Team Earth

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Team Earth

By Adam Chason (5 y.0.)

& Marta Chason (Mom ☺)

I always thought Dad and Mom were as brave as my Superheroes

but now they seem to fear that little bug too

‘How can something so small be such a big problem!’

Mom told me once that

the dinosaurs disappeared

when an asteroid fell to Earth.

‘If this is some kind of asteroid again,

I think we should go somewhere else!’

So I’ve asked Mom if we shouldn’t

all move to a country that

the bug will not reach.

But Mom says viruses don’t attack

countries, they attack people.

And, across countries, we are

still one people living under one roof.

‘Why don’t we all move under the sea?’

I love dolphins and turtles. Not sure about sharks though!

But anyway, Mom says that we can’t swim underwater for so long…

So I had an idea that we could 3D-print a new type of super hero,

an ‘Iguanaman’ able to catch all the bugs with his tongue!

After I told this to Mom,

she just hugged me and said:

‘You are my absolute favorite

little superhero!

And you shouldn’t worry.

We will win the bug by fighting it

as one united team,

just like the Avengers!’

She even thinks we may be able to make

the world a better place after this.

A world that will be:

Happier! Healthier!

And more filled with love!

To get there, each of us will need

to team-up with one another

and protect the Earth.

It will be so ‘kule’!

With our very best wishes for all,


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