Galway Review 8 - April 2020

Galway Review 8

Galway Review 8


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the French government to train in the use of wireless

telegraphy and astronomic observations for surveying

national boundaries. However, Papapa’s training was

cut short due to World War I and he returned to Peru.

When it was time for a toast, as our family’s first born

grandchild, I proudly stood at the head of the table next

to my eloquent grandfather and listened attentively as

he spoke. In his special and unforgettable toast to the

grandchildren, I remember my dear Papapa’s loving

words of wisdom: You need to always live your life with

honesty and integrity and give back to the community

and help others, regardless of their station in life. Sadly,

a few months after the celebratory family luncheon, my

dear Papapa unexpectedly passed away at home.

As I reflect on my wonderful and privileged life — my

early childhood and formative years growing up in

Miraflores and moving to the USA as a teenager — I am

filled with gratitude.

I am well-educated, independent, and financially selfreliant.

My journey through life has taught me to make

my own marriage and career choices. Even though it

took a long time for me to feel as if I belonged in my new

country, the United States gave me the opportunity to

follow my dream.


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