The Source - 2020 Lockdown

We are GRATEFUL to all the ones that worked hard under the given circumstances, and as such allowed us to succeed in the production of April 2020 edition. As a team we present proudly: The Source Team

We are GRATEFUL to all the ones that worked hard under the given circumstances, and as such allowed us to succeed in the production of April 2020 edition. As a team we present proudly: The Source Team


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COVER story






03 Column

26 Colofon

26 Did you know


05 The truth is worth it

18 Seasons of Crisis

19 The Future

20 Economic


12 Cover Page - Power of seasons

14 Research - The changing world order


07 The power of blurred focus

08 Legal - Contract-Obligations in times of crisis

16 Assurance & Advisory - How to minimize the impact

of Covid-19 on your business

CULTURE / social activities

04 Devotional

10 In the beginning - The Earth

11 Earth day

21 The quiet emptiness of a world

Corporate branding

06 Advertisement

26 Advertisement

27 Advertisement





This is the most important and crucial period in your lives for what you do now

and what you decide now in this season may well determine which way your life

shall go. And the question is, whether you have a proper, a solid, and a sound

plan. And I want to suggest some of the things that should be in your life’s future

plan. Number one in your life’s plan should be a deep belief in your own dignity,

your own worth, and your own somebodiness. Don’t allow anybody to make you

feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have

worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance. Secondly, in your

future life plan, you should have as a basic principle the determination to achieve

excellence. Once you discover what it will be, set out to do it and to do it well.

Be a bush if you cannot be a tree. If you cannot be a highway, just be a trail. If

you cannot be the sun, be a star, for it is not by size that you win or fail. Be the

best of whatever you are. Finally, in your life’s future plan, must be a commitment

to the eternal principals of beauty, love, and justice. While life for none of

us has been a crystal stair, we still must keep moving, we must keep going. If

you cannot fly, run. If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl, but by

all means, keep moving. Do not allow people to fool you, because the truth is

that our struggles in this world are similar. And the lessons to overcome those

struggles, and to move on forward by changing the world around us will apply

equally to all. Simple things. Every morning make-up your bed in perfection. If

you just make-up your bed every morning you will have accomplished your first

task of the day. And it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and

another. And at the end of the day that one task completed will be turning into

many tasks completed. Making your bed will also emphasize that the little things

in life matters. If you cannot do the little things right, you will never be able to

do the big things right. And if by chance you will have a miserable day, you will

come home to a bed that is made. That you made. And a made bed will give you

encouragement that tomorrow will be better. So, if you want to change the world

start off by making your bed. The truth in life is that we need to understand that

life is not about fairness, and that we are not entitled to anything. You must open

your eyes of understanding and see that as long as you keep blaming external

circumstances you are actually giving your personal power away. The key in life

is not in what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you. Plan to

build your future on solid ground.




1 Kings 19:2-3 NIV

[2] So Jezebel sent a messenger to

Elijah to say, “May the gods deal

with me, be it ever so severely, if by

this time tomorrow I do not make

your life like that of one of them.”

[3] Elijah was afraid and ran for his

life. When he came to Beersheba in

Judah, he left his servant there.

This was a major Prophet of God,

who had just called fire from above

and it came. Who challenged 450

Prophets and ended killing them all.

He got word through a messenger

of a woman, he was afraid and ran

away. It was not that Elijah did not

have the capacity to call more fire,

he had as can be seen here:

2 Kings 1:9-12 NIV

[9] Then he sent to Elijah a captain

with his company of fifty men.

The captain went up to Elijah, who

was sitting on the top of a hill, and

said to him, “Man of God, the king

says, ‘Come down!’” [10] Elijah answered

the captain, “If I am a man

of God, may fire come down from

heaven and consume you and your

fifty men!” Then fire fell from heaven

and consumed the captain and

his men. [11] At this the king sent to

Elijah another captain with his fifty

men. The captain said to him, “Man

of God, this is what the king says,

‘Come down at once!’” [12] “If I am

a man of God,” Elijah replied, “may

fire come down from heaven and



consume you and your fifty men!”

Then the fire of God fell from heaven

and consumed him and his fifty men.

Twice he called fire and it consumed

100 men of war. Why did he not call

on fire to consume the wicked woman

called Jezebel? Scripture tells us

that he was afraid and ran away. No

where in scripture are we told this

was a woman with spiritual powers.

Even if she had, surely her powers

could not have been more than of the

Almighty God upon Elijah.

Another remarkable story in scripture

is of the young child Jesus escape to

Egypt. Matthew 2:13 NIV When

they had gone, an angel of the Lord

appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get

up,” he said, “take the child and his

mother and escape to Egypt. Stay

there until I tell you, for Herod is

going to search for the child to kill


Joseph did not waste time to pray and

enquire from God if the dream was

from him. He obviously knew that

the young child was not his but from

God. If this was indeed a young child

from God, why ran away from a mortal

man, who is not an eternal being?

Scripture tells us of young child


Edwin C. Polela

When three prophets told him that God wanted to speak

to him, he refused to heed the word for months until

he was given a word about the calling on his life. He

could not imagine how he could stand before people as

a man of God because of his past. But instead of successfully

winning the struggle with God, a day spent

on a mountain in prayer made him descend a changed

person. This marked the beginning of his relationship

with God. A walk that has taught him deep and fearful

things where he realized that there is a big difference

between walking with God and relating with God. He moved from hearing of and about

God, to hearing God. With life’s experiences of hardship, joy, sorrow, lack etc., these

lessons caused him to move forward in his relationship and walk with God. God’s hand

has been on his life, teaching, directing, counselling and sustaining him. He has learned

to listen to and hear God in different situations.


Isaiah 9:6 NIV

[6] For to us a child is born, to us a

son is given, and the government will

be on his shoulders. And he will be

called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty

God, Everlasting Father, Prince of


Mighty God, the son given by God,

Joseph had to run away with the

Mighty God, from Herod a mere

man. There is something in the word

of God that must be on every believer’s

heart. Obedience.

1 Samuel 15:22 NIV

[22] But Samuel replied: “Does the

Lord delight in burnt offerings and

sacrifices as much as in obeying the

Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice,

and to heed is better than the fat of


Proverbs 21:3 NIV

[3] To do what is right and just is

more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

We are required to do the right thing.

Has God told us to pray and believe

Corona will not touch us? Some battles

are not meant to be fought. Some

situations do not call for prayer but

right action. Elijah ran away, Joseph

escaped to Egypt. Are we to kneel and

just pray? We are advised by medical

personnel the right thing to do.

Why do we assume everyone of the

medical personnel are none believers

in God? Suppose the advises we are

getting is the word from God through

his servants among the doctors?

We must do the right thing. We must

use wisdom. We must not test God.



Western fingers are still pointing towards

China as the country to blame

for the Coronavirus outbreak. The

Chinese tight rules were used to control

the medical information rather

than to stop the epidemic, says the

Western voice. Meanwhile, in the

United States of America nurses are

getting fired for bringing their own

face mask to work. Doctors suspended

out of hospitals for wearing

a better quality mask in the hallways.

How much different, or better, is the

western world reacting and dealing

with this kind of war. A war in which

the enemy is an unexpected invisible

one. Too small for the eye to register,

but too big to be denied. I believe

that the first thing we need to do is to

understand who we are dealing with.

It’s not about a country being under

attack. As it was never meant to be

solely about one nation being at war.

