond that is space was created with specific

purposes, designs, and placement in the universe,

known and unknown. In scientific terms, it’s known as

creation theory. With this belief of creation, I see nature

a little differently than some other people might. I look at

the world with both appreciation for its grandeur and

beauty, and in awe and wonder at the fact that it was

designed with so much purpose. I look at the world and

simply bask in the glory of my God’s creation. It isn’t a

guaranteed way to make me smile or laugh, but I’ve

found that taking a moment or two to simply be while

surrounded by things I find beautiful, is a good way to

feel the peace that nature has.

Even if you don’t have a particular belief in creation,

big bang, or other, you still can go out and feel the sun

warm your face, feel the air pierce your lungs, or feel the

wind freeze your bones in the dead of winter.

11 | Chapter one

The largest aspect of humanity is our ability to feel: feel

and empathize. Sometimes we don’t need to empathize

with or for others, sometimes we literally just need to

take care of ourselves. So, figure out what makes you happy.

Is it rain? Is it cold weather? Is it warmth? Is it summer?

Is it the beach? The mountains, the dessert, another

country, green things, yellow things, animals, nature,

buildings, straight things, curvy things, roads of neverending

indecision, highways, colors? Figure it out, know it,

then go and look for it and take your happiness for yourself.

For me, as long as it’s not raining, the earth’s creatures

are normally all out and about and anything with fur,

well almost anything with fur, can make me smile.

But birds singing in the trees, to chirping crickets hiding

in the shadows, or squirrels scurrying through crunchy

fallen leaves: nothing is cuter than animals in their natural

habitat living their own little animal lives. Walking outside

as a fall breeze sweeps by and rustles dry leaves that

are barely clinging on to the trees is an incredibly satisfying

view, sound, and smell to me. Taking deep breaths

in the winter causes the air to invade my lungs and tastes

crisp and sharp. Inhaling the scent of summer, that’s thicker,

muggier, but bright and warm. The earth is such a versatile

force of nature and if we go around ignoring the beauty

around us, not to get political or anything, we’re going

to kill it faster.

Nature | 12

13 | Chapter one

Nature | 14

15 | Chapter one

Nature | 16

One of my favorite verses from the bible about Creation

and the wisdom that is seen in nature comes from the

book of Job. If you’ve never heard of the story of Job,

he was a man that was firm in his faith that, even when

shaken through family deaths, loss of property and financial

stability, when he was out on the streets, homeless

and hungry, he had faith in what his God could do and

that his God would provide. When a man named Zophar

questions Job’s belief and unshakable faith in a God that

“has let bad things happen”, this is Job’s reply:

“…ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds

in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth,

and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform

you…In his hand is the life of every creature and the

breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10

And in companion with this comes the words of Matthew

from the New Testament:

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor

gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26

My God is a God that is loving. He is caring. He is a Creator

that nurtures the earth and all its occupants with unconditional

love, including humans. Whether you believe in

the God of the bible or not, know this: He loves and cares

for you and wants to provide you with a sense of peace,

even as life is hard and seems unendingly torturous,

He will be there to love and provide for you. Life for

believers, and non-believers alike, is not always easy,

is not always prosperous, is not always full of sunshine

17| Chapter one

and rainbows. God does not promise us an easy life

when we choose to follow him. He does, however,

promise us a life where, as long as we put our faith in

Him, we will never be forsaken, forgotten, or left alone.

So even as I’m struggling through classes, relationships,

and family drama, I choose to look at the world around

me and know my God will provide. And whether you’re a

believer or not, I hope you know that just as the animals

and the trees are cared for in their beauty, so too are you.

“Sometimes we don’t

need to empathize

with or for others,

sometimes we

literally just need

to take care of


Nature | 18

19 | Chapter one

Nature | 20

21 | Chapter one

Nature | 22

23 | Chapter two

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never

leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

Chapter 2: Places

Step Two:

Stop when you can

and take in

the world

around you.

See and Be.

Have you noticed how crazy and hectic the world

is sometimes? How crazy and hectic our own lives get?

When was the last time you walked past a flower shop

and went in to smell a flower? Hell, when was the last

time that you just got to go for a walk? There isn’t always

time to drop everything you’re doing and go on a hike

in the middle of nowhere, and that’s fine. That’s normal.

But you should at least learn to appreciate the things

around you. It’s not always going to be trees or animals,

because you’re not always going to be in a forest. The thing

you should make a habit of doing, however, is stopping

wherever you are, for at least one solid minute, and find

something to admire, and add it to the list of things that

make you happy.

Places | 26

I don’t know about you, but I grew up in your standard

white American suburbia. We lived right off what could

be called the “Main Drag” and were both five minutes

from Main Street, USA as well as five minutes to the developed

shopping areas and restaurants. We even had a

Chick-fil-A added to our area in 2015. So that was lit,

but it wasn’t much to look at. My mom knew that too,

having been raised in that same area. So, we travelled.

