Whole Healthcare Magazine

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and also solutions designed for various departments,

especially the emergency, surgery, and radiology

areas. Clinical excellence also encompasses

improving patient outcomes by ensuring patient

engagement and monitoring. A smart hospital needs

to look beyond its walls with a population health

view to get patients discharged quicker while

ensuring they recover well, without being required

to be readmitted. Remote monitoring tools can help

smart hospitals achieve this goal.

Why patient satisfaction matters? Improving

patient satisfaction has become one of the primary

goals for a lot of healthcare providers. The reason is

simple: patient satisfaction level is directly linked to

key success metrics for hospitals and individual

healthcare providers

How do we achieve ‘Patient


There are four critical components to achieve

‘Patient Satisfaction’

Ÿ A – Acknowledge. There is no greater insult than

to be ignored

Ÿ S – Support. Set a “no ignore” rule in your


Ÿ A – Accept. Simply accept what the patient has

to say when you offer support. ...



P – Prepare to Act.

ASAP – Acknowledge that the patient is

important with your eye contact and active


It is a requirement for therapeutic treatment and is

equivalent to self-therapy. Satisfied patients help

themselves get healed faster because they are more

willing to comply with treatment and adhere to

instructions of health care providers, and thus have

a shorter recovery time.

Methods of Monitoring Patient


Ÿ Medical audit

Ÿ Quality assurance committee reviews

Ÿ Indices of nursing performances

Ÿ Judgmental method

Components of Evaluation of Patient


Ÿ Evaluation of the programs and activities of

various departments

Ÿ Including outpatient care, inpatient care, overall

health education activities of the hospital

Ÿ Evaluation of the various resources available in

the hospital for effective health care

Ÿ Evaluation of effectiveness of hospital personnel

including medical, paramedical, nursing as well

as non- medical employees of the hospital.

“We must keep this in our mind for

creating a healthy Healthcare


Ÿ Adoption of the Indian Public Health Standards

Ÿ Quality standards

Ÿ Skill gaps and Standard Treatment Protocols:

Ÿ Hospital Management Societies and untied


Ÿ Quality Improvement Programmes

Policy decisions Long term

Complex Non-routine

How to achieve policy

Medium term Less complex

Day-to-day decisions

Simple Routine




(Middle Management)



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