In a sense it’s not even the whole

world that has to stand still, it’s rather

on a personal level that each one

of us, as humans, has to refrain, and

do a check and balance within our


Doctors, nurses, technicians,

cleaners, police officers, informal

care, and so on, responding to the

Covid-19 pandemic are the superheroes

of our age. Like real firefighters

they are putting themselves at risk to

save the live of others. Around the

world these brave warriors have paid

the highest price by battling in our

behalf in the frontlines. There are

many deaths under these superheroes

of our age. Reality is different

then the Hollywood fame. In reality

we sent our superheroes too often

into battle without adequate personal

protective equipment. The scandal

is that when these heroes wants to

bring their own right personal protection

equipment they get punished,

suspended or fired. Can you believe

that? Hospitals discouraging staffers

from bringing their own protective

gear, for fear of scaring patients or

leaving employees feeling unprotected

is sad, because it’s the hospitals

that cannot secure their



employees by supplying protective


In other words, we need these medical

specialists and nurses that are battling

in the frontlines instead of punishing

them for trying to protect themselves

in an adequate way. There are even

doctors and nurses that are literally

saying that they are not expecting the

hospitals to provide these in this time

of shortage, but at least they need to

be able to wear the right protective

equipment when they themselves buy

it on their own.

Such an outbreak has not been seen

before in the lives of most doctors

and nurses, and it’s beyond any kind

of protocol of hospitals, or even

governments, to treat professionals

who are putting their lives (and their

family lives) literally at risk, partly

because of insufficient proper equipment,

in such a disgraced way. The

dangerous part is not only because of

shortages of personal protected

equipment but also because of uncertainty

about how much protection

is optimal. No one knows how long

this outbreak will continue, and how

much death and injuries it will cost.

Can you imagine fighting while losing

sight of the size of the battlefield.

Seeing fellow caregivers getting sick,

even dying, while lots of patients

won’t make it at the end of the day. It

has to be a very stressed out situation

to deal with on a daily basis.

It’s sad to see the richest countries

of the world failing in such a terrible

way, especially when they - Europe,

UK and US - had two months’ lead

time on the Asian countries. This

pandemic shows much more than

only what is seen at the surface. It

shows also that disciplined nations

can recover and overcome much

quicker and with less victims than

undisciplined countries.


Nothing to do with democracy

against autocracy, or capitalism

against communism, or any kind of

other opposite, but rather to do with

liberalism of democracy. Democracy

is stretched out far beyond justified

control. We are living in the age

of “Nobody can say something to

anyone.” An age wherein not even

the United Nations human rights are

enough to give the freedom that humans

do like to have today. No, I am

not against liberty. That would have

been to easy to say, isn’t it? But at

the other hand, I don’t believe that

we can control up to 10 billion people

in a limited space as earth without

rules. Therefore, as a lawyer I do

love law, discipline, and order. But it

isn’t about me.

The doctors, nurses, cleaning staff

members, technicians, police officers,

informal care, and so on, responding

to the Covid-19 pandemic

deserve our full gratitude but instead

we are kind of betraying them.

They have our back, but do we have

theirs? I believe we failed these brave

warriors because of our collective

pride, arrogance, and indisciplined

characters of this technology age.

Living far from our nature.

Being created to love our Creator and

another, instead of living a selfish life

based on quantity of material.

It’s never too late, as long as we can

see and turn away from our historical

misbehaving back towards our nature!

That’s the way to show our true

love to the “BRAVE WARRIORS.”

Gerrit J. Scheper

Advocate Gerrit J. Scheper thought his career was set

after graduating from the University of Amsterdam,

The Netherlands, and being senior partner and co-owner

in a well-known international law firm. But after

what Gerrit calls a “clear call to full time ministry,”

he changed course and went to the ‘Prophetic school’

in Pretoria, South Africa, completing several master’s

classes in theology. Gerrit is taught in the worldly laws

as well as in the spiritual laws, and as such experienced

in the earthly courtrooms as well as in the Courts of


As pastor and teacher of the Word, Gerrit empowers people with the Lord’s vintage truth

through writing and speaking, and weekly radio and television programs. Gerrit is a frequent

speaker at churches and seminars across borders. And he and his spouse are together

the founders and pillars of the monthly informative magazine ‘The Source’.


STRategic management


It is 8.25 hrs in the morning. I am

preparing our daily update meeting

related to the Corona virus. Our daily

update meetings start 8.30 hrs,

so I have only 5 minutes to put the

agenda in place. “What is crucial

to talk about today?”, I ask myself.

Usually it is not my preference to

prepare for a meeting so shorthanded,

but in these moments of crisis, it

helps me to really focus to only put

the points on the agenda that are absolutely

necessary and leave the rest

out. Looking at the white board, I

start writing the points that I want to

discuss. In this time of uncertainty,

even the short term future is blur (I

literally have no idea how the world

will look like next week!), but yet it

forces me to focus on the things that

matter right now, at this very


8.30 hrs. employees are coming in

and I open the meeting and welcome

everybody. I can feel that everybody

is a little nervous. Some are physically

present in the meeting room,

some are calling in from home. Everybody

is silent, as no ones knows

what is going to happen and where

this meeting will lead to. I take a

deep breath, look into the room and

start talking…

Long term Vision and Mission

become short term focus

I start with the pressing operational

matters. These are the operational

matters that form the core of who

we are and what we do as an organization,

making our long term vision

and mission become an immediate

and unmistaken short term focus.

And even though these matters are

pressing, they are matters that we are

used to deal with on a daily basis.

This provides a much needed sense

of familiarity amongst our employees

in these times of uncertainty: After

all, we know the procedures, we

have the networks in place and are

experts in our field. The only difference

is now that we are doing these

things under unprecedented pressure

and with a lot more unknown variables.

Calmly, I try to give (and get)

an update of these pressing matters to

make sure we are all on the same page:

- How are our patients doing?

- What is the status of our patients

that are outside Aruba because of

medical referral?

- Can I help with something?

- Where and how can we help?

- Is it clear for everybody what

needs to be done?

Each attendant of the meeting provides

an update about their area of

expertise and responsibility. As we

go around the room (and those calling

in), I make a conscious effort to

recap the updates from everybody as

much as possible, to make sure there

are no misunderstandings on where

we stand, what needs to be done and

who will be doing what. It is paramount

that everybody has a certain

level of comfort and purpose coming

out of this meeting. In order to do this,

I am trying to chair the meeting by

providing structure and decisiveness,

yet with enough flexibility and even

some light humor to keep the atmosphere

serious, but somehow upbeat.

Lastly, I close the meeting with words

of togetherness and unity. Although

seemingly cheesy, these words

came spontaneous and were wholeheartedly

meant. It is true that these

times of crises can also bring out the

best in people: I see some employees

really stepping up, rising to the

occasion, while others come out unexpectedly

with creative ideas and

a level of understanding that these

times can only be overcome together.

Everybody is chipping in. One

thing is rising above all else: the

passion we have to help our patients

wherever we can! And I see tremendous

commitment to help our patients,

together with their families,

parents, children and loved ones.

All the items that seem important a

week ago, all the points for improvement,

all the projects and things to

do, suddenly are no more. I look at

the clock, it is 9.39 hrs. Quite a long

meeting, but absolutely necessary

and I am glad we did it. It is interesting

to see that in time of absolute

chaos and uncertainty, certain things

become abundantly clear: never I experienced

so much blur in my vision

and so much clarity at the same time.

