IUF Virtual Edition - Event Booklet

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We are glad to have you with us and hope that you will

find here all the relevant information that will help you

take a decision regarding your educational career.

We started this project in 2005 because we were

concerned about higher education in other countries

and because we felt that young people in Romania

must have better chances of being able to attend

an International academic program. We believe that

speaking with a certified individual and giving you

answers to your personal questions is the best way

to guide your first steps in this adventure of personal


Today, we know that studying abroad is a

transformational experience. One that leads to more

than a simple progressive accumulation of knowledge.

International academic experience is a chance multiplier,

opening up a huge world of professional and personal

development opportunities. Successful graduates of the

international study programs are independent people,

responsible, with initiative, tolerant of opinions other

than their own and able to overcome the challenge of

everyday life to reach their goals. They know their value

and know where they can contribute to the smooth

running of society.

Going to study abroad has become a new “Normality”

for many young people, an obvious choice for over

8,000 Romanians every year. But whatever your decision

is(to move to another country or to continue studies

in your own), we encourage you to take this judgment

after sufficient individual reflection on your dreams, not

inertia - at the intersection of friends’ choices and family


RIUF is already a tradition in Romania - this year we have

reached the 26 th edition. Young people and those who

guide them (family, teachers) rely on this event to enter

in contact with International and Romanian Universities,

to find out the best educational opportunities, to which

they could also have access from the successful stories

of other Romanian young people who have studied

in international programs. These are the people that

we bring every year to give you information, opinions

and analysis that could make the decisions that will

influence all of your life easier on you and those around

you. The deadline pressures, the correctness of the

application and the quality the documentation is getting

bigger. Therefore, through EDMUNDO, UNIVERSALIO

and EDMERICA we offer you information, advice and

assistance throughout the year to optimally manage the

admission process. You can contact us for any subject

related to studies abroad - our college graduates from

Western Europe will gladly help you.

Because we want to build a better and useful event, we

are very interested in your opinion about what we could

improve or develop. For any feedback or suggestions,

write to us contact@educativa.ro.

Thank you for attending Virtual IUF.

We wish you the best of luck.

Please send us a picture with you from

the campus wearing the official tee of the

university you’ll attended!

All the best,

Alexandru Ghiță






To have access to the superior

education, a young British man must graduate 12

classes. The Graduation exam in the UK is called A-Levels

and since 2007 it can be equated ORGANIZATION

with the international exam

from your High School.

In other words, any high school graduate can take University courses in the UK. Higher education usually starts

with a program called Bachelor Degree, equivalent to licensing programs, but for those who do not feel prepared

or do not meet the requirements for the Admissions, can apply for a Foundation Degree that will later facilitate

their admission to a licensing program.

After 3 or 4 years of study in such a program, the student will have a bachelor’s degree and will be able to access

a Master program.



Number: ~147

Access: National Exam


Number: ~66

Access: National Exam

(open campuses in the UK

of other international institutions)

Bachelor’s degrees or

Undergraduate studies

Duration: 3-4 years

Name: Bachelor’s Degree

Cost of tuition:

7.000 – 9.250 GBP /yr

(for state universities)

Funding possibilities:

University scholarships (500 - 3,000 GBP / yr);

Part-time job (400 GBP / month minimum)

FINS- Financial solutions for

ambitious students!


Master’s Degree or Postgraduate studies

Duration: 1 or 2 years

Name: Master’s Degree

Cost of tuition:

3,000 - 50,000 GBP / year

(for public universities)

6,000 - 50,000 GBP / year

(for MBA programs at public universities)

Posibilități de finanțare:

FINS- Financial solutions for

ambitious students!

























Apply to University programs,

masters or doctoral degrees in the USA!

Other distinctive elements of the study programs from

the USA:

Admissions files are usually submitted during December -

February. Most students apply with 6-9

months before the date they want to start their studies in the US.

High school students, for example, usually send winter

applications when in the 12th grade, so that the application will

include the school situation up to that moment. There are early

application deadlines as well that allow candidates to apply to the

chosen colleges starting from November.

