Celebrating West Side Agriculture 2020

Special section of the West Side Index & Gustine Press-Standard honoring our local agriculture industry.

Special section of the West Side Index & Gustine Press-Standard honoring our local agriculture industry.


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Lara hulling operation expands to meet demand

NEWMAN - A local

farming operation which

takes almonds from orchard

to shelled meats is

undergoing an extensive

renovation to increase capacity

of its rural Newman

processing facility.

The huller is part of

Richard Lara Farms, Inc.,

Paul Lara, left,

and his father

Mike Lara,

pictured at the

rural Newman


operation of

Richard Lara

Farms, Inc.

which also has about 700

acres of orchards primarily

in the Westley/Patterson


Corporate President

Mike Lara, said he and

three sons also operate a

variety of West Side orchards

that, in addition to

almonds, produce walnuts

and cherries.

“They all farm on their

own as well as working for

me,” he explained.

The family farming

operation, which traces

its heritage back to Mike

Lara’s father Richard and

his brothers, once was

focused on row crops but

in more recent years almonds

have emerged as

the focal point of the operation.

Lara Farms Inc, the predecessor

to Richard Lara

Farms Inc., at one point

operated in Fresno County,

the Newman area and


The operation began

growing almonds in the

mid-1970s, Lara said, and

in the mid-1980s built the

Stuhr Road huller.

The brothers split into

three separation corporation

around 1993, he said,

and Richard Lara Farms

has owned the huller since.

Lara said he continued

to farm in Fresno County,

but left that area in 2000

due to lack of water, choosing

to concentrate instead

on the huller and farming

operations in the Westley/

Patterson area.

“It was a constant battle.

I couldn’t do it any more,”

he said of the challenging

water shortages in Fresno


Now, he continues as a

grower and processor on

the West Side.

The huller processes

not only almonds grown

on the various Lara farms

but those from other area


Demand has grown

along with the state’s almond

acreage and production,

Lara told Mattos

Newspapers, and an extensive

renovation under

way this spring will significantly

increase capacity

and efficiency.

The renovation is the

latest chapter in the evolution

of the huller.

One of the biggest

changes to the operation

has been implementation

of digital product tracking.

Each load is issued a

bar code when it comes

across the scale, which allows

processor and grower

to track their product

throughout the process.

At the Lara operation,

the focus is on quickly processing

the product and

shipping it to the buyer.

“We try to store nothing

here. We only do one thing.

We take almonds from

the field product to clean

meats,” Lara commented.

“They are getting shelled

out all the way in one operation.

Ours was one of

the first plants to do it that

way. We will have the capacity

to do in-shell as well

but I am not going to push

for that. There are enough

guys doing in-shell.”

Once processed, the almond

meats are promptly


“Ours go straight to

Blue Diamond. Some go

to Stewart & Jasper,” Lara

noted. “We try to deliver in

no more than two weeks.”

In the orchards, water

remains an ongoing challenge.

In response and anticipating

future drought,


John & Florie Nunes

office: 854.6325

mobile: 209.495.1964

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