I thank everybody present and wish

them a safe and productive day. “Until

the next meeting tomorrow”, I say,

as this approach has now swiftly become

a key part in our daily routine.

Overall, my suggestion would be to

go back to the roots at this time of crises

and figure out how your vision and

mission can contribute to make things

better. Try to change this blurred vision

of what tomorrow will bring,

into a focused list of actions what can

be done right now. It can be anything

ranging from something very significant

till the smallest gesture that we

are all in this together and only together

we can – and will – overcome.

Ruben Goedhoop

Ruben is currently the CEO of the National

Health Insurance company of

Aruba (AZV). Previously he was the

leader of the advisory practice of PwC

Dutch Caribbean and has spent the last

twenty years consulting numerous profit

and nonprofit organizations throughout

the Caribbean. Ruben is also a part-time

lecturer in Strategic Management at the

University of Aruba and is author of the

book: “Challenging Leadership”.



The COVID-19 or corona pandemic

is presenting a lot of challenges

from a public health and medical

perspective, and because of the extraordinary

restrictions placed on

freedom of movement of people

on a nearly global scale, it is also

wreaking havoc on supply chains

and revenue streams everywhere,

leading to a devastating and worldwide

economic downturn. The crisis

also poses a lot of interesting legal

questions, for example at the constitutional

and societal level (how far

can a government go in restricting

basic human rights such as freedom

of movement and assembly and privacy

protections and on what authority),

but also on an individual

or commercial level (for example in

labor relations and lease contracts).

This article will briefly explore

another legal aspect of this crisis,

namely the principle of force majeure.

When a party to a contract cannot

or not in time perform or comply

with his contractual obligations as a

result of the measures taken to limit

the spreading of the coronavirus or

because of the economic and other

consequences of the coronacrisis.

“Even though


debtor can still be

hold responsible

or liable”




For instance, if the negative consequences

of the unforeseen circumstances

can be insured against (on

commercially reasonable terms);

if the debtor has failed to take out

such insurance, then the realization

of the insured event, however unforeseen

or unforeseeable it may be, can

in principle not be invoked to escape

responsibility or liability for the negative

consequences of the event. An

example would be a hurricane, which

one can generally insure against.

If the contract contains a force majeure

clause, then it divides the risk

of the unforeseeable circumstance

between the parties by agreement.

Such clauses have to be interpreted

and applied according to the normal

rules of contract construction, which

is foremost the grammatical meaning

of the text of the clause, but also

takes into account the reasonable expectations

of the parties of what they

understand the clause to mean and

what they can reasonably expect of

each other in those circumstances.

A force majeure clause can also be

contained in the general terms and

conditions (GT&C) that are used by

one of the contracting parties. In that

case, the question is if those GT&C

are applicable in the first place. This

generally requires that the party that is

making use of the GT&C has to have

made a copy of the GT&C available

to the other party; a mere reference

to the GT&C in the purchase order

or invoice is not sufficient. Secondly,

one has to distinguish between contracts

with consumers (B2C) and contracts

with other businesses (B2B).

The law adds another layer to this

definition, namely that the reason

for not fulfilling the contract cannot

come for the account of the debtor,

either by law, by contract or based

on the generally accepted practices

(verkeersopvatting). So even though

a circumstance may be unforeseeable,

it may still be that the debtor

can be held responsible or liable for

the breach of contract that results

from the unforeseen circumstance.


In B2C relationships, some clauses

are deemed unreasonably onerous

or are presumed to be unreasonably

onerous. These are generally clauses

in the GT&C that shift the risk under

the contract too much away from the

GT&C-user’s side or which place too

high of a burden on invoking a remedy

under the contract. While force

majeure clauses per se are not listed as

unreasonably onerous, it is deemed

unreasonably onerous for example

to make it impossible for the consumer

to demand performance or to

terminate the contract, or to stipulate

that the determination of whether

the user of the GT&C is in breach

of his obligations is left only to him.

When a consumer is confronted with

a breach of contract by a business

that uses GT&C, he should determine

first whether the GT&C are

applicable in the first place and if so,

ascertain whether the clause(s) that

the business is relying on are not

deemed or presumed unreasonably

onerous as stipulated in the law regulating

the use of GT&C’s.

In B2B relationships the same rules

regarding applicability of GT&C’s

should be applied (did the other

party actually receive a copy of the

GT&C from the user?). But the protections

afforded to consumers with

regard to the content of the GT&C

are not applicable to B2B relationships,

because the parties are considered

to be more equal to each other

in those cases and requiring less

protection against onerous clauses in

the GT&C.

Brown Lawyers

The question is if the

corona pandemic qualifies

as an unforeseeable

circumstance and if so,

for whose risk the consequences

should come.

On the first question the consensus

is that this is indeed an unforeseen

event from a legal perspective (epidemiologists

may want to differ). For

one thing, insurance policies tend to

exclude damages due to pandemics.

The questions of risk allocation are

answered by the contract itself if it

contains a force majeure clause, and

if not, then the generally accepted

practices or customs will have

to provide an answer. In an unequal

relationship (consumer to business,

employee to employer) the answer

may be that the stronger of the two

may have to carry a greater part of the

burden, depending always on the specific

facts and circumstances of each


Brown Lawyers

Brown Lawyers is a top-tier Aruban law firm, having accumulated

35 years of experience and knowledge in Aruban,

regional and international legal affairs. We provide the legal

services which are most important for today’s businesses and

individuals in need of counseling. We provide our local and

international clients with a full range of expert legal services,

such as advice and counsel on all legal and regulatory matters,

advocacy, representation in litigation and collection of

claims. We endeavor to find the most effective solution for

our client’s needs and to accomplish the desired goals and

results in an efficient but thorough and well thought out manner,

while ensuring that the chances of success are constantly

evaluated and optimized.



In The Beginning - The Earth

The word earth is not originally from

English language, but German. Simply

means ground. Interesting thing

is that earth is the only planet that is

not named after any god. About 70%

of the earth is water and the rest is

dry land. The water that forms the

earth is 97% salt and 3% fresh. Of

this 3% only 1% is flowing in lakes

and rivers, the other 2% is frozen

ice. Thus, life of man survives on

1% of the fresh water available.

Since the word earth is not originally

English or Aramaic, one wonders

what word was used in the beginning.

When scripture says; in the

beginning God created the heavens

and the earth. Was it what we see

that was created in the beginning?

To me, that which was later named

earth was water and dry ground.

This blue globe we see from space

was in the beginning without shape,

both water and dry round together.

You may say, “How possible?” Well,

was the light not together with the

darkness? Scripture says God separated

the light from the darkness.

If darkness and light can be together

then water and dry ground can be


The “earth” is the foundation of all

we see. Once it was formed after

being created, everything else came

after. Whatever we do, our survival

is connected to Mother Earth. The

Greek word equivalent is Gaia -

terra mater. When God formed the

earth, he placed in it all things that

man will need to survive.

First thing was water and land.

Genesis 1:9 NIV

[9] And God said, “Let the water under

the sky be gathered to one place,

and let dry ground appear.” And it

was so.

The two are connected to man. Man

needs both water and land for his

survival. What he eats comes from

both realms. All that he eats survives

on water and land. When dry ground

was exposed, God spoke vegetation

on the land. Later he spoke living

things in the water and sky. Then living

things on land. Man was last. He

was told to dominate all.