To cities and new states and sometimes to new countries

and through all of it, I learned to fall in love with

the smallest of things around me.

As an artist and a designer, I’ve always had an eye for the

prettier things in life. I love straight lines and simple designs

and white space as well as the detailed realism of architecture

of the Neoclassicism period. And with a father

that’s a history nerd, I’ve always had a fascination for

things that were old, and sometimes, dead. But through

all of this, I’ve learned to look for the little moments of

beauty in life, even if the area I’m in isn’t that beautiful.

Cities may seem busy and cluttered and too industrial to

be seen as beautiful, but there is something about cities

that contains this certain tension that isn’t seen in nature.

Everything is moving, everything is making noise, and

everywhere you look there is someone there. Walls hide

the lives of those inside them, and the telephone poles

and wires carry messages and power to and from the homes

and businesses that surround you. Cars are always driving,

people are always walking, eyes are always seeing, and

27 | Chapter Two

noses are always taking in the next scent, whether pleasant

or unpleasant. It’s this never-ending sound and

movement that causes its own peace in the chaos.

You can stand in any city, any place where people live,

whether its small-town main street or your local mall,

and there will be some sort of life present. If you were

to go to one of these places and stand still for even one

minute, your eyes will not stay still as they’ll be too busy

absorbing all the commotion around you. Maybe you’ll

see two kids running around their mom’s car, not ready

to sit down quite yet. Maybe it’s a driver in their car,

jamming out to music you can’t hear. Maybe it’s someone

that’s walking past you and smiles at you, simply

because that’s what they do.

Every day, we take advantage of the world around us.

We don’t admire how the bricks look exceptionally red

in certain sunlight. We are oblivious to the people on

the bus right next to us that’s mouthing the words to

their favorite song they may be listening to. We ignore

the wave from a child in the car next to us as we ride

down the highway. We are all so stuck in our own worlds,

our own heads in this century, in centuries past, and

will probably be exactly the same in the future that is to

come, that we miss the smallest of moments of joy that

occur every day.

Places | 28

29 | Chapter Two

Places | 30

31| Chapter Two

Places | 32

The world is a beautiful place, but sometimes these beautiful

moments that we find for ourselves are ruined by

other people. People who are stuck in their own worlds.

People stuck in their own agony, pride, and jealousy. But

we, as a people, can become the difference for others

through a few simple ways. Galatians 6:9-10 tells us to

“not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time

we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” And, “as we

have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially

to those who belong to the family…” Whether you are

a believer or not, we are called to be good to one other.

In Luke 6:31, we are called to “do unto others as you

would have them do unto you.”

The world can be beautiful and it can be cruel. Whether or

not you let these cruelties keep you down or not all

depends on the attitude you have for the world around

you. So, look for every little moment of happiness that

you can. Be kind to others and keep your head up so you

can see the glory of this earth all around you.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,

whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if

there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

33 | Chapter Two

“I’ve learned to

look for the

little moments

of beauty in life,

even if the area

I’m in isn’t that


Places | 34

35 | Chapter Two

Places | 36

37 | Chapter Two

Places | 38

39 | Chapter Three

“death and life are in the power of the tongue,

and those who love it will eat its fruits.”Proverbs 18:21

Chapter 3: Phrases

Step Three:

Words are



and you will

find so many

good ones.

Have you ever heard a sentence, a phrase, a word that

just tickled your fancy? Slang, lingo, or idiom that

was just too good to let go? Something that made you

snicker or smile, minutes, hours, days, or weeks after

you first heard it? I honestly think those are some of

the best words in existence. Because they stick with

you, in the good way. I know I certainly have a plethora

of these words, and decided to grace this book and

honor your eyes with the things that have beheld my

ears, in just a few months.

phrases | 42

43 | Chapter Three

“Sh’yeah, dude. It looks great!”

These were the exact words my Web Design Professor

used in reaction to a student’s design in my junior year

of college. It is best used in moments of excitement or

affirmation. A suitable replacement to the term “Hell

Yeah” or “Yeah, Sure”. My friends and I have adapted

this into our vocabulary, and it is part of our regularly

scheduled programming.

“Hey you want to hit the Caffe?”


“Want to get Starbucks later?”

“Uh- sh’yeah, sh’yeah.”

“Hannah, will you ever shut up and stop saying sh’yeah?”


It is both fun to say and fun to hear. It’s versatile and adds

a little spunk and individuality to every conversation

you hold. Should be used often. Due to it sounding like

the word itself just stepped off of a SoCal beach and

agreed to come eat with friends at the local Pad Thai

place, you’ll be seen as an all-around chill guy when this

contraction is used.

9/10. Will use again.

Phrases | 44

“I’m just going to start saying gibberish. Turkey,

mouth and a mouth. Chip, trip, my dog Skip. Rip it

and Dip it, Richard. Names, things. Words, words,

and more things.”