The holistic evaluation of the application highlights the

personality and achievements of the candidate.

The admission file for the American Universities allows the

individual not to apply

just as a student or university graduate, but also as an active

member of the community, involved in a multitude of activities at

school or university, but also outside class hours. The application

file includes both quantitative and qualitative elements. The

quantitative elements are the academic situation (TOEFL / IELTS

and SAT / ACT for undergraduate applicants (TOEFL / IELTS and

GRE / GMAT for postgraduate students).

The qualitative ones include the application form, the personal

essays, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities /

volunteering or research / teaching / professional. In many

cases, the admission is not conditioned by the grades from the

international exam. Thus, the application file offers a complex and

nuanced vision on your performance, aspirations and interests.

The majority of students that applied for the US obtained a

consistent funding from the US Universities.

Funding - scholarships, fellowships, grants, but also research /

teaching assistantships for master and doctoral students – is

granted either on the basis of academic and extracurricular merits

or professional of the applicant, either based on his financial

situation - or based on all these elements, correlated. This funding

allows students to study at prestigious universities, where the

expenses are generally between $ 25,000 and $ 80,000 (but that

can even reach $ 50,000), $ 110,000 / year for a renowned MBA


According to the “World University Rankings 2018” by

the British publication “Times Higher Education”, 15 of

the top 20 universities in the world are in the US.

The American University system has over 4,900 accredited

universities, colleges and institutes and enjoys exceptional

teachers and unparalleled educational facilities.

Why do students want to study in the US? Highly attractive

elements of the American University system include admission

based on holistic evaluation in the application process, liberal

arts education programs at the undergraduate level, personalized

school curriculum, exceptional academic, research and

extracurricular facilities, internships, study abroad programs,

financial aid awarded based on academic, extracurricular and

professional merits, academic counseling, and career support. In

short, academic excellence and support at all levels.



Examples: University of California Berkeley, UCLA


Examples: Yale University, Middlebury College, MIT


Undergraduate Studies:

Bachelor Degree

Graduate Studies:

Academic Master Degree

Graduate Studies:

Professional Master Degree

Graduate Studies:


Length: 4 years

Purpose: specialize in one

or multiple areas of interest

(majors, minors) while

developing transferable skills

(critical thinking, teamwork,

ethical management, business

communication etc.)

Types: Bachelor of Arts (BA),

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Length: 1-2 years

Purpose: consolidate fieldspecific

knowledge from your

undergraduate program,

develop interdisciplinary skills

Types: Master of Arts (MA),

Master of Science (MSc)

Length: 1-2 years

Purpose: advanced

specialization in the field of

choice, developing practical

relevant experience and skills

Types: MBA (Master of Business

Administration), MEd (Master

of Education), MPA (Master of

Public Administration), LLM

(Master of Laws)

Length: 3-8 years

Purpose: combine advanced

knowledge in the field of choice

with direct work in research

and teaching. Many doctoral

programs include Master level

education, so you can apply to

them directly after your Bachelor

Types: PhD (Doctor of

Philosophy), JSD (Juris Doctor),

MD (Doctor of Medicine)




There are more than 70 public Universities in France, over 150 engineering

schools, as well as a large network of trade and management schools, art,

architecture or specialized institutes in different sectors (sports, tourism,

paramedical, design, fashion, etc.). With an education system with a

tradition of almost a millennium and over 20 universities in rankings, France

is the 6th most powerful education system on the planet.