It was not to be. For among the creation

of God was one creation that

was smart. The serpent. The serpent

deceived the woman and man did

what he was forbidden to do. In the

end God said, cursed is the ground.

Now man must sweat to eat from it.

This means that man needs to work

the earth to survive. He needs to ensure

the earth is well for him to eat of

it. This has been the failure of man.

To look after the earth.

Man has been careless with the earth

as he has been with himself yet his

very survival depends on this same

earth - water and land. You may have

the most expensive car, or live in the

most expensive house, but if you do

not own any land, you must work

to. Man was created to own, posses,

dominate land. The same way you

own your body, you must work to

own a piece of land. Owning land and

working it, began with Adam. It was

what was also told to Abraham.

In you working the land, there is one

of the great lessons you learn:

No land can be fruitful without it being

worked. If you want to grow your

food, you must first work your land.

Clear it of what is not needed. Look

at what the Lord said in:

By Edwin C. Polela

Matthew 13:3-8 NIV

[3] Then he told them many things

in parables, saying: “A farmer went

out to sow his seed. [4] As he was

scattering the seed, some fell along

the path, and the birds came and ate

it up. [5] Some fell on rocky places,

where it did not have much soil. It

sprang up quickly, because the soil

was shallow. [6] But when the sun

came up, the plants were scorched,

and they withered because they had

no root. [7] Other seed fell among

thorns, which grew up and choked

the plants. [8] Still other seed fell on

good soil, where it produced a crop--

-a hundred, sixty or thirty times what

was sown.

On this virgin land, we are told it had,

a path, rocks, thorn bushes as well

some areas that were free of these

three things.

For that farmer to be fully productive

or fruitful, he needed to clear his land

of the path, rocks and bushes.

So it is with our lives, for the word to

settle and make us fruitful, we need

to move away from our wrong path,

remove whatever rocks are in our

lives (heavy things we are carrying in

our hearts) and the thorns that hurt us.

We must prepare ourselves fully for

the word.

The earth teaches us such. If the earth

is not worked, it can not give us food,

if we do not work ourselves we shall

not get food. The same way we must

take care of ourselves, we must take

care of our earth. Let it pass away in

God’s appointed time and not by our




Every year, April 22 marks the anniversary

of the birth of the modern

environmental movement in 1970.

This year, we celebrate 50 years of

Earth Day. What is Earth Day? This

is a very befitting question for our

generation today. Earth day is about

appreciating the uniqueness of our

planet Earth with its incredible and

dynamic diversity. The purpose of

this day is to increase awareness on

protecting planet earth by encouraging

people to ‘go green’. That is

to buy green products and focus on

the Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (the

“3 R’s”) in fighting against global

warming. In 1970, on April 22nd, a

public awareness was given about

the state of our planet’s environment

and raise awareness to pollution.

Earth Day is usually observed

worldwide with conferences, outdoor

activities, rallies and service

projects. When Earth Day started,

there was public support for the creation

of the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) and contributed

to the passage of the Clean Air Act,

the Water Quality Improvement Act,

the Endangered Species Act and

several others environmental laws.

Earth Day was proposed by the late

Senator Gaylord Nelson Wisconsin

who died in 2005. After seeing the

damage caused by a 1969 oil spill

in Santa Barbara, California, Nelson

was inspired to organize a national

‘teach-in’ focusing on public education

about the environment. The

oil spill brought a lot of protests and

fury at protecting the environment

better. Groups that had previously

been fighting pollution, loss of


wilderness and wildlife extinction

(to mention just a few), used this as

a platform to gather together in one

accord to defend the earth. In the decades

before Earth Day, there was

a lot of pollution through massive

and inefficient automobiles. Industries

belched out smoke and sludge

with no fear of the consequences that

would be faces from the law or the

press. Air pollution was deemed a

‘smell of prosperity’. Earth Day 1970

came to provide a voice to the emerging

environmental consciousness and

aided the movement to put environmental

concerns first.

The History of Earth Day. Earth Day

has gained a lot of significance. With

the growing food shortages, rocketing

fuel prices, increased global

warming and changing weather patterns,

people have taken keen interest

in learning how they can do their part

in caring for the environment and


Patricia Odani

Patricia Odani, (SA, CompTIA Security, CyberArk Trusted

Advisor) is a Cyber Security Analyst for a Fortune 50 company.

She has diversified skills in management, leadership, and

Agile delivery methods. She is currently pursuing a Masters

in Cybersecurity as well as serving on various cybersecurity

committees on her company’s campus. She gives back to her

community by mentoring young technologists entering the

workforce and by writing insightful pieces on cybersecurity

best practices for public edification.

Both adults and children have learned

strategic ways of adopting lifestyles

that ensure cleaner environments are

maintained. Earth day is important

because it reminds people to think

about humanity’s values, the threats

that the planet is constantly under due

to the mismanagement of waste, and

how to continually protect the environment.

Each year, corporations and

activists create new projects, initiatives

and campaigns to protest and

restore the earth. There are several

Ideas that can be observed world

wide in commemoration of Earth

Day. Promote understanding of important

environmental issues so that

there is more awareness of the need

to care for the environment. Make

a commitment to a service, for example,

planting a tree, or helping to

clean a local garden or park. Picking

up discarded non-bio-degradable bottles

and recycling it. Aim to maintain

clean water by not polluting in the

community you are in. Turn off lights

when not in use. Go paperless. Earth

Day can also be celebrated at schools.

Young children should also be involved

in protecting the earth. Some

examples of how to get children and

schools involved include creating

bulletin boards in the classroom using

recycled materials with the aim of

teaching children to recycle at home.

Students can also help other students

recycle and be aware of ways to recycle

with the use of poster projects.

Students can also find ways to make

their home environmentally friendly

by practicing good recycling habits at

home. Children can also participate

in activities like picking up trash on

their school grounds, or in their communities.

They can also participate in

planting trees. There are several ways

to celebrate Earth Day, everyday of

the year, not limiting it to April 22.

Everyone has a chance and a right to

participate in keeping the environments

clean and safe.




Overcoming seasons of crisis.

It is important to understand the keys to overcoming times of stress, understanding

how to rise above a crisis. When the leaves change on the trees and fall off,

the weather changes its temperature, everyone knows what season is coming.

For keeping your right portion of peace, it is good to always remember that there

is a benefit to seasons. Nothing is permanent except God and his promises. God

promises us that nothing is permanent. Get this revelation that God promises

that nothing is permanent except He and his word.

By Gerrit J. Scheper

God says, in the book of Ecclesiastes

chapter 3 verse 1, “Everything

has its time. To everything there is a

season, a time for every purpose under

heaven”. God’s promise to you

is that for everything you are going

through there is a season. The revelation

of this saying is it doesn’t

matter what is happening it can not

last. It’s true that seasons got power.

Seasons guarantee change. Therefore,

it doesn’t matter what you are

experiences, if it’s good, or in your

opinion bad, it will change. Seasons

gives hope. No matter how cold it

gets in the winter, summer is coming.

You know that, therefore, when

winter comes you do not throw

away a winter coat for a swimsuit.

You don’t sell all your linen clothing

because winter is coming. What do

you do? You store them up, and you

wait. Why, are you waiting while it’s

winter. How come you have hope to

keep your clothes? In a crisis you

don’t close your bank account out.

