Uberheroes: Common Ground

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We fully understand the challenges young people face and we get that it can be a

daunting task to navigate social media as well as personally interacting with family and

friends. We have been so delighted that the two groups we’ve been working with this

year from The Doyle and WPCA have really got behind the reasons why this comic

needed to be created… to offer much needed help and advice to other young people

facing similar issues.

Many of the young people have admitted that they don’t know what to do by the

amount of fake news out there, how to better understand this and how to recognise

hate speech vs free speech… How they can be more aware of how advertisers

through biased writing can manipulate and influence them into thinking and reacting

towards things they read and with people they meet because of the negative

influences surrounding them.

They have learnt through this programme that the best way to interact with others

whether online or off line is to do this on the basis of mutual understanding and an

acceptance of everyone. They also uncovered very early that the principle of behaving

and interacting online should be the same when they are interacting with others face

to face.

This group have done a fantastic job in really understanding the concept of creating

and producing new heroes – their two new heroes represent good characteristics that

they and other young people need to apply in their own lives, this is the case with

Khwam who stands for Contentment, while their other hero, Positivia, represents

positive attitudes. However they also had loads of fun producing their two villains,

Identitat represents identity theft in a variety of ways and Emophobe stifles and

misrepresents people’s emotions.

The creation of this new comic story will be used in the both community groups and

Hope 4 Life will also use this comic in addition to our existing portfolio of comics for

our Uberheroes® programme within Primary and Post Primary Schools across

Northern Ireland...

We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this, our Eleventh issue. You can

do this by visiting us at .


This comic is not intended as a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly

consult their GP in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that

may require clinical diagnosis or medical attention.

Cover Illustration by Reese Hannigan Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Penciled by Joel Ojeda Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Coloured by Sonia Moruno Martinez Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Comic writing and Editing by Danny McLaughlin and Campbell Hamilton Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Copyright © 2017 by Uberheroes® Owner Dee Nixon

All rights reserved. This comic or any portion thereof may

not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the publisher

except for the use of brief quotations in a comic review.

Printed in Northern Ireland. First Printing, June 2017

Hope 4 Life NI

North City Business Centre

Units 1, 2 & 5

2 Duncairn Gardens

Belfast BT15 2GG


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