The diplomas in French higher education are made according to the

common European organization LMD (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate). The

undergraduate studies last for 3 years and allow enrollment at the master’s

level, which lasts for 2 years. The access to the French higher education is

allowed to the students on the basis of the International exam diploma from

your country, but this is not required at the time of application

For admission in the first year, the application files are submitted through

the www.parcoursup.fr platform between January 22 and March 31, in the

final year of high school. The admission file includes a personal record,

the high school status and the French language certificate (in most cases,

the required language level is B2). Other required documents are a

letter of intent, a CV, a letter of recommendation. The art or architecture

schools require a portfolio and make the final selection after a motivational

interview and knowledge. The university studies are subsidized, so the only

charge is the registration fee, of ~ 200-600 € per year. Do you want to study

law, history, philosophy, economics, foreign languages, architecture, etc.

and you do not know which university to choose? Ask for the help of an


In France, medicine can only be studied in French and admission does not

require an examination. In order to be admitted in the first year of medicine

it is necessary to have attended the courses of a, mathematical-computer

science profile or the natural sciences. An advanced level of knowledge

in biology, chemistry and mathematics is absolutely essential. We also

recommend a language level of C1 or C2. The admission is done without

the entrance examination because the first year of the degree, entitled

PACES (Première Année Commune aux Etudes de Santé), common to the

medical, dental surgery, estate and pharmacy departments, is eliminatory.

No more than 15% of the students accepted in the first year avansez into

the second year of medicine the classification being based on the grades.

Thus, year 2 is the first year of specialized study. The French medical

University system is heavily subsidized by the state, benefiting from research

funding, state-of-the-art equipment and a personalized education. Each

medical school is attached to a University hospital and medical students

interact with patients from their first year of study. For information on

alternative routes, ask the help of a UNIVERSALIO advisor.

The admission to private Universities (Catholic schools), to specialized

institutes (such as Sciences Po, specialized school on political science,

located in both Paris and six other cities) or to engineering schools (such

as the Paris Polytechnic School , The national civil aviation school ENAC in

Toulouse, the INSA technological institutes, etc.) is a selective one, paying

more attention to extracurricular activities in the applicant’s portfolio, school

results, motivation and language level (in most cases, the required language

level is B2 or even C1). The admission procedure includes completing a

file on the school platform, a motivational interview and / or an admission

exam. These schools offer programs in both French and English. The tuition

fee is higher and can vary between € 3,000 and € 10,000 per year.

In order to register for the masters and doctorates, candidates will contact

directly the educational institutions they are interested in, each school

having a specific procedure and an admission period. The level of French

required for master’s studies may vary depending on the field and each

institution (B2 / C1 / C2). The admission procedure includes completing a

file on the school platform and may include a motivational interview and

/ or an entrance exam. These schools offer programs in both French and



Public Universities

Number: ~70

Access: National Exam

Grand Schools

Number: ~450

Access: National exam/ +2 (WTF)

Specialized Institutions

Number: ~3.000


În instituţiile private de învăţământ

superior costurile studiilor sunt mai

ridicate şi pot varia între 3.000 şi 10.000

€ pe an.


Bachelor’s Degree

Duration: 3 years


Diplôme de Licence

Costs: 181€/yr

Master’s Degree

Duration: 2 years


Diplôme de Master


PhD Degree

Duration: 3 years min.


Diplôme de Doctorat



The CampusBourses directory on www.campusfrance.org,

under the heading “Financez vos études”, gives you information

on scholarships for the master’s or doctoral level. Due to the

low tuition fee, there are no scholarships for students in the

bachelor programs. However, from the second year of study in

France, any student can benefit from the scholarship on social

criteria offered by CROUS (the university service that manages

the scholarships on social criteria, the university canteens, the

cultural life, the counseling and the professional orientation).

From the first year of your stay in France you can get help in

paying the rent offered by www.caf.fr for both on-campus and

private accommodation. The cost of daily living amounts to

600-800 € / month in the province and 1000 € / month in Paris.

Students are encouraged to work, and the recommended norm

is maximum 20h / week for which they can be remunerated with

~ 500-900 € / month.

FINS - Financial solutions for ambitious students!



Financial solutions

for ambitious students

Up to 18,000 EUR

loans for master’s study

abroad programmes

Up to 25,000 EUR loans

for undergraduate study

abroad programmes



Germany is among the top destinations for

international students. The quality and the rich

study offer, the low tuition fees and the moderate

costs of living, the combination of research and

teaching, the very good coordination of the

students, as well as numerous programs in English

make Germany a particularly attractive study

destination. A diploma obtained in Germany

can become an important launching pad for an

international career.

