10 suggestions to regain your libido

How to successfully regain your libido and spice up your relationship with some simple changes

How to successfully regain your libido and spice up your relationship with some simple changes


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10 suggestions to regain

your libido

All couples are confronted at one point

or another with lower sexual desire.

Since the libido is not something that

can be taken for granted, it's important

to do your part to ensure that it retains

its rightful place in the couple. Here

are a few tips to help you regain your

sexual desire.

Don’t become a routine

It is known that sexual desire increases with distance and boredom. At

the beginning of the relationship, the attachment is sprinkled with

passion and the shivers multiply with the rhythm of waiting for the next

encounters. When a couple is well established, the partners live together

and share their daily routine, the magic of waiting is no longer so

magical. It is therefore important to keep a certain distance in order to

regain the desire to be with the other. Have activities for yourself and see

your friends on a regular basis. No need to share everything together.

Take care of yourself

When we feel desirable, we exude a lot of charm and confidence. This

attitude greatly helps us to regain our sex appeal and this feeling of selfconfidence

will allow us to regain sexual desire. Take care of yourself,

wear perfume, have new clothes, a new hairstyle, and you will see that

your partner's shining eyes will increase your desire for him.

Surprise your partner

It's important to keep some mystery in a couple. Surprises bring partners

closer together, because it's the kind of attention that feels good. You

don't have to buy plane tickets to Honolulu to impress each other. You

can bring her (his) favorite candy when she (he) comes back from the

grocery store, a glass of wine when she (he) takes a bath, a sexy

message in her (his) jeans pocket, and so on. In short, a surprise that

brings a smile to remind her (him) how much you love each other. That

too, it stokes the sexual flame.

Take the stress away

All sources of stress have an adverse effect on sexual desire. Work,

unnecessary conflicts, financial worries, "too many things to do" etc. can

harm the desire for closeness. This is normal! It's impossible to let

yourself go completely in such a cervical brouhaha. However, learn how

to relax well so as to keep as far away as possible from all sources of

stress that are harmful to your libido. Exercise, eat well, practice yoga or

go see your massage therapist regularly. These activities will allow you

to better cope with daily stress and allow you to have more time to share

good times in bed.

Be the active one

I have already mentioned it in another slide, but I have to

repeat twice, because it is important: take the initiative!

Sexual desire is not something that comes and goes

without our knowledge. It goes away according to the

daily context (fatigue, overwork, stress, etc.) and comes

back if WE have made the effort to get it back. Take the

first steps towards your partner, because he(she) may not

risk another rejection ...

Change the ‘bedtime routine’

When routine is reflected right down to the bed, it doesn't work well for a

sparkling libido. Try a new position, new caresses, new places, etc.

Often, it only takes a small change to bring the desire back to life.

You can even try some ‘public’ intimacy using wearable panty

vibrators that can be controlled from long distance away. A dinner

date or even going to the mall can become so much fun and bring

back your sexual desire.

Keep communicating

Talking about anything and everything with your partner can be very

meaningful. Especially if the discussion is tinged with humour and

complicity, you will notice that your eyes will light up. In these moments

of exchange, you will see that desire is never far away. You can talk

about what you would like to talk about in bed, the caresses you miss,

ideas for erotic games, etc. No censorship!

Read erotic texts together

No need to describe the power of words over our

imagination! There are thousands of erotic texts that feed

the fantasy imagination. Feel free to take a look at them

or read them in full, because these texts can greatly help

you regain your libido. From romantic stories to the most

erotic, there are no limits to the imagination.

Turn off the TV

"Not now, this is my show! "Honey, not tonight, I'd rather finish my book."

"There's no shortage of excuses and sexuality shifts several ranks in

your relationship. Reduce the outside influences that interfere with your

intimacy. Sexuality still needs to be an important part of a healthy

relationship. Turn off the TV and computer tonight. Take care of your

relationship and make up for lost time.

Learn how to satisfy yourself

You know, masturbation is a great way to get to know your

body and regain sexual arousal. Give yourself that gift

when you're alone. Caress yourself to reconnect with that

libido that's been buried for too long under the weight of

daily routine. This is your moment, so make the most of it.

And if none of these works...

If these tricks have no effect on your libido and you feel a

deep discomfort because of this lack of desire, it would be

important to meet with a sexologist who will give you the

necessary tools and advice to regain control of your sex


Meetings in couple are also possible so you can understand

together what harms your sexual desire and what you can

do about it.

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