The Source March 2020




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A Woman’s Journey

I am sure this is a subject that has been

explored in so many ways - yet, even

with the awareness of it all, there is no

real resolution to gender equality. The

stereotype was set long ago, a woman’s

place is in the house, with a baby in her

hip and her hands full cooking and being

the perfect homemaker. The place

and value of a woman today should not

be taken for granted. In scripture we see

that when God formed Eve, from one of

Adam’s ribs, He sanctioned Eve (woman)

to be a helper. Adam declared in

Genesis 2:23 “This is now bone of my

bones; And flesh of my flesh; She shall

be called Woman; Because she was taken

out of man.” Today, the concept of

woman being a helper is still a stigma

that threatens the growth and success

of women in societies. A woman must

work twice as hard as a man to gain recognition

in almost every avenue of life.

The question that needs to be asked is,

how do we change the perceptions of

society towards women holding higher

positions than men, or to women being

providers in a home, or to women doing

jobs that are categorized as men’s

jobs? For example, in the Super Bowl

LIV (2020), Americans had the very

first ever woman coach and take a team

to the Super Bowl. American football is

considered a male sport (if we will add

gender to it), therefore, it is only logical

that a man coaches a team not so?

Today we have women, who are pilots,

contractors, electricians, CEOs, Vice

Presidents. Basically, any job that a man

can do, a woman can do to. Women have

crossed the gender barrier to prove that

they are capable and do even better than

male counterparts in most cases. Still,

there is still a long road that women

must cover to get to that point where it is

not totally frowned upon or challenged

for a woman to succeed. The role of a

woman naturally, is being a nurturer, a

caregiver, a strong hold to whom one can

run to for support. Yet you will hear that

women are weak, emotional, not steadfast.

The bible even states in 1 Peter 3:7

– a call of action to husbands, Likewise,

ye husbands, dwell with them according

to knowledge, giving honor unto the

wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as

being heirs together of the grace of life;

that your prayers be not hindered. This

scripture does not imply that women are

weaker vessels.

Patricia Odani

Patricia Odani, (SA, CompTIA Security, CyberArk Trusted

Advisor) is a Cyber Security Analyst for a Fortune 50 company.

She has diversified skills in management, leadership, and

Agile delivery methods. She is currently pursuing a Masters

in Cybersecurity as well as serving on various cybersecurity

committees on her company’s campus. She gives back to her

community by mentoring young technologists entering the

workforce and by writing insightful pieces on cybersecurity

best practices for public edification.

This scripture does not talk about male

hierarchy in marriage. It is rather calling

for mutual respect and partnership

in a marriage. In the passage, “Weaker

Vessel” does not refer to an intellectual

or emotional weakness, but to the woman’s

weakened position as it was in the

early Jewish and Roman cultures. This

scripture has been diluted so much that

it is used to justify that a woman is not

and cannot succeed unless under a man’s

authority or name. This is not so. Most

women finally find success in the later

years of their lives. This case is mostly

so for women of color. The opportunities

accorded to women of color are not as

forthcoming as they are to other races.

As a result, women must work twice as

hard, and twice as long to see the fruits of

their works, even though they are more

than qualified. When woman was formed

from man, and given to man, man gained

a helper. A suitable helper. Both male and

female were to compliment each other to

succeed in everything as a team. There

is an adage that says, “Behind every

successful man there is a woman.” Who

is behind the success of a woman? Is it

not supposed to be man? In as much as a

woman will support a man achieve more,

men are also supposed to support women

to achieve more that the norm expected.

It is no longer a requirement today

to have a woman’s place in the kitchen,

baby on hip in front of a stove cooking

away or hanging up the laundry or cleaning

the house. It is time for women to rise

and take their rightful place as mutual

partners in creating a better society for

our descendants. It is time to encourage

the girl child to try and be that astronaut,

or boxer, or aero-mechanic. It is time

to encourage women to dream and step

into the requirements of their dream to

achieve them.

We need to be the biggest cheerleaders

they will have. It does not matter your

race, gender or religious affiliations,

when one succeeds, we all succeed.

Women, the walk is long, but we are getting

there. Step by step, we are getting

there. When we get there, we should remember

that we have not yet arrived, because

there are others following our path

that will need our help along the way.

“Anything a man can do; a woman can

do better!”


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