You rather leave some money to

keep them open. The season is coming.

A lot of money is on its way.

Keep those bank accounts open.

Don’t shut it down. It’s only a season.

You are only broke for a season.

Everything is seasonal. Don’t throw

your clothes away. Don’t let anybody

throw your hope away. Nothing

remains the same. This is important!

Winter never stays. Autumn

never stays. Spring never stays.

Summer never stays. And God says,

“To everything there is a season.”

Unemployment is seasonal. If you

are unemployed, then employment

is up ahead. The word of God says

everything has a season. With other

words, the season for you to leave

the job has come. Why? Because

there’s a better one up ahead and He

must prepare you for that. So, we

must close one chapter, to open on

another chapter, because there are

better things to come. In this crisis

that we are now living in, you better

get ready for something big, big,

big to come your way. God knows

what you had, and that’s a promise.

Remember seasons are always temporary.

Know that crisis is not a permanent

condition. A crisis is a human

description. God has no crisis.

It’s just a season. And the key to life

is outlasting the season. If you can

stay warm long enough summer will

come. What you must do, is organize

yourself to outlast the season. That’s

it. It can not stay That is why seasons

gives hope. You do not quite prematurely

in a season. As a matter of fact,

seasons gives the incentive to plant

for in the future. You know the best

time to shop for winter clothes is in

the summer. You are aware that summer

is a season. So, what you must do

is plant for the next season.

Seasons give us the incentives to plant.

This will not last and it would be wise to

prepare for what is coming.

Expectation is based on the fact that

seasons don’t last. That’s why Kingdom

people live in faith. Their faith lies in the

fact that what I may be going through

cannot last. Let’s think about new ways

to organize and stay focus on God’s many

ways how to pass through and move on

forward into the next season. Seasons are

always moving. So, you remain still. It

is a known fact that as humans we panic

quickly. We give up easily. God says no!

He says, stand still and see. With other

words, pharaoh is moving so you stand

still and see the salvation of the LORD.

You can’t see the salvation unless you

stand steady. He will save you not only

from the storm, but He will also save you

in the storm and through the storm. Get

this revelation! Whatever has come, it

came to pass away. As God promised in

His written words that heaven and earth

will pass away, but His words will by no

means pass away. We are durable. We

are stronger than the wind. We are built

on a rock. The foundation of Christ. You

know why they call him the rock of ages?

Because all the ages keep passing.


Overcoming seasons of crisis

If it’s the age of brokenness that

passed. The age of plenty that passed.

The age of submission that passed.

The age of confusion that passed. The

age of crisis that passed. The rock is

steady. Hold on to him.

Never respond permanently

to a temporary problem!

Your life is never finished. Do not

throw your hand up, and say that is it.

It’s over! I am never going to make it.

You are making a permanently decision

to a temporary problem. It is like

throwing your winter clothes away

when you know winter is just around

the corner. Rather keep your faith.

This why you must have faith in God.

He is stable. Everything else changes.

Therefore, everything moves in seasons.

Remember that it’s written, “A

time to weep, and a time to laugh; a

time to mourn, and a time to dance.”

These are seasons. You may laugh,

because there is going to be a time

to weep when the season of smile is

over. But don’t worry after the weeping

time, there is going to be a time

to laugh again. Another one is saying

there’s: “A time to get, and a time to

lose; a time to keep, and a time to

cast away.” These are seasons. Evidence

of God’s blessing is not the

measurement of you having things.

The seasons are just allowed to test

your faith. Faith means “believe’.

Do you believe when you have practical

nothing. That’s good. But then

he makes sure you have nothing for

a while to see if you really believe.

There’s a time to get, and there’s a

time to lose. It’s written. The revelation

of this is that you are not sinning

when you have nothing, that’s just a

broke season. Just keep your faith in

the middle of that season. It’s your

faith you supposed to live by, and not

your money, or your plenty. You shall

live by faith, and not by sight. What

kind of faith do you have? We only

have faith for getting, not faith for

losing. In the time of keep, and cast

away, there are friends that went with

you in the crisis but won’t come out

with you from the crisis.

You need to get out of that situation

and get into the right atmosphere.

Keep your attitude right, and it might

bring you new friends. It’s written

that there is a time to keep, and a time

to cast away. These are seasons. As

there are principles of season: “As

long as the earth endures, seedtime

and harvest, cold and heat, summer

and winter, day and night will never

cease.” So, some of you are in the

night right now, but after night the

day will come. Some of you are in

winter right now, but after winter the

summer will come. But there will be

a winter period. And he says, this will

happen as long as the earth remains.

So, Kingdom people don’t worry.

They are seasonal people. They handle

the season and will never shiver,

because they know that they are

steady, and not the season. So, whatever

people call the environment that

will not bother us because our faith is

steady. We are focused on the rock.

The rock that is the cornerstone, that

will never move.

As it’s written that in seasons there

will be shower of blessings. So, when

the showers start coming that’s not

a permanent condition. Is your faith

still in God when the showers stop.

With other words, there are seasons

that there is no fruit. The tree is

working hard but it’s not his season

to give fruit. You are working hard

but no fruits, no rewards coming in.

Meaning, times and seasons are important

on earth, as well as in heaven.

The Lord said that a day has 24

hours. Saying that what can be out of

season, or the time has not yet come,

can be different the next day. Therefore,

never try it only ones, or give

up before time. Rather try it again the

next day because that can be the right

season, or time.

For overcoming seasons of crisis, it’s,

thus, important to see time and seasons,

and organize and prepare yourself

to pass through these temporary

seasons without taking a permanent






I believe that the times ahead will be radically different from the times

we have experienced so far in our lifetimes, though similar to many

other times in history.

by Ray Dalio

I believe this because about 18

months ago I undertook a study of

the rises and declines of empires,

their reserve currencies, and their

markets, prompted by my seeing a

number of unusual developments

that hadn’t happened before in my

lifetime but that I knew had occurred

numerous times in history.

Most importantly, I was seeing the

confluence of 1) high levels of indebtedness

and extremely low interest

rates, which limits central banks’

powers to stimulate the economy, 2)

large wealth gaps and political divisions

within countries, which leads

to increased social and political conflicts,

and 3) a rising world power

(China) challenging the overextended

existing world power (the US),

which causes external conflict. The

most recent analogous time was the

period from 1930 to 1945. This was

very concerning to me.

As I studied history, I saw that this

confluence of events was typical of

periods that existed as roughly 10-

to 20-year transition phases between

big economic and political cycles

that occurred over many years (e.g.,

50-100 years). These big cycles

were comprised of swings between

1) happy and prosperous periods in

which wealth is pursued and created

productively and those with power

work harmoniously to facilitate this

and 2) miserable, depressing periods

in which there are fights over wealth

and power that disrupt harmony and

productivity and sometimes lead to

revolutions/wars. These bad periods

were like cleansing storms that

got rid of weaknesses and excesses,

such as too much debt, and returned

the fundamentals to a sounder footing,

albeit painfully. They eventually

caused adaptations that made the

whole stronger, though they typically

changed who was on top and the prevailing

world order.

The answers to this question can only

be found by studying the mechanics

behind similar cases in history—the

1930-45 period but also the rise and

fall of the British and Dutch empires,

the rise and fall of Chinese

dynasties, and others—to unlock an

understanding of what is happening

and what is likely to happen. That

was the purpose of this study. Then

the pandemic came along, which was

another one of those big events that

never happened to me but happened

many times before my lifetime that I

needed to understand better.