In this five minute TEDx Talk, a man by the name of

Will Stephen breaks down the format of Ted Talks in

the most hilarious and ridiculous ways. He places random

numbers on screen. Words and images that have no

correlation, yet have a “bigger” meaning. He’s wearing

mustard yellow pants, and a navy button-up. He also

has glasses. They’re just frames. And throughout all of

the nonsensical ways within which he speaks, you gain

a feel for the flow of Ted Talks. You realize he’s right.

12/10. Very Encouraging, and good to watch before

giving a speech of presentation.

How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk | Will Stephen |

TEDxNewYork. ²

45 | Chapter Three

phrases | 46

47 | Chapter three

“I’m thinking something for breakfast.”

“Eh, I don’t know. I’m thinking just a lunch item.”

We were in our campus Starbucks. Home to the best

(and most expensive) food on campus. It’s 12:05 on the

spot and me and two other girls, Julia and Kayleigh, are

debating on what to get. I already know my drink order:

It’s a Trenta Black Iced Tea with nine pumps of sweetener.

Yes, nine. I then finally choose said lunch item. The Ham

and Swiss Panini. I order my two items. The total comes

to $10.35. I cry a little bit on the inside, but cough up

the cash anyway. It’s all for the Starbies.

Julia orders, Kayleigh orders. We wait, together, for our

things. I get my tea and my sandwich at the same time.

It’s hot so I wait, plus Kayleigh and Julia both have nothing.

I wait until their items are ready. Only, that’s when the

unthinkable happens.

My sandwich falls out of the bottom of my bag.


“My sandwich!” I say. I’m actually crying now. Well, tearing

up at least. I stare at it in distress for a second. The 12

other kids around me start laughing, but hide their humor

for my sanity. I pick it up and go to the barista. I know her.

Her name is Jess; we’re in the same major.

She laughs out loud and makes me a new one.

By the time my sandwich is remade, new and fresh,

Kayleigh finished her banana bread and Julie got her

Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Jess calls my name saying

that my sandwich is ready. She hands it to me.

It’s double bagged.

10/10. A solid phrase, a wild story.

Phrases | 48

“And then he said, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna have hella eggs on

my beans.’”

There is a species of bug in Africa that have a lifespan of 14

days and literally their only job in life is to hatch, mate, lay

eggs, and die. They are colloquially known as bean beetles.

They are obviously, food sources for other insects and

animals in the food web of life, however, they become

a nuisance to humans when they get into the beans.

Because of their short life span, when even just two beetles

get into a bag of beans, it will probably take only one

month before the whole bag is ruined with hollowed

out beans where the larvae grew.

I’m trying not to gross you out, but it is hella nasty.

And I had to actually touch them.

The experiment itself is crazy. You start with a container

full of beetles crawling all over the beans they literally

all hatched from the day before. Then, you have to use

tweezers to claim these fast-moving litter buggers (pun

intended) while not injuring or killing them because

then they won’t mate and have babies on the beans!

You also have to be able to differentiate the difference

between male and female genders on these bugs when

they are no bigger than a booger. You heard me, a booger.

That nasty green glop you pulled from your nose when

you were seven, or 57 (I have seen people do it, man).

Imagine that little booger, now image it’s alive and crawling

faster than some people can walk.

You will never see people, boogers, or bugs the same again.

They were disgusting and then it just got worse because

they started flying! And I wasn’t allowed to kill them

because of – like – test subject/animal anti-cruelty laws

or something along those guidelines. But they we’re trying

to escape the petri dishes, they we’re trying to escape

the container they were literally hatched in. Some are

playing dead, some are actually dead, and we’re having

to organize them to see which beans the females prefer

to lay their eggs on.

It turns out they really aren’t a fan of Chickpeas.

Who would’ve guessed.

But, a senior I knew once upon a time had taken the

same biology class with these beetle bean monstrosities

and he said the “hella eggs” quote that a professor in my

Lettering Arts Class likes to say on occasion.

3/10. It’s a crazy funny story but I absolutely despised

the experiment. Never want to experience it again.

49 | Chapter three

phrases | 50

51 | Chapter three

“Ooooh, yeah. That’ll give you some Heartburn.”

This is not something I ever expected to hear in a classroom,

let alone in a class about Web Design and coding.

But, what was I to expect from the dude that coined

“Sh’yeah”. So, imagine this: you’re sitting there, at your

Macintosh computer (that is literally from the early

2010's) and working away on your project. You designed

a website for some artists you like, now the real fun

begins...You code!

You set up your HTML5 boilerplate template. Your plugging

things in, making <divs>, classes=””, ids, and headings

(h1-h6). Everything looks ok, just ugly. That’s where

the CSS comes in. You have you header, your navbar,

your #ids and .Classes all plugged into place. But, when

you refresh the html page you have open in Google.