The national exam diploma obtained from

theoretical high schools or national colleges is

recognized by the universities of Germany, so

that, in principle, all graduates of theoretical high

schools can start their studies directly.

The Universities of music and art require an

aptitude test.

You can identify the study programs in Germany at:


There is also a ranking dedicated exclusively to

German higher education institutions:



Source: www.hrk.de

State Financed

Universities: 87

Universities of Applied Sciences 1 : 103

Art and Music Universities: 46

Privately Financed

Universities: 21

Universities of Applied Sciences 1 : 90

Art and Music Universities: 3

Church Financed

Universities: 13

Universities of Applied Sciences 1 : 18

Art and Music Universities: 8


Unlike Universities

with a predominantly

theoretical orientation,

the universities of

applied sciences


offer a study with a

practical orientation.

The graduation diploma

provides graduates with

good opportunities to

obtain interesting jobs in

economics and industry.

At the Universities

of Applied Sciences,

however, the title of

doctor cannot usually be



Bachelor’s Degree

Duration: 3-4 years

Diploma: Bachelor Degree 2

Study Fees: 0 EUR 3

Master’s Degree

Duration: 1-2 years

Diploma: Master Degree

Study Fees: 0 EUR 3

PhD Degree

Duration: 3 yr (Graduate School) /

variable (individual PhD)

Diploma: Doctoral Degree 2

Study Fees: 0 EUR 3


The studies necessary to

practice the profession

of teacher, as well as the

study in medicine and

law, end with the state

exam - “Staatsexamen”.


The state higher

education institutions do

not charge actual study


All institutions, however,

request administrative

contributions. Private

educational institutions

charge tuition fees.

They vary and can be



DAAD Scholarships (government scholarships): www.daad.ro

„Deutschlandstipendium”: application to higher education institution

Other scholarships: www.funding-guide.de; www.stipendienlotse.de

The offer of part-time jobs for students differs depending on the region. As a rule, a student can earn

around 400 EUR / month, without this affecting their study.

FINS- Financial solutions for ambitious students! hellofins.com


Study in Germany –

DAAD/ German Academic Exchange Service

Virtual IUF, 08th/ 09th April 2020

DAAD Information Centre Bucharest






Dutch students must choose from the age of

12 the type of university they want to attend.

There are two main types of high school

education in the Netherlands: VWO and

HAVO. The first is structured in 6 years, and

the second in 5 years. Only after graduating

from a VWO, a student has access to

Research Universities. Those who graduate

with a HAVO can only be admitted to the

Universities of Applied Sciences.

Only after graduating a year at such a

University could they be admitted to a

Research University. With a high school

diploma, a high school graduate has direct

access to both the Research Universities and

the Applied Sciences Universities


Bachelor’s Degree

Depending on the type of university, in the Netherlands there are

two major types of bachelor’s degrees:

HBO programs:

WO programs:

B – Bachelor: 4 years

BA – Bachelor of Arts: 3 years

BSc – Bachelor of Science: 3 years

Tuition costs: ~2.078 EUR/yr

FINS- Financial solutions for ambitious students! hellofins.com

Master’s Degree


Research Universities (WO)

Number: 18

Access: National exam

Features: extended fields of study;

research-oriented study

Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO)

Number: 43

Access: National exam

Features: specialized fields of study;

study oriented to applicability and


In order to pursue a master’s degree at a research university, a

student must complete a bachelor’s degree from such a university.

HBO graduates may apply for a master’s degree at a research

university, but most of the time they will have to take additional

tests or initially follow a premaster program. Universities of Applied

Sciences also have masters programs, but in a smaller number and

often more expensive (because they are more specialized).

The equivalent of the studies is done in the ECTS credit system, to a

graduate having 180 credits to register for such a master’s degree.

The duration of a master’s program is 1 to 2 years.

Tuition costs:

WO: ~2.078 EUR/yr

HBO: ~8.000 EUR/yr

FINS- Financial solutions for ambitious students! hellofins.com




The High school in Denmark lasts 3 years

and is called Gymnasium. High school

graduates can, after graduation, apply to

two types of education, depending on

their future plans: Research Universities

Colleges or Professional Academies.