My Approach

While it might seem odd that an investment

manager who is required to

make investment decisions on short

time frames would pay so much attention

to long-term history, through

my experiences I have learned that

I need this perspective to do my job

well. My biggest mistakes in my

career came from missing big market

moves that hadn’t happened in

my lifetime but had happened many

times before. These mistakes taught

me that I needed to understand how

economies and markets have worked

throughout history and in faraway

placebo that I could learn the timeless

and universal mechanics underlying

them and develop timeless and

universal principles for dealing with

them well.

The first of these big surprises for me

came in 1971 when I was 22 years

old and clerking on the floor of the

New York Stock Exchange as a summer

job. On a Sunday night, August

15, 1971, President Nixon announced

that the US would renege on its

promise to allow paper dollars to be

turned in for gold. This led the dollar

to plummet. As I listened to Nixon

speak, I realized that the US government

had defaulted on a promise and

that money as we knew it had ceased

to exist. That couldn’t be good, I

thought. So on Monday morning I

walked onto the floor of the exchange

expecting pandemonium as stocks

took a dive. There was pandemonium

all right, but not the sort I expected.


Instead of falling, the stock market

jumped about 4 percent. I was

shocked. That is because I hadn’t

experienced a currency devaluation

before. In the days that followed, I

dug into history and saw that there

were many cases of currency devaluations

that had similar effects

on stock markets. By studying further,

I figured out why, and I learned

something valuable that would help

me many times in my future. It took

a few more of those painful surprises

to beat into my head the realization

that I needed to understand all the

big economic and market moves that

had happened in the last 100+ years

and in all major countries.

In other words, if some big and important

event had happened in the

past (like the Great Depression of the

1930s), I couldn’t say for sure that it

wouldn’t happen to me, so I had to

figure out how it worked and be prepared

to deal with it well. Through

my research I saw that there were

many cases of the same type of thing

happening (e.g., depressions) and

that by studying them just like a doctor

studies many cases of a particular

type of disease, I could gain a deeper

understanding of how they work.

The way I work is to study as many

of the important cases of a particular

thing I can find and then to form a

picture of a typical one, which I call

an archetype. The archetype helps

me see the cause-effect relationships

that drive how these cases typically

progress. Then I compare how the

specific cases transpire relative to

the archetypical one to understand

what causes the differences between

each case and the archetype. This

process helps me refine my understanding

of the cause-effect relationships

to the point where I can create

decision-making rules in the form of

“if/then” statements—i.e., if X happens,

then make Y bet. Then I watch

actual events transpire relative to

that template and what we are expecting.

I do these things in a very

systematic way with my partners at

Bridgewater Associates.

If events are on track we continue to

bet on what typically comes next, and

if events start to deviate we try to understand

why and course correct.

My approach is not an academic one

created for scholarly purposes; it is

a very practical one that I follow in

order to do my job well. You see, as

a global macro investor, the game I

play requires me to understand what

is likely to happen to economies better

than the competition does. From

my years of wrestling with the markets

and trying to come up with principles

for doing it well, I’ve learned

that 1) one’s ability to anticipate and

deal well with the future depends on

one’s understanding of the cause-effect

relationships that make things

change and 2) one’s ability to understand

these cause-effect relationships

comes from studying how they have

played out in the past. How practical

this approach has been can be measured

in my performance track record

over several decades.

This Approach Affects How I See


Having done many such studies in

pursuit of timeless and universal

principles, I’ve learned that most

things—e.g., prosperous periods,

depressions, wars, revolutions, bull

markets, bear markets, etc.—happen

repeatedly through time. They come

about for basically the same reasons,

typically in cycles, and often in cycles

that are as long or longer than

our lifetimes. This has helped me

come to see most everything as “another

one of those,” just like a biologist,

upon encountering a creature in

the wild, would identify what species

(or “one of those”) the creature belongs

to, think about how that species

of thing works, and try to have and

use timeless and universal principles

for dealing with it effectively.

Seeing events in this way helped shift

my perspective from being caught in

the blizzard of things coming at me to

stepping above them to see their patterns

through time.

Ray Dalio

The more related things I could understand

in this way, the more I

could see how they influence each

other—e.g., how the economic cycle

works with the political one—and

how they interact over longer periods

of time. I also learned that when I

paid attention to the details I couldn’t

see the big picture and when I paid

attention to the big picture I couldn’t

see the details. Yet in order to understand

the patterns and the cause-effect

relationships behind them, I needed

to see with a higher-level, bigger-picture

perspective and a lower-level,

detailed perspective simultaneously,

looking at the interrelationships

between the most important forces

over long periods of time. To me it

appears that most things evolve upward

(improve over time) with cycles

around them, like an upward-pointing


For example, over time our living

standards rise because we learn more,

which leads to higher productivity,

but we have ups and downs in the

economy because we have debt cycles

that drive actual economic activity

up and down around that uptrend.

I believe that the reason people typically

miss the big moments of evolution

coming at them in life is that

we each experience only tiny pieces

of what’s happening. We are like ants

preoccupied with our jobs of carrying

crumbs in our minuscule lifetimes instead

of having a broader perspective

of the big-picture patterns and cycles,

the important interrelated things driving

them, and where we are within

the cycles and what’s likely to transpire.

From gaining this perspective,

I’ve come to believe that there are

only a limited number of personality

types going down a limited number

of paths that lead them to encounter

a limited number of situations to produce

only a limited number of stories

that repeat over time.

The only things that change are the

clothes the characters are wearing

and the technologies they’re using.





Globally we are seeing the effects of

COVID-19, as known as the Coronavirus,

on businesses. When the

Chinese government put containment

measures in place after the

Wuhan outbreak, the global supply

chains were thrown into disarray.

This led to a dramatic slump in the

movement of global shipping vessels

leading to product shortages including

medicines, medical equipment,

hand sanitizer and toilet paper. In

Aruba we have been assured by the

wholesalers that there is no shortage

in products and produce and that we

will be receiving containers every

week with supplies. Hence, no need

to panic, no need to buy in bulk for

months. There should be enough for


“No perde cabes”

In whatever type of business you are

it is important to “keep your head

cool” – “No perde cabes”. Since

last Friday when the news hit with

the first two cases of Coronavirus on

the island, things went from global

to local very fast. It is no longer at a

safe distance from us, but it is right

here on the island. How could you

not go into panic mode? However, it

is important to keep the risks in perspective

and make sure you have a

plan. Adjust your plan according to

accurate information from reliable

sources. Try not to be swayed by social


Keep things in perspective and understand

the real risk levels, otherwise

you have people sitting on

stockpiles and other people shut

down, which just serves to make

the whole situation worse. You

shouldn’t go out and place a double

or triple order – your suppliers will

probably reject it anyway.

By maintaining your head cool,

working in line with your business

continuity plan and communicating

clearly to your employees and customers,

you can give your team confidence

and help ensure the organization’s

ongoing success.

Where is that

business continuity

plan when you need


Business continuity planning is one

of those “necessary evil” activities

that doesn’t feel important or urgent,

until it is. If you don’t have a plan,

you’re going to be in a much worse

position when disaster strikes.

Traditionally, business continuity

plans and crisis management plans

describe the steps that you should

take in case of an emergency or disaster.