Nothing happens and it still looks like shit!

What did you do wrong? What went awry?

You call the Professor over, eyes still scanning your work.

You look for every squiggly bracket pair {}, every little

period. and octothorpe # that you’ve used. Tim, (the

professor) is looking right along with it. And there,

among the ashes of what you thought were the ruins

of your project is the word “jsutify”. You realize you

misspelled justify in every single div you have. You feel

like an idiot and don’t want to admit defeat to Tim.

But you do, and he laughs and cringes, knowing the pain

and sharing in your shame. “Yeah. That’ll give you

some heartburn.”

Me and Julia are in that class. “Just a lunch item” Julia.

We both snicker and write down what he just said to

you. I proceed to put it in this book.

I am a genius.

7/10. I also felt my classmate’s pain over their code mishap.

Never actually want this said to me.

phrases | 52

“Don’t you think it’s kinda nipply out?”

Julia and Kayleigh and I are on our way to Starbucks,

as per usual. We walk through the center of campus to

see a group of frat boys at a table in the middle of the

outdoor quad. Some are clothed. Some are shirtless.

There is a dunk tank with an incredibly dry dude sitting

atop it. They want us to pay five bucks for a few chances

to throw the ball to dunk him. I don’t know why they

think we have cash. It’s the middle of October and

therefore cold. We keep walking, but all I can think of

were the two girls I knew in high school that remind me of

Julia and Kayleigh. They used to say “it’s kinda nipply out”

whenever it was cold enough to get the girls pointy.

I repeated it without thinking as we passed these shirtless

group of Frat bros. Julia and Kayleigh start laughing

and encourage me to tell the guys.

They seem to not realize I am not actually brave enough

to say it to people I don’t know. We get our drinks and

make our way back to class. We begin to pass the boys again.

They ask us again to try to dunk a new dude sitting shirtless

and cold above the water. Kayleigh delivers the line.

They start laughing. Just then someone from the baseball

team pays five bucks and dunks the dude on the first try.

They go crazy in excitement over their now soaked bro.

Talk about nipply weather.


I don’t really use it, but it was a memorable experience.

53 | chapter three

phrases | 54

55 | Chapter Three

“Haha, Fuck You!”

Yelled my roommate Lillia to her fan as its steady flow of

air kept knocking some photos down off her wall. Once she

taped them into place, she exclaimed her shout of victory.

Apparently scotch tape can defeat any windy evil and the

fact that it was 12 o’clock at night and we were both hopped

up on sugar and caffiene totally had nothing to do with

the crazed laughter that followed such a stupid statement.

When you read this, I hope you read it with vigor and

conviction. It is the only right way. One should also emphasize

the statement with a finger gun for each hand. This is a

phrase full of power, full of success. This is what you say

when its two in the morning and the college kids that are

your dorm neighbors won’t stop moaning. When you

pound on their wall to get them to shut up and they just

shout back some lame remark, this is the be-all-end-all

of defeats. There is no comeback to this. This is what

differentiates the winners from the lame-o’s.

This is what makes us Champions.

12/10. Strength and Style all in one.

Phrases | 56

“Sh’yeah, jankify the hell out of it.”

We’re in Web Design, again. The professor just finished

going around to everyone and making sure all their

designs and coding looks good. He’s sitting with the

last student he has to do in his rounds before he takes

individualized questions. She’s designing a web page for

the Beatles. She’s trying to do something with angles,

and shapes and doesn’t know how to get it to work.

She claims every time she tries it gets janky. He says,

“What’s wrong with janky?” So, they keep working, and

eventually they get it right. He proclaims his jankification

statement. I look to Julia, we add yet another

statement to our long list of things this professor has said.

At the end of class, we show him the ever-growing list.

He laughs and shakes his head. “I don’t even remember

half the things I say,” he claims. We tell him it’s ok.

Because, at least we will.

8/10. I now want to jankify everything.

57 | chapter three

phrases | 58

Ok, so all of these are really stupid, and seemingly ridiculous

and probably makes you think I live a weird life.

I don’t. It’s a relatively normal life, I’d say. It is, however,

a very artistic one in which I have learned to be wholly

and unapologetically myself. So I say weird things, and I

dress fun and stylish, and outgoing, and I’ve learned to

love the weird little things in life. If you ever hear something

that is different, or makes you laugh even when it’s

not actually funny, those are phrases you should keep

for the future. Maybe not incorporate them into your

vocabulary, but if you do? Think about how interesting

your words now are! You will remember the happiness a

certain sentence or word can bring you if you just repeat it.

Just a lunch item? I said that in a starbucks, now anytime

me and the friend that first heard me say “Just a lunch item”

repeat it in laughter whenever we’re in a Starbucks together.

It was weird, and probably doesn’t follow proper grammar

laws, but it made us laugh and made our time together

just a little more authentic and sweet. So, go out and

meet new people, do new things, and learn to love the

things we say that make us different and authentic.

