The Aura forest

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The Aura forest

At a flower fair in the town of Ithaca there was a very beautiful woman who was ignored by

everyone, her only company was a dog which she adopted when she found him in the

forest, which was her favorite place in the whole world, full of everything. kind of weird

stuff and where he rarely had his home. He rarely left his house and one of those few

occasions was when he made the flower fair every year, because he felt a great fascination

for these beautiful plants that generated joy and tranquility. This beautiful woman was

called Aura, her beauty was little or nothing admired by the people of Ithaca because when

she was seen she was all covered in fabrics and rags that kept people away from her, but

what Aura did not expect was that in the On the last day of the fair, his life would never be

the same. That day in the morning it occurred to him to dress more elegantly and get ready,

but that was not noticeable because even so he covered himself with rags, he left early for

the town when the fair would just be held and the first place he went was the hydrangeas

because they were her favorites, she admired them for a while and when she went to the

next post she turned around without looking back and collided with a gentleman with very

tight stockings, quite a lot of makeup and very white skin, she immediately recognized that

she was of the nobility like that who lowered his head, said: "sorry sir," and was leaving

when he grabbed her and inadvertently took away all those rags with which he was hiding

and revealed his beauty, a beauty that he obviously could not ignore and He said: "Excuse

me miss, I must be the one to ask for forgiveness for not seeing this beautiful woman

standing there." Caice was the dog of aura and she always went out with him, Caice

instantly liked this gentleman and they both noticed what amused them, thus making this

moment more pleasant. "I am Arturo" - he said, "aura" - she answered, the two continued

talking and walking around the fair for hours, the whole town was amazed first because

they did not recognize who she was and second because he was with the prince. After a

while Aura realized that everyone was looking at her and whispering so she ran to the forest

and Caice and Arturo went after her, Arturo did not understand why she was running away

and Aura did not go to her house because she knew that the They would find it fast, she just

ran and ran until she reached a part of the forest that she did not know, she got lost, she was

afraid and she wondered why she had been such a coward, it was getting dark and she knew

that she had to take refuge because she was at risk, the first place that in her eyes it seemed

safe it was a cave, she entered, it was all hidden, she heard many strange sounds and she

was very tired so she fell asleep, but that did not last long because an unusual sound woke

her up, because it was not from some animal or tree, it was of a laughing person coming

from inside the cave, when she was going to run away a huge arm grabbed her and took her

deeper into the cave, when she reached the center of the cave she Or she says that the arm

actually came out of a ring which carried a strange being that was half human and the other

half she did not distinguish that it was because she had three eyes and three arms but only

in one of them had the ring, he told her "Miss aura, what do you do around here so far from

home, I'm glad that I have a visitor now", to which she said "who are you? How do you

know my name?" , "I know my forest like the palm of my hand and you have been invading

it for years, and today I will finally be able to make you pay" - he said, "I'm rixton by the

way" - he added. Rixton tied aura to a table he had in his cave that was his home. Arturo

and Caice were still looking for aura, 6 days had passed and they were giving up, since they

had already searched in almost all the forest only one part was missing and it is the one they

would look for the next day and they did so until they reached the cave, They were both

very afraid to enter but Caice felt the smell of aura and ran into the cave and Arturo came

out behind him, when Arturo arrived at the center, Rixton had Aura and Caice tied up but

Aura was very weak because in all that time I had only given him food twice and he had

been tied for 7 days lying on the floor. Arturo the first thing he looked for was how to

defend himself and he saw a bow next to the table where aura was tied which was on the

other side of where he was, he was filled with courage and ran to where the bow was but a

fist that It came out of the Rixton ring, which hit him very hard, throwing him to the

ground. Arturo was surprised by what he had just seen, but he tried again and received a

blow again, and it happened several times until in one of those rixtons, He realized that he

shot it right next to the bow and since Arthur was royalty, he knew perfectly how to use a

bow and shot the arrow right into Rixton's heart and another into his center eye, thus

leaving him lifeless. unleashed a Aura and caice and ran with a charged aura because she

could not stand up how weak she was, they had to leave quickly because the cave was

about to fall on them, the three managed to leave quickly and were saved, Arturo took Aura

to her castle where I take care of her for several days until she got better, the more the days

passed, the more they fell in love until finally Arturo was able to declare himself to Aura

and ask her to marry her and she without hesitation said that, yes, two Months later they got

married and had a great wedding that all the people attended until Caice because he lived

with them and thus Aura managed to finally have a meaningful life thanks to Arturo and

they lived happily ever after.

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