How Does an Invisalign Work

For the past few years, Invisalign has literally been the talk of the town. The conversation around the clear aligner solution has been both positive and negative

For the past few years, Invisalign has literally been the talk of the town. The conversation around the clear aligner solution has been both positive and negative


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How Does an Invisalign Work?

For the past few years, Invisalign has literally been the talk of the town. The conversation around

the clear aligner solution has been both positive and negative.

In most cases, people simply do not understand what an Invisalign is or how it works. Hence,

they are quick to argue about its functionality and effectiveness. Some people simply cannot

believe how a simple clear aligner could be so effective at straightening teeth. It is true that the

results are quite jaw-dropping. (Get it…?)

Members of the public who have already starting using an Invisalign are quick to shock confused

onlookers. Everybody who has used an Invisalign knows it is a revolutionary tool in the dentistry

world. It is a comprehensive, stress-free solution for improving your smile.

The Invisalign Gold Coast is the most popular clear aligner currently available. It is an invisible

orthodontic treatment that uses a series of custom-made removable aligners to alter the position

of your teeth. Users describe it as cheap, easy and bloody awesome.

Braces are a way of the past

Prior to Invisalign, most people believed that braces were the only way to obtain a straight smile.

Oh, how wrong they were.

Braces are expensive, painful and unattractive. (Sorry to all brace-wearers out there!)

Truthfully, they were only ever popular because there was no alternative solution. Most people

hated the discomfort they brought about, but had no other way to get a beautiful smile.

Is there much point achieving a stunning smiles if you have to suffer through years of extra-ugly

teeth to get there? Some brace-wearers become so used to closing and hiding their mouth that

they actually forget how to do a teethy grin once their jaw is finally improved.

When Invisalign made an appearance on the market, everything dramatically changed. These

clear aligners do not muck around when it comes to simplifying and improving the process of

straightening teeth. They are a respected innovation in the orthodontic world.

Why is Invisalign so popular?

Invisalign is proudly known for one particular thing: straightening teeth.

The clear aligners have not risen to popularity out of luck. People are specifically choosing

Invisalign because it strongly rivals all competitor products. Most notably, Invisalign is a

discrete and subtle way to alter your smile. It can be worn all-day and go entirely unnoticed. You

will only need to remove the aligner when you eat or drink anything other than water.

Invisalign is:

Very cheap in comparison to braces or surgical teeth-straightening procedures.

Entirely invisible and non-intrusive to appearance.

Easy to use.


Relatively pain-free.

Appropriate for both adults and adolescents.

An Invisalign can be obtained from a number of Gold Coast dentists from only $2,990. At Smile

Fit, we also price beat any cheaper clear aligners by 10%. It is our objective to give you a clear

aligner for the cheapest price possible.

How does an Invisalign straighten your teeth?

Enough talk about why Invisalign is so great… How about some insight into how the product

actually works?

As mentioned earlier, Invisalign is a series of custom-made clear aligners that gradually

straighten your teeth. It works by shifting the position of your teeth over a period of time. Once

your teeth have corrected to the position of the aligner, you will replace that aligner with the next

in the series.

For best results, you should wear your Invisalign for 22 hours each day and move onto the next

aligner in your series every two weeks.

Surprisingly, the process for getting your Invisalign is quick and easy.

1. Firstly, you will have an initial consultation with a qualified orthodontist or dentist who

specialises in Invisalign. They will take a look at your teeth and analyse whether you are

an appropriate candidate for Invisalign treatment.

2. A digital scanner will capture a 3D image of your jaw and teeth. The Gold Coast

orthodontist or dentist will use this image to develop your custom-made aligners.

3. The aligners are created in a laboratory before getting delivered back to your practitioner.

4. As you wear the series of aligners, your teeth will slowly be shifted into their ideal

positions. You will wear each aligner for two weeks (22 hours each day) before moving

onto the next aligner.

Before you know it, you will have a straight smile without any pain or worry.

There are a number of qualified Gold Coast dentists who can assist you to get an Invisalign.

Smile Fit has six local dentists in the Gold Coast area that can provide a free smile scan to show

you what your smile could potentially look like with Invisalign.

If you want to get started on the journey to a better smile, you can get in contact with one of our

best dentists in the Gold Coast. Be sure to mention that you want an Invisalign, and they will sort

you out from there.

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