Caribbean Compass Yachting Magazine - April 2020

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Welcome to Caribbean Compass, the most widely-read boating publication in the Caribbean! THE MOST NEWS YOU CAN USE - feature articles on cruising destinations, regattas, environment, events...


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Pragmatic Attitude,

Dramatic Adventure

The Art of Getting Wrecked. Peter Roren. Germany: Books on Demand. 366 pp.

A few years of cruising left me with the distinct

impression that those I met on the Caribbean seas

were either running to something or away from something.

Sometimes both. Either way, their stories of

how they got to be sitting with me sipping rum in

some random beach bar were often long but rarely

mundane. So it’s no surprise that idle moments have

often resulted in sailors recalling their exploits on

paper with varying degrees of linguistic and literary

success. Peter “Fixman” Roren’s ambition to write is

no exception in that regard. What is exceptional is

that this part Norwegian, part English, mostly crazy

(in a good way) author has a real life story to tell that

totally justifies the oft-used adage “truth is stranger

remarkable strength of character coupled with a regular

reliance on DIY books. Every setback is seen as the door

to another opportunity, lack of money just another reason

to figure out a new way to make some. Despite the

drama, Peter never resorts to describing it as such:

All I had left in my material world was what I was

wearing — a wet T-shirt, a pair of marine-blue underpants

and a defeated look on my face. The crowd didn’t

say much. They didn’t need to.

Indeed his low-key “then this happened” recollections

make you wonder why you yourself get so bothered

about things when life gets in the way of your dreams

and plans. A good lesson for all of us perhaps.

At pretty much every turn in his journey Peter


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april 2020 CARIBBEAN COMPAss pAGE 35

Author Peter Roren (right) with reader Mikey Wilkie holding his freshly signed copy.

than fiction,” leaving the dear reader (me in this

instance) regularly muttering, “Blimey, you can’t

make this shit up!”

Commencing a book with a relatively lengthy trawl

back through the checkered history of your relatives

is not usually recommended as a successful writing

ploy unless you are royalty. But Roren’s DNA comes

from a highly diverse, often bizarre set of characters

whom he freely admits provide the backdrop for his

internal questioning of who he really is and what

motivates him. Added to this a lonely, peripatetic

childhood tinged with family tragedy and you get the

idea that young Peter was never really going to fit in

to any conventional way of life despite his best early

adult efforts to do so. The wife, the kids, the sensible

job, blah blah.

The inevitable happened in the mid ’80s when Roren

unshackled himself from his “normal” constraints,

hooked up with his neighbour Mariann and set sail in

a boat he had built in his garden, accompanied with a

rag-tag crew of strangers. Their maiden voyage was a

passage across the Atlantic. But by the time the book

is barely a third of the way through, the trusty vessel

Fredag has gone aground on reefs and been apparently

wrecked. You think that would be enough for one

good salty story, but no, Peter has way more and is not

one to let a little sinking get in the way of his ambitions

to conquer the high seas. As we learn, this turns out

to be just the beginning of Fredag and its crew’s

unconventional adventures.

The self-described “Captain Bligh” and his enigmatic

but splendidly stoic First Mate Mariann deal with disaster

as if it’s just another mild irritation in their lives.

There’s a pragmatism to their approach that indicates a

delves curiously into his surroundings, be they physical

or social. As he becomes more familiar with his

varied environments he is not afraid to share his personal

perspectives on them, providing an added

insightful social commentary not often revealed in

sailing books. A stint running a sort of nautical welfare

programme for delinquent kids from Norway indicates

there is even more to the man than is revealed

in one book. I hope he writes more about the hinted

bits that are missing.

If there is any criticism at all, it is the lack of conventional

structure in the narrative as it weaves through

various adventures both offshore and onshore. But

then, that rather reflects the way Peter has lived his

life. The book was originally written in Norwegian and

then translated; editor Bob Berlinghof has done a sterling

job of tempering the “Norwegian-ese” while retaining

Peter’s unique voice. As I read it, it’s as if he is

talking to me.

There’s no doubt Peter Roren lives a life less ordinary.

He now (mostly) resides in Bequia, a place where

it is regularly heard, “We’re all here because we’re not

all there.” He fits in.

This book is a Boy’s Own adventure, a right riveting

read. You don’t have to be a sailor or traveling gypsy

to enjoy it, but if you are or want to be, it will resonate

with you even more.

The Art of Getting Wrecked can be obtained online at

Amazon as a paperback or e-book, at the Chameleon

Cafe on Bequia (paperback), or by contacting the author

at peter@roren.com.

Nicola Cornwell sails on the Carricou sloop

S/V Exodus.

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