In Proverbs 16:24 it says, “Kind words are like honey–

sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Any and all

words, whether funny or serious, as long as they are said in

kindness, they are healthy for us and can help us smile more.

They are sweet like honey and dripping in golden splendor.

59 | chapter three

“…learn to

love the

things we say

that make us

different and


Proverbs is a book of the bible that is home to many

good words about how powerful our words can be.

In Proverbs 18:20, King Solomon, the author of the book

of Proverbs and King of the Israelites says, “Words satisfy

the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words

on a person’s lips bring satisfaction.”

The right words don’t always come easily to us in life,

but having a kind heart and being the most authentic

you can be, it allows for our words to come out naturally

nice. The tongue is a powerful instrument, I mean,

how often has someone or someones said something

cruel about you? How horrible did that make you feel?

“Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue

crushes the spirit” Proverbs 15:4. So, let us let our words

be dripping with honey for the soul and be healthy for

the body. Let us encourage one another, complement

one another, laugh with one another–not at the expense

of others–but simply in the presence of others. The world

is cruel enough as it is, so let us vow not to make it worse

in anger and bitterness, but to look to the world around

us to find happiness, and to let that happiness soak into

every being of ourselves and have it reflect out into the

world through our words.

Phrases | 60

61 | Chapter Four

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling,

And there is no blemish in you.” Solomon 4:7

Chapter 4: People

Step Four:

Good People

Hang with

Good People.

Make Friends

with the people

that are good

for you.

Have you ever felt a love for someone so thoroughly that it could overwhelm

you? A love so powerful that the phrase “I would die for them”, while

not true, is definitely effective in showing how you feel? Well, I don’t know

about you, but I love quickly and easily. And not just romantically either.

Friends and family, a stranger that I had a deep conversation with for like 30

minutes, I can say I love them all. I show love freely and wide spread. Being

kind is a way for me to show that to strangers, but with friends? Just being

kind ain’t gonna cut it. So, when you love someone (or someones) as much

as I do, seeing the face of one of the persons I love is guaranteed make me

smile. The people I love make me happy. Plain and simple. So here are as

many as I could convince to have a picture taken of them for you to see just

why they make me so happy!

people | 64


Lillia is my bestest of best friends and also my roommate

(time stamp: 2019-2020 school year). She is a black belt

in Kenpo Karate. She will kick your ass, but not until

threatened. She is kind and patient and is the literal glue

that holds me together. She is usually the one that finds

anything I may have left anywhere. She often finds my

keys when I misplace them. More often than not I lose

things in my room and she tells me to look at the blue

things on my bed. I find my turquoise speaker, charger,

and towel hiding in my bedspread she sighs exasperated

and tells me that if my room wasn’t color coated I would

be able to find things easier. I just smile and agree. The next

week I buy another new thing that matches everything else.

She looks at me, defeated. She truly has the patience of

an angel. Just getting to see her face makes me smile.

We’re almost like sisters now. My actual sister has already

started filling out the adoption papers. We don’t care

that that’s not how it works.

65 | chapter four


I’ve never met a person that likes to ruin the photos

I take of him more. The above photo is one of many

where he makes a face when he senses the lense is

focused on him. He is a kind kid with a servant’s heart.

A talented musician and singer and a man that has the

innate ability to piss me off. We have a habit of building

off each other till we’re both laughing and giving each

other the middle finger. It’s our new symbol of friendship

apparently. He knows I would never actually mean

it in a mean way. In fact, anyone that flicks it at me in

anger just confuses me as it is used more as a symbol

of exasperated joy. Him and I have our own form of humor,

and our typical greeting to one another is usually “nerd”.

He is one nerd I don’t plan on living without. Him and

Lillia are family now. Welcome to the Potts household.

people | 66


Natalie is another addition to the Potts Family. All

approved by my older sister. She and I are travel buddies

that go on lots of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship events

together. We’ve gone to InterVarsity’s Chapter Camp

and Urban Plunge together. We travelled around Philadelphia

for two days straight for our Fall Break together

and crashed at my sister’s place. We’ve shared a futon

together and the first time we had a deep conversation

we knew each other for a total of one day and it was the

strongest groundwork I think I’ve ever laid in such a

short amount of time. She is such a kind-hearted and

loving person who’s always willing to learn new things

and help people out if it’s within her ability. I see her

only on Thursdays and Sundays for the most part, so I

always cherish the opportunities we get to talk.

67 | Chapter Four


Faith is someone I see even less than Natalie, but she is

someone that just radiates sunshine. I haven’t spent

nearly as much time with her as I have with Nat, or Jack,

or Lillia, but she is literally sweeter than sugar. Talented

in Lacrosse and Nursing she is down to earth and loving.

Also an InterVarsity leader with me, she is always supportive

and ready for the new ideas and plans. Her and

I share similar difficulties in life and love to bond over

breakfast foods and hot chocolate. We struggle to find

balance in our lives and yet we both keep smiling, even

in our insecurities. A current roommate to Natalie, I

know that where one is, the other will eventually follow,

so I always enjoy getting to hang at her apartment to see

such awesome ladies.

people | 68


Sawyer is someone I would have never thought I would

become friends with, just because he is so smart I never

thought I would be able to keep up in a conversation

with him. The truth is, however, that Sawyer is able to

talk to everyone, whether he realizes it or not. He is a

genius and a philosophical wizard. He is also an artist,

and though he seems to hate most of the work he completes

(a third of which I own), him and I have been

able to bond over our art, our faith, and our struggles in life.

We live in two different worlds sometimes, but the

differences between us just strengthens our friendship.

Add Natalie into the mix and the three of us have an

unbreakable bond that has formed through InterVarsity

mission trips and camps. He is an honest, and hardworking

dude, and I’m grateful I get to call him a dear friend.

69 | chapter four


Robbie is one of the chillest and most accepting people

I’ve met in a long time. Able to make even more friends

than I do (which is utterly impressive seeing as how I

literally talk to too many people), his smile is always relaxed

and always genuine. He is someone that I don’t know

as well as I wish I did sometimes, but he is committed

to his faith and being a follower of Jesus, even if he

doesn’t understand the plan God laid out for him.

He brings a new perspective to InterVarsity Leadership

and is an effective hype man to the activities we do here

on campus. He is an engineering major that is talented

in music as well and is always ready to explore the newest

things in life. Always grateful when I get to see him as he

can make me smile in almost any situation. He also has

some pretty great style and a funky little man bun.

Go off my dude.

people | 70


Rebecca transferred from a Maryland community college

to York College at the start of her junior year and the first

time we met we barely exchanged names. Her face, though,

was so memorable that when she walked into my

Illustration class at the start of the Fall 2019 semester

I made her sit next to me knowing that we’d be such

great friends. She is a Fine Artist and the kindest being

in existence. She also comes to InterVarsity and is the

reason I was brave enough to write this book. So often,

as a Christian, I feel ostracized or am afraid that I’ll

be judged for being a Christian that I tend to be silent

about my faith. She showed me that the biggest thing we

can do is be confident in ourselves, in our work, and in

our actions. God’s love is ever present and ever working

through us so long as we let it. Even though she’s never

met my family, I’ve met hers and have been accepted for

who I am with open arms and lots of laughter. Glad I’ve

met her. Glad to call her my friend.

71 | Chapter four


Jacob is one of those people that’s so damn talented, yet

humble, that you can’t hate him. No matter how good he

is. He has the brightest of smiles and a gentle soul while

also being fashionable in the musician/lumberjack style

that he can always pull off. As long as I’ve known him

he’s had long crazy curly hair. He has a fascination with

weird animals that exist in other countries, for example:

the Chinese Water Deer, Laotian Rock Rat, Waguma

Cows, Dik Diks, the Quoka, etc. His love for non-native

animals extends to him comparing his persona to that

of a red panda. Though, I find that a partially incorrect

comparison seeing as how red pandas don’t have nearly

long enough fur to compare to his glorious mane. But, I

digress. In the end, Jake is a caring, humble, charismatic,

accident prone man, with a love for jazz, weird creatures,

and weirder stories that are normally about himself. He is

someone that I always enjoy getting to see around

campus, especially when he lets me yell, “Yacobe!”

despite the fact that is not how you pronounce his name.

Thanks, Jacob.

people | 72

Kayleigh & Julia

These ladies are wild. Both graphic design majors with

me and both on a track to graduate at a different time

than the rest of our class due to coming into the major

as not a freshman. Together, the three of us, like clockwork,

would go to the Starbucks on our campus at 12:00

during our studio class, and order our drinks and our snacks.

Sometimes just a lunch item. Julie is also in Web 1 with me,

so she gets to spend a lot of time hearing me talk and is

gracious enough to laugh at the things I say. Passing by

these two on the way to classes also makes me smile because

I always seem to have the weirdest of interactions

that just make the day better.

73 | chapter four

Rayne, Jena, Sydney, & Mia

These girls are my rock and my E-Board of the club

AIGA of which I am the president (time stamp: 2019-

2020 school year). Jena is in all my classes and is the

nicest person, a bomb designer, and an incredibly

organized person. Sydney reminds me of me and is my

unofficial sister here at York. A good designer, funny as

fuck, cute and kind, and chill to no end. She’s my Web

Designer and Social Media expert and keeps us relevant.

Rayne is my treasurer and is a big Bob Ross fan as well

as just a cute lil’ nugget that I want to protect till no end.

May her smile brighten your day as it can mine.

