Galway Review 8 - April 2020

Galway Review 8

Galway Review 8


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Anne Marie Kennedy i


The full-grown, plump rat was caught by a back leg and

straight meaty tail in the vice jaws of the metal trap.

His head jerked towards me, coal black pupils

beseeching, frightened jewels blinking from above the

grey-brown, whiskered snout.

My first step should have taken me past the

wicker coffee table, step two should have concealed my

bare feet behind the turf basket from where I would

reach the poker.

I’d do for him if he made for door or chimney, pulling the

trap behind him like a pony – but my feet were welded to

the floor, soles numb against worn stone tiles, neck

sweaty, white cotton nightie fisted in between knees and


I thought of a good brother, a decent father, the

avuncular figures, all the male ameliorating forces of my


I missed them.

I saw my vulnerable thirty-year-old reflection in the

black, rain-pelted window, listened to my sobs rupturing

the silence, fully realising the sad reality of my life.

I too had been trapped like the rat, attracted too young

to the bait of coupledom.

I had walked up the aisle in a white frock, high heels and

frothy tights, knelt at cold marble rails, said ‘I do,’ ‘I will,’


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