Universities have a more conservative

teaching system and a greater emphasis

on theory. Only these institutions have

the opportunity to offer post-graduate

programs. Colleges and Academies

rely heavily on working with companies

to provide their students with a handson

education so that they can be hired

even after two years of study. All levels of

education in Denmark are free, which is

why all students in the European Union

benefit from the same treatment.




Number: ~8

Access: National exam

Features: study based largely on

theory; 5 universities have many

faculties and different fields, but the rest

are specialized on 1-2 areas of study.

Colleges or Professional Academies

Number: ~40

Access: National Exam

Features: grants AP Degree and

Professional Bachelor’s degrees; the

study is very practical, in collaboration

with companies.

Bachelor’s Degree

Bachelor’s degree

This first level of University

education may be different

depending on the type of

education chosen by the


Education in a University -

the first level is equivalent to

the one in your country and

is called Bachelor’s, lasting 3

years or 3 and a half.

Education in a College

or an Academy - usually

there is an intermediate

level called AP (Academic

Professional) Degree of

two years after which, in

order to obtain a Bachelor’s

degree, the student has

to study another 1 and a

half years (Top -up Degree

or Professional Bachelor


Cost of tuition: FREE

Funding possibilities:

Part-time job (900 EUR /

month minimum)

FINS- Financial solutions

for ambitious students!


AP Degree

This level represents an

intermediate level designed

by the Danish education

system to meet the needs

of the labor market in the

absence of professionals.

Thus, after only two years

of academic and practical

training in such academies

or colleges, a graduate

can easily cope with the

demands of most entry

and middle level jobs. The

study is extremely practical

- companies are often

involved through projects

given to students and even

through evaluations of

their work within the study


Master’s Degree

After completing a

bachelor’s degree in

Denmark, students have

access to the master’s

programs. Usually,

graduates of AP Degree

and, later, of Professional

bachelor’s degree start their

career immediately after

finishing their studies, and

will later pursue a Master’s

degree based on their work

experience. Bachelors at a

University usually choose

to enroll immediately for

a master’s degree. The

duration of a master’s

program is 1 to 2 years.

Cost of tuition: FREE

Funding possibilities:

Part-time job (900 EUR /

month minimum)

FINS- Financial solutions

for ambitious students!




Austrian Business Agency GmbH


ABA – Work in Austria is department of the Austrian Business

Agency , which is owned by the Republic of Austria. We

support Austrian companies in their search for specialized

employees from abroad. It serves as Austria’s competence

centre for legal issues in recruiting international specialists.

Its main tasks include: Promoting Austria as a work location

for specialized employees from other countries/Supporting

Austrian companies in searching for qualified staff from


Webster Vienna Private University


Webster University is an American University with a global

perspective. The Vienna campus, Webster Vienna Private

University, is accredited both in the USA and in Austria, and

is geared towards global students interested in obtaining

an American degree while studying in Europe. As the only

American university in Austria, students also benefit from a

significantly lower cost of obtaining degrees in comparison

to the US. Business and social science-based programs are

especially popular and WVPU prides itself in educating the

leaders of tomorrow.


KU Leuven


Founded in 1425, KU Leuven has been a centre of learning for

almost six centuries. Today, it is Belgium’s highest-ranked

university as well as one of the oldest and most renowned

universities in Europe. Boasting an outstanding central

location in the heart of Europe, KU Leuven offers a truly

international experience, high-quality education, world-class

research, and cutting-edge innovation.

VIVES University of Applied Sciences Belgium


VIVES University of Applied Sciences is situated in five

medium-sized cities in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region

of Belgium. VIVES has seven campuses in Bruges, Kortrijk,

Ostend, Roeselare and Torhout and provides a whole range

of professionally oriented study programmes at a bachelor

level. With approximately 15.000 students, VIVES, is the

biggest University of Applied Sciences in Flanders. The

different faculties are Biotechnology, Health Care, Applied

Sciences and Technology, Education, Applied Social Studies

and Commercial Sciences, Business Managements &

Informatics. Every faculty offers modules or specific courses

in English. See www.vives.be/en/exchange/programmes. The

faculty of Commercial Sciences, Business Management &

Informatics offers two full bachelor degrees taught in English,

one in Business Management & Entrepreneurship and one

in Hotelmanagement. There is also an advanced bachelor in

International Management. More information on www.vives.


Artevelde University of Applied Sciences


Do you dream of an international career in business? Are

you eager to broaden your horizon and step outside your

comfort zone? Why not kick-start your career in the heartof

Europe? The world is your playground with a degree in the

English bachelor programmes from Artevelde University

of Applied Sciences. We offer two bachelors in business:

Bachelor International Business & Languages and Bachelor

International Business Management.

KdG University of Applied

Sciences and Arts


Find us in the lively city of Antwerp, Belgium.

Interested in computer science, international

business or digital entrepreneurship? Then you will

find one of KdG’s English-language degrees to suit you for

under €1,000 a year. Globally minded? Join our international

classrooms, where diverse minds meet and ideas flow.

Practice is key. Real projects, real clients. And international

internships. Draw on our expert know-how and studentcentred

approach to embrace the possibilities. How will you

make a difference?

Study in Flanders


Study in Flanders promotes the 5 universities and the 13

universities of applied sciences (and Arts) of the Dutch

speaking part of Belgium, including the Flemish higher

education institutions in Brussels. We offer numerous English

taught programmes at an excellent price / quality ratio. If you

are looking for excellent education in an economically strong

region, with high quality of life in an open and multilingual

society at the heart of Europe, come and Study in Flanders

and Brussels.


University of Southern Denmark


At the University of Southern Denmark you will become part

of a lively international environment. Each year more than

1,500 international students choose to study at the university.

The faculty of engineering offers a variety of English taught

programmes. - Electronics; - Mechatronics; - Innovation

& Business. You can study engineering in either Odense or

Sønderborg. See more at sdu.dk/en, or visit us at the fair in

Bucharest or Cluj.


CIFE European Institute Nice Berlin


CIFE offers Masters in EU Studies in Nice, Berlin, Rome,

Canterbury, Tunis & Istanbul. CIFE (Centre international de

formation européenne) is a European Institute of higher

education and research since 1954. It offers international

and interdisciplinary Master programmes in European

studies, international relations, energy transition, economic

governance and climate diplomacy. CIFE is based in Nice,

Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul. It is one of the six institutions of

excellence to receive an operating grant from the EU under

the ‘Jean Monnet Activities’ of the Erasmus+ programme


DAAD - Study in Germany


DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/ Serviciul

German de Schimb Academic) este cea mai mare organizație

la nivel mondial care sprijină cooperarea internaţională în

domeniul academic. Obiectivele sale principale constau

în: organizarea și finanţarea schimbului de studenţi și

cercetători, informarea în întreaga lume despre Germania ca

loc de studiu și cercetare, intermedierea de cadre didactice

universitare și încurajarea procesului de internaţionalizare a

instituţiilor de învăţământ superior germane.

Lancaster University Leipzig


Lancaster University Leipzig is a branch campus of Lancaster

University, one of the top 10 UK universities. LU Leipzig offers

four undergraduate English-taught programmes:BSc (Hons)

Accounting and Finance / BSc (Hons) Business Management

/ BSc (Hons) Computer Science / BSc (Hons) Software

Engineering. The campus is located in the heart of Leipzig, the

fastest growing city in Germany and home to a great number

of international companies such as DHL, Amazon, Siemens,

BMW, Porsche, and others.


Breda University of Applied Sciences


NHTV is an education institution with about 7,700 students

from over 60 countries. NHTV was founded in 1966 as an

institute offering bachelor’s programmes in tourism and

leisure and in this field, it is the largest and leading education

institution in the world.The specialist disciplines of NHTV

are: > Games > Media > Hotel > Facility > