Crosslight - Edition April 2020

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“ The situation is tapping into

our fears, but what allows us

to tap into hope?”


Denise Liersch

Vic Tas Synod

Here we are, moving through our deep

Christian stories from Holy Week, to

Good Friday to Easter. From stories of

abandonment, betrayal, forgiveness

and love, to Good Friday violence and

despair, to Easter hope and new life.

All of these stories we know so well are

stories of God in Jesus that resonate with

our own life stories: both the best in us

and the worst in us.

In this period, we hear stories of

Jesus’s friends falling asleep when he

needed them, denying, abandoning

and betraying him and each other. We

hear stories of the destructive power of

mobs and the cruel exertion of power

and repression by an occupying force.

We hear stories of one-time followers,

fragmenting and dispersing in their

disillusionment, or huddled in fear.

We also hear stories of women who

remained by Jesus’s side through thick

and thin, of friends who risked all to

provide for respectful burial and blessing

of Jesus’s body. We hear of those who

prayed in hope and in unrelenting love,

and of those who were brought back

together as they encountered the living

One of God.

In the past few weeks, we’ve been

living with our own stories of anxiety

and fear in various ways. As I am writing

this, in the middle of March, four weeks

before Easter, we are living in a time

of uncertainty. Having come through

unprecedented bushfires and thinking

recovery might be starting, we are now

in newly uncharted territory.

There is bulk-buying and hoarding,

abuse of supermarket staff, anxiety

about jobs and income, fear of

businesses going under and failing

financial markets, worry about children’s

education and care of elderly loved ones,

and concern for those whose resilience

to these challenges is low.

But we also hear of people exchanging

phone numbers to keep in touch, sharing

supplies with elderly neighbours and

checking in on them, and other random

acts of kindness.

The situation is tapping into our fears,

but what allows us to tap into hope


I’ve been reflecting on how the

resurrection stories are ones where

Jesus’s followers found hope as they

encountered him in their deepest points

of despair or disillusionment. Jesus

doesn’t fix everything for them, but they

experience him in “close encounters”,

still with them in their pain … and this

changes everything.

They experience God in this Holy One,

breaking into their lives and rekindling

a sense of hope. This is the Good Friday

and Easter story we still tell today.

The story of the breaking in of God’s

redeeming love keeps going.

The heart of a society is known by how

well it includes and cares for the most

vulnerable: widows, orphans, strangers,

those left on the edge. The gospel writers

call us into loving God and neighbour as

ourselves. In the coming months, there

will be many who get left on the edge

and who could fall through the cracks.

But there is One who brings hope in a

different way of living amidst the turmoil

and anxiety. Just like Jesus’s friends in

the Easter stories, we are called into this

Christ life, that brings hope and renewal

into our lives and communities. This is

our resurrection hope.

Editor’s note: Due to the rapidlychanging

nature of Covid-19 news,

Crosslight has not reported on the

topic in this issue.

Keep up to date at www.dhhs.vic.gov.au

and www.dhhs.tas.gov.au

For Synod-specific updates, go to www.victas.uca.org.au


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