And last but not least: Mia. The shortest, spunkiest VP

I have the pleasure of knowing. She’s quick witted and

has a strong work ethic that makes her great to keep me

on track as well as getting shit done. Without all four of

these ladies, I know our AIGA student chapter wouldn’t be

as successful. Here’s to our all lady E-Board and having

women lead the way for our graphic designers and

artists here at YCP.

people | 74


My beloved sister who’s probably going to kill me for

not putting her first. ( Just kidding, I’ll only be slightly

maimed, lol.) An Art History nerd and Grad student

that works her heart out and can eat her body weight

in pizza and still not gain weight. (I hate those people.)

I don’t get to see her often, though she lives in Philly

now, instead of Utah like she used to. She is my biggest

supporter and I am so proud of everything she does

in life because she is the epitome of a Boss Ass Bitch

and is the one that taught me to stand up for my beliefs

and my rights and wants. Feminism runs through both

our bloods and she is the reason I’m writing this book

instead of building a bridge or something. She’s the one

who encouraged me to form my own path, not to listen

to my mother’s path for me. May God Bless this girl to

no end. Stay awesome, sis, and know you’re loved.

75 | chapter four

Molly (a little Floof)

This pooch right here is my pride and joy. The peanut to

my butter. The jelly to my time. The most precious of

little blind pupper floofs. My fuzz but of a dog, Molly,

has been with me since elementary school. At the age

of 12-going on 13, she is the bestest little beastie to ever

beast. A Cocker Spaniel runt that thinks she’s a Rottweiler

guard dog. Bless this hot fluffy mess till the end of all days.

I love her with all my heart, and I think it’s obvious why

she makes me so happy.

people | 76

Hannah (myself)

It’s not cheating to say that I can make myself happy.

It’s not all the time, but I’ve found the best way to find

happiness is to at least be happy with yourself. I’m a 5’

10” girl who weighs 190+ pounds (not like anyone ever

believes me when I say that), I wear a size 16 pant and a

size 9-10 shoe. I’m large, and I’ve been large since I was

born (coming out a month early at seven some pounds).

I’m also a loud child, I can’t even whisper properly.

I’m easily excitable and love to do things and love to go

places and love to meet people. All of these things combined

kept me from being a child that could hide easily

and so I had to learn to love myself, my body, and own

my personality in order to make it in this world. So, yeah,

I can make myself happy. Even if it’s getting over the fact

that sometimes I have to buy things in the “Plus Size”

section (and don’t get me started on the idiocy of having

a whole other section for the majority of the population

that’s a size 14 and up). But I eat food, and I still

live a healthy lifestyle, and I still have friends (see the

first two people in this chapter for my closest friends),

and no- I’m not always happy. Life’s rough, I know that.

I’ve had people taken away from me through cancer,

77 | chapter four

old age, health problems, and accidents. But, the rough

patches are when I choose to dig in deep and really hold

on to my values and my habits and my loved ones and

find happiness. It’s hard sometimes, to force myself out

of the hollow of self-pity or despair. But I do, because

the shitty things in life don’t mean life’s eternally going

to be shit. So, lift your head! Look at the world around you!

See and look at the world around you. For whether your

religious or not, the earth itself is a beautiful thing and

there’s plenty of things to find that can make you smile.

And I hope that someday, you can look in the mirror and

find that one of the things that makes you smile, is yourself.

You may not have as many faces as I do. But I’m the

epitome of an extrovert (more often than not) so, it’s no

surprise that I have such a widespread group of people

I can call friends and best friends. Even if it’s just one

person that makes you smile, that’s ok! Maybe you need

to challenge yourself to add a person or two to that list,

but feel no shame in that aspect! Everyone gives and

receives love differently and you may need to adapt with

each person, but all I know is that I express my love

via giving and touch and a lot of sassy comments. I am

wholly unafraid to be my weird self around each and

every single person in this chapter, and that’s something

that I’m proud of. So, I hope in your journey to find

happiness, to feel love, and to give love, that you have

a person or two who you can unabashedly be yourself

with. Unconditional love is the most freeing thing in all

of existence, and just like my God shows it to me, I try

to show it to as many people as I possibly can.

Cause it’s love that makes the world go round.

“the shitty

things in

life don’t

mean life’s


going to be


people | 78

79 | reflection

“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every

situation…I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:13


At the end of my sophomore year of college, after following

these steps, my life wasn’t perfect. This isn’t a self-help

book on how to cure depression. This book isn’t a

guaranteed way to make every day happy. Realistically,

it’s obvious that you can’t be happy every day. This book is

how I tried to find a little happiness in everyday things.

Whether it’s a tree’s shadow, a bottle cap in the ground,

a person or people walking, something someone said,

or people I get to see. On the really bad days, I sometimes

didn’t look, and on the good days, I’m already so

happy, every little thing I see can make my smile larger.