These plans are usually focused

on buildings and IT-systems and they

don’t contain or to a much lesser

extent tell you what you have to do

when something happens that has a

direct impact on the people working

with these systems and in the buildings.

If we look at the Coronavirus from

a risk management perspective, we

must first describe the core of the

risk. The risks related to the Coronavirus

are for example:

- not being able to deploy employees

on critical business processes;

- no longer being able to receive

raw materials and/or semi-finished


- the lack of demand for products

and services.

This results into not being able to deliver

products and services and that

customers will no longer purchase

the products or services. Hence, the

scope of your business continuity

plans, and crisis



management plans should be expanded.

You should know what

key components of your business

are most likely to be affected; think

about what could go wrong and include

them in your plans.

What can you do

on a short-term?

Install a project or crisis team

This will help with the centralization

of knowledge and information

regarding the Coronavirus and the

impact on your business. You can

appoint a designated employee that

should follow the latest developments

and provides advise to the

team including management.

Define your critical business


As mentioned above it is important

to define or identify your critical

business processes in order to have

an insight on the impact of the Coronavirus.

This insight should include

what would happen if employees are

no longer available to conduct these

processes and what are the alternatives

to handle this issue.

Have an insight into your suppliers

and customers

The lockdown of several countries

around the world might have an impact

on your suppliers. Therefore, it

is important to gain insight in the impact

on your own supply chain. In addition,

you can also identify alternatives

to ensure a continuous delivery

from suppliers or different suppliers.

Communicate internal and


Communication to employees, customers

and suppliers is essential in

times of crisis. Employees should be

timely informed about management

decisions regarding business continuity,

amended policies and procedures.

In addition, you should keep your

costumers informed regarding your

decisions that might have an impact

on them as well, no matter the industry

you are operating from.

Make it possible for employees to

work from home

Depending on your business delivery

model it is essential to make it

possible for employees to work from

home, if so required due to measures

taken by government. This is a vital

part of modern business continuity;

trying to ensure that some work can

continue even in a crisis.

In conclusion

The above mentioned are certain

measures that you can take to minimize

the impact of the Coronavirus,

or any disaster, on your business. In

addition, preparation is the key to

minimize the impact of any disaster

on your business operations. This

starts with having a solid and robust

business contingency plan in place

that should periodically be evaluated

and adjusted.

Lastly, follow the guidelines of the

authorities and



How can we support you?

We are available for any questions you might have regarding the abovementioned topics. As Grant Thornton we have

a toolkit available to support you in these challenging times. If you have any questions regarding business continuity

and crisis management plans, feel free to contact us.

Edsel Lopez


Advisory & Assurance


Shelby Maduro

Senior Manager

Advisory & Assurance




Innovative ways are always risky.

Why? Because old or new things are

tested in way they have never been

tested before. Therefore, innovative

people attracts critics. Actually there

are no new things. It is a matter of

combining old things in new ways.

So, when you step out and start doing

untested things you’re attracting

people who already did things in the

tested ways. The problem with crisis

is that it exposes the fact that your

tradition has come to an end. I would

like to repeat this once more, “Crisis

is an announcement from God that

your traditions have come to an end.”

Do you know what they’re saying

right now in the world. All the experts

are saying, “What’s happening

in the world today, has demanded

that we think a different way about

things that really matters.” This simply

means that our T and colleges

are not working anymore. Any material

that will be written out of this

crisis will have new content. Books

that children will be taught from and

study, will be completely different

from what we have known, since

what we have been taught no longer

applies. Therefore, crisis exposes the

end of tradition, and traditions die

hard. Do they not?

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly

expecting a different result.

If you keep doing what you been doing,

you keep getting what you been

getting. We have a lot of insane people

in the world right now which is

not a pretty sight. Many people are

going through this encounter with

the same attitude, and this should not

be taken as a single encounter out of

many. Therefore, God has sent this

word today. You cannot think that

this crisis is business as usual, hope

there is a revelation in this for you.

Innovation is the capacity to think

beyond the known and believe in

one’s ability to solve problems. This

is a statement that encourages me

and keeps me positive, because I am

convinced that there is no problem

that cannot be solved.


by Gerrit J. Scheper

Do not throw in the towel. Do not quit.

Why? Because every problem has a

solution. Just say it out loud, “Every

problem has a solution.” That’s an

important revelation. No matter what

happens in this crisis, you can solve

it. I will share a few points to practice

during the crisis so that we can

get through this crisis together. In the

United States of America, it was proposed

that the crisis would be over by

the second week of April just in time

for Easter, but they were wrong and

had to adjust their mindset towards

the seriousness of the crisis. Like the

rest of the world, they are focused on

the medical pandemic instead of the

second wave of the pandemic which

involves the economy and the possibility

of a global recession. The world

is under attack by an invisible force.

Life will not be the same after this

pandemic. Every day, we get updates

from all over the world talking

about the effects of this pandemic. It

is nothing one experienced before in

history. There is a lot of uncertainty

concerning the pandemic, its effects,

and symptoms. The best that health

experts and our leaders can do is

comfort us and warn us to be careful

and wary of our habits and surroundings.

It is only by believing, trusting,

hoping and having a whole lot of

faith that we can make it through this


Therefore, learn to live and think differently.

Be innovative, and do not

be afraid to think out of the box. You

will find rest, peace, and the solution,

you are looking for. Begin to realize

that what you really need is in the inside

and not outside.

Here are a few steps to take. Number

one – Initiate solutions. Don’t wait

for things to happen to you! Take

control and decide what happens. Be

in charge! You have to take control of

your life.

Secondly, place demands on your

potential. This means that you need

to go after your dreams and aspirations.

There must be a way for you

to come out of this. You just have to

find it. Lastly, test the creativity of

your surrounding. If you are working

with people, sit down with them and

find the new ways to think. Take time

to sit with co-workers, friends, wives

or husbands, children, neighbors and

start thinking how to come out of the

things happening around you, and

how to solve problems. Remember,

every problem has a solution. You

just have to find him! God says, I am

not going to move this crisis till you

think differently. That’s what this crisis

has come to expose.

Find a new

way of

doing the

old things.



As the coronavirus rattles the globe,

governments and aid organizations

everywhere find themselves in a

race to acquire scarce medical supplies

and protective equipment – but

some say the United States isn’t

playing fair. It seems that recently at

high political level, officials in both

Germany and France accused the US

of diverting medical supplies meant

for their respective countries by

outbidding the original buyers. The

accusations come as demand in the

US for facemasks surged, particularly

after a new recommendation that

all Americans should wear face coverings

in public. The US has flatty

denied allegations of diverting supplies

from other countries. The fact

is that President Trump also tried

to force American companies into

prioritizing US orders by invoking

the Defense Production Act (DPA).

The president used the DPA to order

American companies - located

around the world – to immediately

stop exporting these kinds of medical

protective equipment to other

countries such as Canada and Latin

America. By doing so the U.S. cause

significant humanitarian complications

in the global war against the

invisible deadly disease.

This misbehavior of the historical

richest country in the world has

divided the international medical

community. The question to mask or

not to mask the entire country in an

attempt to slow down the spread of

the coronavirus, has been answered

negative! From the start, the World

Health Organization (WHO) said

the answer was ‘no’. Masks should

be worn by those who are sick, and

medical and care workers, according

to the global body. There was, and

still is no need for people who are

well to wear them. That position of

the WHO was adopted by countries

such as the United States, the United

Kingdom, much of Europe, Australia,

New Zealand, India, South Africa

and Singapore. They emphasized

frequent hand washing and social

distancing, by keeping at least two



by Gerrit J. Scheper

meters apart from others in public

places, and the need to save available

masks for health care workers.

