Wellkomm Spring Pawtie 2020

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Wormhole Bistro

Cloie an da gurls drop down,poised to clean-Lexi says,see guys told you Mabels gurls

would haz it done already.Dey get a chicky custard to nom as Lexi goes to make ready

fer da day..

Lunca Susanna Hi ladies

Wormhole Bistro Lexi-Hi der Auntie Lunca ans mew's Ladys too.

Susan Siefers Good morning Lexi, Nanny Cloie, and gurls.

Nicki Czalbowski Flick mousie gurls squeek together--Hi Auntie Susan..

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Good mornin, ladies! HUGS! Wow, ya

all look tshuss impurrsif tadaee...!

Nicki Czalbowski Flick Hi guys..

Kathleen Dell Beautiful.

Wormhole Bistro Lexi- Fank youse Auntie Kathleen

Wormhole Bistro

<Garcon> Welcome to the Wormhole Bistro on this beautiful day. Miss Lexi is here to

serve today. This morning I have prepared the peaches and cream French toast

casserole, Mexican chorizo breakfast bake, baked eggs with Italian toast, and the

Shokolade Palatschinken. As you have come to expect I have assorted palatschinkens,

oatmeal, and grits available. Remember to order a breakfast drink or two. Please place

your order with Miss Lexi.

Lauren Spiridigliozzi Good morning! Miss Priss and I will have the Mexican breakfast with

orange juice please

Wormhole Bistro Ins comes da Boyz skippin, we habs da Mexican Brekkie fur twos

wiff da tall glass ob colds OJ ans da kitty milks wiff lots ob huggies Auntie

Lauren ans Miss Priss.

Lauren Spiridigliozzi Wormhole Bistro Thank you!

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Lauren ans Miss Priss, mew bes bery weliecomes says

Shad, Skits n Simon - da Boyz

Lauren Spiridigliozzi Wormhole Bistro sweet boys!

Wormhole Bistro

purrrs n huggies

Jon Adams *slides in wif fambly * "hai eberbodee howse bes you? <Rhiannon > full plates

all round wif pitchers ob nipsi kola and water and tee fur fambly daddee kan haz da peach

fwench toast fedgan version wif whippee kweem ob korse, a plate fur buffet and nipsi kola

and soee latte? Please and thanky mews "

Wormhole Bistro Gyds mornin Unkie Jon ans da fambly uz Boyz habs huggies

fur mew awl ans da full sampler platters wiff pitchurs ob da nipsi cola n wadda n tea

ans fur Unkie Jon de peachy furrench toasties wiff whippie cweams ans da emply

plate fur da buffet ans da nipsi cola n da latte tu enjoys tuday

Jon Adams Yay! <Unkie jon and fambly claps paws > brekkie and huggies! Dis

grate way tu dtsrt da daee!

Lunca Susanna Good dae sir. Miss lexi may we hab da chorizo brekkie wizz tee for me ans

da usual 3 smoothies for da gurlz

Wormhole Bistro Gud days tu mew Auntie Lunca ans da Gurls as da Boyz comes

runnin tu gibs dem awl huggies we habs da chorizo brekkie plates fur fours

wiff da hot cuppa tee ans fwee Berry smooothies fur da Gurls tu enjoys tuday

Lunca Susanna

Susan Siefers Good morning. I'm not usually a fan of french toast, but with peaches, well,

if it's got peaches covering it then it has to be good. And if Garcon made it, it must be

extraordinary. May I please have some, and a cup of coffee.

Nicki Czalbowski Flick Lexi>Hi Auntie Susan-We haz da order ob Frenchy toasties

wiff da peachies, an da nice hot coffee,right here to enjoy..

Susan Siefers Thanks Lexi. Oh, my! This is really yummy. Please tell Garcon I said


Nicki Czalbowski Flick Susan Siefers Baby Gurl says 'we will..

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Good morning, friends! HUGS! Oh, it is

simply BEAUTIFUL out there in the Bistro gardens - everything that can, and a few things

that everybody thought couldn't, is flowering!

Mmmh, and the breakfast menu looks great, too! May we please have our usual

tea time snack for six, with valerian tea, a hot cocoa and lots of coffee?

Nicki Czalbowski Flick Lexi & da gurls come wiff da trolley--I haz da brekkie order

for 6 wiff valerian tea,Hot cocoa wiff lots ob marshmellows an a carafe of hot coffee.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Thank you very much, Lexi and the


Oh, you look great today!

Wormhole Bistro Lexi- Youse all bes welcomes Auntie Johanna ans da family too.

Wormhole Bistro Lexi gathers her gurls an Cloie,weeze gonna pack sum noms from da

stasis an wander down to da beach--we'll beez back in a bit

Wormhole Bistro Bye byes Miss Lexi, Cloie ans dem cuties wittle gurls as da Boyz

gibs dem awl hooge huggies n cheekie kissies

Wormhole Bistro

Da Boyz come down da purkle wormhole as awl eberypawdys can hears bes YAHOOOO

as dem comes skippin intu da Bistro fur wurkies tuday! Ans dem awl gets da Chocy

Milkies wiff whippie cweams afur startin.

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Hai, Shad, Skitters an Simon! HUGS! It

be graet ta see ya!

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews awl our grate buddys; Troubie, Dusty, Pookie n

Starlie as da Boyz returns dem's huggies n gibs dem cheekie kissies too

Lunca Susanna Looking Sharp

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews sew muchie Auntie Lunca ans da Ladies, Misty, Shera

ans Freya huggies

Susan Siefers Hi fellas. I love your hats.

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews Auntie Susan as da Boyz gibs her hooge


Kathleen Dell Very nice.

Wormhole Bistro Da Boyz comes n gibs dem's Auntie Kathleen hooge

n fank her too


Wormhole Bistro

<Garcon> The main noms are ready and we certainly hope you have a hearty

appetite. As you may be aware, Da Boyz, Shad n Skits ans Simon is here to serve you.

This afternoon we are serving rose salad with shrimp, double troll burger platter,

teriyaki chicken fruit bowl, troll and bleu cheese pizza, and the chicken fried steak

plate. Today's drink of the day is the Alabama Slammer. Please place your order with

Miss Becky.

Jon Adams *fambly walks in from napping in mobie room * yay maen nomz! <unkie jon >

full plates all round wif pitchers ob nipsi kola and water and tee fur fambly ai kan haz pizza

wif da soee tschezzie and dubble dwink ob daee please and thanky mews "

Wormhole Bistro Da Boyz weliecomes Unkie Jon ans da fambly back tu habs noms

wiff group huggies n cheekie kissies we habs here on da trolley fur mew awl

da full sampler platters fur eberypawdys, da pictures ob nipsi cola n wadda n fur

Unkie Jon da dubly Alabama Slammer fingie wiff da pizza wiff him's pecial cheezies

tu enjoys tuday

Jon Adams Thanky mews Boys. *fambly hugs bak*

Wormhole Bistro Unkie Jon ans da whole fambly, mew awl bes bery weliecomes

now enjoys mew's noms

Jon Adams We will, hey shad ,may ai plewze haz one ob mewr beer? Please and

thanky mews "

Wormhole Bistro ob corse mew cans Unkie Jon, enjoys!

Jon Adams Sips beer* "dis bes da bestest beer eber

Wormhole Bistro Gosh, fank mews Unkie Jon as Shad blushes

Lunca Susanna We wood like to hab da usual sampler plate wizz da dwink ob da dae


Wormhole Bistro Hiya Auntie Lunca ans dem bootifuls Ladys as da Boyz comes

runnin tu gibs dem huggies n cheekie kissies We habs da full sampler platters

fur fours wiff fours ob dem Alabama Slammer fingies but fwee wiff no kicks tu

enjoys tuday

Lunca Susanna Wormhole Bistro

Lunca Susanna

Wormhole Bistro purrrrs Auntie Lunca

Susan Siefers May I have a chickie fried steak dinner plate and an Alabama Slammer


Wormhole Bistro Auntie Susan as da Boyz skips tu her table, we habs da Chickie

Fwoots Fryed Stake Din Din plate fur mew wiff one ob dem Alabama Slammer

fingies tu enjoys n huggies

Audra Gednalske Here for the delicious noms noms noms noms noms noms noms

Wormhole Bistro Hiya Auntie Audra calls out da Boyz as dem comes skippin tu her

table, wiff da full sampler platter ans da cuppa ob hot fwesh cawfee ans da large

glass ob JD on da rocks ans da hooge huggies

Audra Gednalske Hello boyz

Hope mew are doing well!

Thank mew much the delicious noms

It will make the roaring in stomach calm down.

Big nose kisses

Big hugs

Wormhole Bistro Mew bes most weliecomes Auntie Audra as da Boyz returns her

huggies n nosie kissies

Johanna Duffek-Kowal &

Big Bear> Hm... we saw the tables outside in the garden

being set, but we'll better have dinner before going out for tea! May we please

have the menu for six, small portions for a change, as there certainly will be snacks

outside, with four glasses of raspberry lemonade and two Shadow Man beers?

Wormhole Bistro <Garcon> Certainly, Madam Johanna and Sir Bear. Please enjoy

your dinner.

Indeed, we did plan for some tea time snacks in the garden.

Wormhole Bistro Ut oh uz sorry Auntie Johanna but momma gots buzy wiff

dadman den her habed tu used da hooman litter box sew uz missed mew but we

stills cans gibs mew hooge huggies n cheekie kissies

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, never mind, guys, we know you kitties occasionally

have duties outside the Bistro, too! HUGS! What would we humans do, if

you didn't take care of us?

Wormhole Bistro Uz Boyz not knows Auntie Johanna

Wormhole Bistro

<Garcon> It is our pleasure to invite all friends of the Bistro out into the garden for tea


The tables have been set, and later there will be some dancing, too.

Pookie & Starlight <Starlie> Oh, da garden dragons allreddee hab fainded dem mini


Nicki Czalbowski Flick Lexi,Cloie an da gurls trot out like the young ladies they are-Then

they push each other lookin fer a sugar donut..Gurls !!

Wormhole Bistro <Marie> (catches the gurls and gently puts them up on a table

with a big selection of sugar donuts) Please help yourselves, ladies. - Shoo! We did

set up a table especially for you garden dragons over there, so get out of the sweets


Wormhole Bistro The Bistro Dragons:


Liz Reeve Wow this is beautiful!

Wormhole Bistro <Garcon> Thank you very much, Madam Liz. May I offer you a

little tray of tea sandwiches?

Liz Reeve Yes please!

Wormhole Bistro <Garcon> It is our pleasure to be of service, Madam Liz and Miss

Rosie. Please enjoy.

Wormhole Bistro

<Troubie> Eefen if not all owr furends up at da Bridge kann tshoin us heer, uz hab lit

da speshyul raeenbow kandel so dem neao were ta look tadaee...

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: hi friends. (Reaches down and grabs some chicken and

kitty kibbles while laying on a cloud floating about)

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Hai, Circles, graet ya kood komm daun

tadaee! Hey, ya must traee dem shrimpie kupkaekies, too!

(Troubie floats up with a tray) Heer - ma nyoo littul sisfur hab maeked dem, an dem

be reellee good!

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Mmm, thank you. (Crunching kibbles) ( sniffs cupcake,

licks topping, eats , licks whiskers,) mmm tasty. Hi little one, what's your name?

Pookie & Starlight <Dusty> Hai, ai be Dusty! PURRR! Ai be pleezed ta

meet ya, an dat ya liek ma kupkaekies!

Liz Reeve Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles beware Cleo is watching you!

Pookie & Starlight <Pookie> An so be me...

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Liz Reeve oh silly Auntie Liz, she's just a little baby kitty.

(Hugs Liz)

Pookie & Starlight <Pookie> (silently grumbling) Sigh... not littul ENUFF annee


Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Glad i wasn't a big brother. Sounds like a tough


Pookie & Starlight <Pookie> It wood be da lot moar eezie if dem wood taek me

moar seereauzlee...

Pookie & Starlight <Starlie>


Me lub ya, brofur, but da anser ta dat wun be:

Wormhole Bistro

The crew come in singing, dancing and sprinkling flower petals as they go. Jake skips

to the kitchen for his trolley and their cocoa. https://youtu.be/OH7K82xbTsU

The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring, Tra La - The


The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Performs Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Hai, Muffin, Pumpkin, Snuffles an Jake!

Ya hab komm tshuss rite fur da pawtie!


Gwen Hickford Hi Pookie, Starlie, Troubie and Dusty, the crew hug them back.

We're all ready for the party. We just had to finish our song first, Pumpkin chuckles.

Wormhole Bistro Hiya der da Crew of Pumpkin n Muffin n Jakie n Snuffles as da Boyz gibs

dem awl hooge huggies n cheekie kissies it bes grate tu sees mew tuday!

Gwen Hickford Hi skits, Shad and Simon the crew hug them back with cheekie

kisses too. We're happy to be here guys, Pumpkin grins.

Wormhole Bistro Da Boyz hangs up dem's hats n vests n goes tu habs sums Serts, fank

eberypawdys it weres fun tuday

Liz Reeve Hi all! There is a spring party going on?

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Oh yes - uz hab dezaid ta wellkomm Spring,

so it hurree up da bit wid kommin ta all dem plaezes were it shood be!

Wormhole Bistro

<Garcon> The Crew have arrived to serve you, and they have given me a note from

Master Buck reminding me to serve the serts on time. I have an internal clock that

never fails so this is really unnecessary, however, I will humor him. Tonights serts are

chocolate fudge cupcakes, teddy bear sundaes, black Russian cake. and the chocolate

and raspberry pudding cups. Miss Lexi has been kind enough to leave us a fresh batch

of her whipped cream. Please place your orders with The Crew.

Kathleen Dell Can I please have a chocolate fudge cupcake and a mint tea?

Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Kathleen, Pumpkin rushes over. I have a chocolate fudge

cupcake here for you and a mint tea. Enjoy your serts he purrs with a bow then

gives her a hug.

Kathleen Dell Thank you, Pumpkin. Hugs him.

Gwen Hickford You're very welcome Auntie Kathleen he purrs.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Oh, lovely...! That's the perfect

complement to the garden snacks! May we please have the desserts for six, with

lots of whipped cream and two mugs of chocoffee - the kids already seem to have their


Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Johanna and Uncle Big Bear, Snuffles rushes over with her

Unkie Punkie and a trolley. We have six full serts menus right here for you with lots

of whippy cream and two mugs of chocoffee. Enjoy your serts they purr with a bow

and curtsy then give them hugs.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Thank you very much, guys and

Snuffles! HUGS!

Gwen Hickford You're very welcome Auntie Johanna and Uncle Big Bear they purr.

Liz Reeve Those Teddy Bear sundaes look so nice! Please for Rosie and me!

Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Liz and Rosie, Pumpkin hurried over. I have two Teddy

Bear sundaes here for you with some whippy cream. Can I get you both something

to drink?

Liz Reeve Two vanilla milkshakies please!

Gwen Hickford Snuffles dashes out of the kitchen with Jake's trolley, hewe yew

awe Auntie Wiz and Wosie. She sets two vanilla milkshakes with straws on the table.

Enjoy your sert they purr with a bow and curtsy then give them hugs.

Gwen Hickford Pumpkin scratches his head, where's Jakie and your Unkie Muffie? Snuffles

grins, dese fowgotted da time an' awe in da gawden dancin' wiff da dwagons.

Audra Gednalske Sweeeeeeeeeeeeets sweeeeeeeeeeeeets sweeeeeeeets

sweeeeeeeeeeeeets sweeeeeeeeeeeeets sweeeeeeeeeeeeets

Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Audra, Muffin rushes over. I have the full serts menu here

for you with lots of whippy cream and a fresh latte and a tall glass of JD . Enjoy your

sers he purrs with a bow then hugs her.

Wormhole Bistro

<Troubie> Of korze, fur da haee tee in da garden, dere be da lots da diffarant tees, an

da kaffees... An me hab maeked sum da speshyul drinks fur ebberee wun hoo wood

liek ta hab sumding stronga dan dat!

Dere be da Purkel Spring Kocktaeel, da Spring Tshickies, da Likwid Spring Flauwerz

Bookaeez, an da Spring Flauwer Pauwer Niptinis.

Wood ya liek sumding ta drink ta da firstest daee of spring?

Liz Reeve Please the spring chickies for us!

Gwen Hickford Here you are Auntie Liz and Rosie, two spring chickies for you,

Pumpkin sets them on the table.

Audra Gednalske Drinks drinks drinks drink

Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Audra, Jake races over with his trolley. Aiz gots awe da

dwinks wight hewe fow yew. Enjoy yeow dwinks he purrs with a bow then gives her

a big hug.