Some of the things in this book won’t make you smile,

and that’s ok. Some of the things that make you smile

aren’t in this book, and that’s ok too.

I hope, as you have read through the book, that you have

found inspiration to look for the things that make you smile,

even when life is rough. I have the honor of having lived

through a rough patch in life. The August of 2018 to the

May of 2019 was rough with a side of extra rough that I

never asked for nor would ever want. I came through that

year though with a new perspective on life in the fact that,

bad times really make the good times so much more

obvious, but I didn’t have to wait to find those good times.

There are little snippets of good things and happy moments

all around us all the time. It simply takes pulling our

heads out of our own asses and misery to see it.

I know other people have it harder than I have, but nobody’s

life is perfect, and if anyone says theirs is, they’re

lying or trying to sell you something. We all have to live

our lives, and we all get to decide whether we’re going

to let the misery overtake us, or if we’re going to look it

in the eye and say, “Fuck you for thinking you control me,”

and learn to make your life your own. This goes for my

people struggling with depression too. I know it’s a literal

illness, and I know that sometimes you just can’t get out

of your own head because chemicals aren’t being produced

right. But know you are loved and that the world

still loves you even if you can’t feel it at the moment.

refelction | 82

For all and everyone reading this book, I would like to

tell you one final and major point: this book is written

with the love I felt from the people around me. My sophomore

year of college was rough. There will be times in

my future that may be more turbulent than anything I’ve

experienced in the past. But through the writing and composing

of this book, I have learned that continuing in

these moments of finding, allows you to develop a habit

that occurs every day. I am loved by my family, by my

friends, and by the God that created me. The bible verses

throughout this book are ones I wish I would have taken

the time to read and understand when I was struggling.

Even though I’m a Christian, and even though I believe

in an unconditionally loving and forgiving God, my

whole life I have spent time running from Him. I am a

control freak, a perfectionist, and someone that so often

looks to and chases after people for affirmation and

comfort. But whether you believe in Him or not, there

is a God so powerful and complete that is just waiting to

give you, and me, love. All we have to do is ask.

The trials of life last year, and this book, have allowed

me to ask for more help, and more forgiveness from the

King of Kings that is God the Father. I have spent more

time in his word. I have spent more time praying to him.

I have spent more time talking about him to people that

83 | reflection

may not be believers and to people that may not even

know about Christianity. I have spent more time forgiving

the pain people have caused me. Most importantly, I

have tried spending more time loving people.

I love them not to get brownie points in heaven, and

I love them not to convert them. I love them, because

even in the ugly moments in my life my God has loved

me wholeheartedly, and everyone deserves to feel the

warmth from moments like that. Sometimes I fail at

being loving, after all, I’m only human. But, I am here,

being unabashedly vulnerable and unabashedly myself.

I am here to love, to laugh, to smile, and to fight through

every struggle that is thrown my way.

We are all only human, but maybe with a little love,

communication, and vulnerability, we can all be only

human, together.

reflection | 84

85 | Acknowledgements

“Be strong. Be brave.

Be fearless. You are never alone.”Joshua 1:9


87 | Acknowledgements

I would like to thank everyone that participated in this

book. The ones who allowed me to take their pictures

and talk about them. My sister for being the most inspirational

person I’ve had the opportunity to interact with

on a regular basis. To Rebecca Carter for being brave

enough to be a kind and loving spirit who is audaciously

herself, and for loving me despite my flaws. To my roommate

Lillia McGhee who is the most creative and lovable

person in existence. Thank you for letting me rant and

complain to you at all times. Thank you for caring for me

and wanting to know about me on every level. Thank you

for living with me too, I know I’m not the cleanest person

in the world. To my parents who I didn’t mention in this

book at all, but for being supportive of every aspect of

my life and for being there, even in the consequences of

my poor choices. You guys aren’t perfect, but who is?

Finally, thank you to my InterVarsity family, for encouraging

me to be brazenly sincere in my faith and supporting

me as a wrote this book and to be vulnerable in it.

Thank you to my Publication Design class, Fall 2019,

here at York College for always pushing me to do my

hardest. To Professor Troy Patterson for assigning this

project. I still think you’re crazy for making us write

and design a book in three months, but without this

opportunity, I don’t know if I would have been able to

discover as many wonderful things as I did.

Thank You.

acknowledgements | 88

Works Cited

Bible Verses: BibleGateway https://www.biblegateway.com/ (accessed Nov 21, 2019).

1: Shafer, E. K. M. D. P. O. Absence Seizures https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/types-seizures/

absence-seizures (accessed Nov 21, 2019).

2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S0FDjFBj8o (accessed Nov 21, 2019).

1: The sun is always there even if

you can’t see it. 2: You’re allowed to

ask for help when life gets rough.

Whether it’s from a friend or from a

god. 3: Sometimes, you got to be the

one to love yourself and make your

world a happier place. Because it’s

no one’s job to do that for you.

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