“There is no specific evidence to suggest

that the wearing of masks by the

mass population has any potential

benefit,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, executive

director of WHO’s health emergencies


All that changed the moment the

United States switched to advising

citizens to wear masks when

they leave their homes. It is fair to

mention that the WHO also made a

U-turn itself, with Dr. Ryan saying:

“We can certainly see circumstances

on which the use of masks, both

home-made and cloth masks, at the

community level may help with an

overall comprehensive response to

this disease.” Prompting the change

was growing evidence that some people

infected with the coronavirus did

not show symptoms and were still

able transmit the virus making others

sick, President Donald Trump said

shortly after Americans were now

being advised to wear “non-medical

cloth” face coverings when they

go out. Trump said wearing a mask

would be voluntary, and he was unlikely

to wear one himself. “I don’t

think I’m going to be doing it.” he

said. “Wearing a face mask as I greet

presidents, prime ministers, dictators,

kings, queens – I just don’t see it.”

But the latest advice out of the office

of the President of the United States

of America represents quite a change,

considering that only in February

it was tweeted: “STOP BUYING

MASKS! They are NOT effective in

preventing the general public from

catching Coronavirus, but if health

care providers can’t get them to care

for sick patients, it puts them and our

communities at risk!”

One reason for the change of heart is

that as Covid-19 ravaged countries

like Italy and Spain, and spiked

alarmingly elsewhere. Experts noticed

that communities used to wearing

masks had recorded slower infection

rates, however, the authorities

did not mention that the Asian countries

have been wearing face masks

for more than a decade, and as such

are trained in the proper use how face

masks can prevent spread of disease.

Therefore, it is not strange to see that

in countries as Hong Kong, Taiwan,

South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam

the infection rates were low. Wearing

of masks in public has been the culture

since 2003 and has been widely

accepted that those who leave home

barefaced risk dirty looks or being

told off. Their trained skills and discipline

aren’t by far to compare with

the western overall “freedom” mentality.

Only the future can and will tell us

if masking the entire country worked

protective against public spreading in

this specific case, or whether if gave

users only a false sense of security,

causing them to ignore critical medical


But either way we can’t afford to

ignore the misbehavior of President

Trump by claiming the mass production

of masks solely for the American

people, leaving out the rest of

the world without masks without

taking into serious consideration the

medical and care workers around the


Today’s US arrogant attitude can

build a foundation for world forces

getting together as a yet unseen solid

rock against the so-called superpower

America. In this matter I refer to

several European countries under

the leadership of Germany drawing

themselves near to Russia, and becoming

one force. Only with wisdom

we will be able to cross the rivers of




More than 3.9 billion people, or half

of the world’s population, have now

been asked or ordered to stay at home

by their governments to prevent the

spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus.

Data from an AFP database collated

compulsory or recommended

confinements, curfews and quarantines

in more than 90 countries or

territories. Due to the introduction

of a curfew in Thailand (effective

from Friday), the threshold of 50%

of humanity will be reached. Meanwhile,

the number of dead in Spain

from coronavirus has now risen

above 10,000, according to the latest

health authority figures published on

Thursday last week. It’s a new record

for the country, with 950 deaths

in the last 24 hours. The total number

of deaths stands at 10,003, with

a total of 110,238 confirmed cases in

Europe’s worst affected nation after


However, the infection rate appeared

to ease. Health authorities say contagion

in Spain has dropped from a

daily average of 20% until March

25 to less than 12% after that date,

more than 10 days after Spaniards

were ordered to stay home. But the

government has acknowledged that

the real number of infections could

be much higher due to limited testing.

The figures also show that more

people are recovering. The total now

stands at 26,743 in Spain - up from

22,647 the previous day. That number

represents more than 20% of the

overall number of cases. There were

reasons for optimism from Italy,

too, late on Thursday afternoon. The

number of new infections continues

to fall, down to 4668, a slight fall on

Wednesday’s figures, and a drop of

1,500 compared with a week ago.

Italy’s daily death toll was 760, a

slight increase against yesterday, but

down from the more than 9,000 fatalities

announced last Friday.


The hit on the second European country

by Gerrit J. Scheper

evidence of the devastating effect the

pandemic is having on the economy.

Jobless numbers rose by over 300,000

in March, the highest increase on record.

The number of people out of

work has risen far more sharply than

happened during the financial crisis

of 2008, Spanish media say. The

European Union has designed a new

program to raise up to €100 billion

to tackle surging unemployment

brought on by the pandemic. The aim

is to provide financial assistance to

the 27 member states via loans from

the European Union.

In the US new Labor Department

figures showed that more than 6.6

million Americans applied for unemployment

benefits last week - doubling

a record high set just a week


The economic fallout of the coronavirus

pandemic has been unprecedented.

For the first time in history,

the European Union suspended its

fiscal rules on public deficits and the

European Central Bank launched a

750 billion euro’s stimulus package.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in

Europe, and especially in the countries

that are most affected, such as

Italy and Spain, many companies had

to shut down completely.

The loss of tourism

In Barcelona, one of the most visited

cities in Europe, the impact of this

sanitary crisis is visible. Concern is

growing over the economic consequences

and the measures that

will be taken at national and European

level to protect businesses

and jobs. Tourism represents almost

13% of the economic activities value

within Spain [GDP] and is one of

the sectors which contributes most

to the economy of the country. This

sector has been hit hard by this crisis.

Hotels and restaurants that were

ordered to close down do not know

how customers will come back. They

do not know if international tourism

will continue to be there in the major

tourism cities in Spain, as Barcelona.

What they really want is to re-open

as soon as possible, and real concrete

financial support for their businesses.

A cash fund that allows them to relaunch

their tourism activities on a

day by day basis. Thanks to the creation

of a European fund and more

flexible budgetary rules in Europe,

the Spanish government will mobilize

200 billion euro’s, that’s about

20% of its GDP, to support the country’s

economy. So, if the tourism industry

in Spain do not have efforts

from the banks, from the government,

from suppliers and customers,

within Spain itself, it will not be able

to get out of this situation. The impact

of this pandemic on the Spanish

economy, hospitality in particular, is

significant as up to almost 1.5 million

jobs could be lost.

Uncertainties remain

Even if the European Central Bank

announces that it will create liquidity

thanks to an emergency plan of 750

billion euro’s, uncertainties remain.

Unemployment soars

Spain also reported catastrophic unemployment

figures on Thursday,


Under Coronavirus

March 2020, Brooklyn, New York City

March 2020, Paris, France


March 2020, Washington D.C.

March 2020, San Francisco, California


March 2020, Pisa, Italy

March 2020, London, England


March 2020, Sydney, Australia

March 2020, New Delhi, India



March 2020

StA Cruz 84

Aruba, Caribbean

TElephone: +297 6418816

Whatsapp: +297 7447395

Managing Director:

Mirella S. Scheper Werleman

Chief Editor:

Gerrit J. Scheper


The Source Media

Graphic Design:

Valentino Zschuschen


Art on the move

Gerrit J. Scheper



Courage isn’t always

a lion’s roar....

It’s also the silence

of an ant working

patiently, persistently

and never giving up.

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