Audra Gednalske thank you much Jake

You know imma gonna enjoy the tasty drinks, big noise kisses

Big hugs

Gwen Hickford Yeow Wewcome Auntie Audwa, Jake giggles as he hugs her again.

Wormhole Bistro

<Starlie> An sum da myoozik shoor belong ta ebberee pawtie at da Bistro, too!


AustroPop --- SPRINGTIME - Mr Captain

Emma Widener Pratt What a cool song.

Wormhole Bistro

<Pookie> No matta wut da wedda look liek at yawr home - it offishyullee BE spring

neao, an winta kann go home an taek da loooong nap!


Springtime | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shorts

Wormhole Bistro <Troubie> An if it be kold an graee an nastee owtsaid yawr window at

home, look at DIS an trust dat spring WILL komm ta yawr plaez, too!


Springtime On The Mountains

Wormhole Bistro <Pookie> Fur ya, ma lublie Spring Kween Zoe!


Giovanni Marradi - Just For You

Wormhole Bistro <Starlie>


FLOWERS CAN DANCE!!! Amazing nature/ Beautiful blooming flower time…

Wormhole Bistro <Dusty> Ai hab wun, too!


Frédéric Chopin - Spring Waltz

Liz Reeve It's cold outside here! But I'm happy winter has gone.

Emma Widener Pratt Holy Cat. That had me on the edge of my seat.

Wormhole Bistro

<Starlie> An neao sumding da bit moar liffelee!

Afta all, Garcon an himz boys hab rig up owr owtdoor danz floor, too!


Jesse Cook - Dance of Spring ( Live at Metropolis )

Emma Widener Pratt Wow. Just look at that guitar work. Beautiful.

Wormhole Bistro


Checkfield - SPRING DANCE

Emma Widener Pratt This song is definitely spring like.

Wormhole Bistro

It shoor is taim ta DANZ neao - Starlie hab fainded her black naet Joey, an Troubie hab

grab Miss Becky!

Liz Reeve Beautiful!

Da Brothers Man: Skitters, Simon ans Angel Shadow Oh My says Simon, don'ts dem

dancers lookie catasticals :O

Emma Widener Pratt They certainly are furtastik.

Wormhole Bistro


The Dandelion - Spring Dance

Seeds Flowers and Magical Powers of The Dandelion

Emma Widener Pratt I've never heard this song before. I really like it.

Pookie & Starlight <Starlie> Uz hab sertsh araund da bit fur spring songs...

Wormhole Bistro

Oh, Lexi be danzin wid Jake - an dere be da lublie Lady Angel Caine wid Pumpkin!

Gwen Hickford https://youtu.be/1FzZaA6tVdM


Emma Widener Pratt Such striking outfits and they are all so light on their paws.

Wormhole Bistro

Oh, an dere be da lublie ladie Zoe, of korze wid Pookie - an Troubie hab taek of himz

tshacket ta danz wid Onyx!

Emma Widener Pratt They are all so gorgeous. The outfits are fantastic, and even the

garden dragons are in step.

Pookie & Starlight <Dusty> Dem eefen hab lern da tango...!

Wormhole Bistro

No matta hau it maeet look rite neao - Spring WILL komm fur shoor!

An untill it arraif at yawr plaez, uz hab sum da piktshurz frum owr Bistro gardens... -

Waeet, WUT? Da BLOO bee???

Emma Widener Pratt A blue bee. I've never seen such a thing.

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Dem be nyoo ta uz, too...!

were DEM hab komm frum all da sudden!

Uz wunder

Wormhole Bistro <Garcon> (stares up into the air for a moment, connecting with

the main computer) Wrrrrr... Excuse me. According to the information gathered by

our drones, they seem to center around the Whispering Bushes, who are not

flowering right now.

Emma Widener Pratt 'How interesting.

Pookie & Starlight <Pookie> Hm... mebbee dem bloo beez hab komm heer wid da

wisparin bushes...

- Look, dere be anudda wun!

Pookie & Starlight <Dusty> Ai wunder wut kaind da honnee dem maek...

Emma Widener Pratt That's an excellent question, Dusty. They certainly seem to

be good at carrying pollen.

Pookie & Starlight <Pookie> Yeah... but, as dem seem ta onlee hab start ta kollekt

da stuff, uz purrbablee gonna hab ta waeet da bit ta see WUT komm owt of dat... -

AN uz hab ta faind demz haif, so uz kann traed in sumding fur demz honnee!

Kathleen Dell Beautiful. We’ve been in the 50s and low 60s this week and the Japanese

cherry trees are blooming.

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> At owr home, it hab be reellee warm da

lastest fyoo daeez, too - but dat wedda man hab saee it gonna kool daun agaeen an

get wet an nastee on da weekend...

Gwen Hickford Pumpkin gets his guitar out and Jake starts singing


slim whitman when its springtime in the rockies

Wormhole Bistro

<Garcon> Another day has come to end here at the Bistro. The garden dragons and

crystal flowers are singing lullabies. Mabel and the girls have begun cleaning up. My

boys have helped to place all of the leftovers into the stasis. I've layed out some late

night snacks for your munching enjoyment. Tonight I've chosen beer battered onion

rings with zesty dipping sauce, vegetable spring rolls, caramelized cream eggs, and

sesame chicken and rice. Please feel free to help yourself or ask me for assistance.

Have a pleasant night.

We send love to you all. Sleep well.

Emma Widener Pratt No, no, Garcon. I'm fine. Really. I'll just help myself to a few of these

spring rolls and a to go cup of nipsi cola. It's been a long frustrating day for me today. This

crunching will take away a lot of my frustration. Good night all. My kids will be here to work

in the morning. Love to all.

Gwen Hickford We love you too Auntie Emma the crew give her a gentle hug. Let

us know if you need some help.

Da Brothers Man: Skitters, Simon ans Angel Shadow Nitey nites Auntie Emma,

it besw sew guds tu sees mew gains as da Boyz gibs her hooge huggies n

cheekie kissies

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Good nite, Auntie Emma, kalm daun, relaks

an hab da good nite, filled wid komfortin dreemz!


Gwen Hickford Pumpkin looks around for the rest of the crew. Grab your take home

boxes. It's time to head home now. Jake grabs his unkie's paw, Unkie Punkie, it's Mawch

and it's windy back home sooooo aiz just tought of sometiing. Jake and Snuffles start

singing as they head to the Wormhole and their uncles join in. https://youtu.be/BAg8YYPKVo

Let's Go Fly A Kite - Mary Poppins (David Tomlinson)

Wormhole Bistro Nitey nites our wunnerfuls Crew as da Boyz gibs dem awl

huggies n cheekie kissies ans mew habs dem wunnerfuls dreamies too! Gibs

Aunties Gwen ans Pascale huggies frums uz too purrlease

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Good nite, Pumpkin, Muffin, Snuffles an

Jake, sleep well an hab da wunderfull dreemz! HUGS!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Not wanting to pester you, kids, but it's getting

morning at home, and you'll have the second shift tomorrow, sooo... - Good night,

friends, stay warm and safe, sleep well and have sweet dreams! HUGS! We'll

see you tomorrow!

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Well - oh, hai, Marie!

Yup, seem ta be

taim... Uz wish ya da good nite an amaezin dreemz, furends! HUGS!

See ya tamorra!

Wormhole Bistro Pookie & Starlight n Troubie n Dusty n Auntie Johanna n Unkie

Bear, uz Boyz wish mew awl da grate nite's rest wiff dem wunnerfuls dreams ans

hooge huggies fur mew awl too!

Wormhole Bistro









Ian Tyson Springtime In Alberta


Emma Widener Pratt Lovely.

Da Brothers Man: Skitters, Simon ans Angel Shadow Da bes momma's furrend

Ian Tyson who sings n writes dat song ans many more, Auntie Emma says Da Boyz

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Spring in Vienna...


Robert Stolz - Fruehling in Wien

Wormhole Bistro

Furends, as yooshual, ya shoor no hab ta go home - but it allreddee hab getted dark

owtsaid, an uz see Mabel an her girls kleer up da tee taim taebels in da garden...

But da danz floor still be dere!

Nicki Czalbowski Flick My beautiful Caine and Pumpkin...

Wormhole Bistro

Uz be dinkin of all da lubbed wunz hoo no kann be wid uz ta endshoee da spring... Uz

shoor no hab furgetted ya.

Uz still lub ya an gonna do furebba!

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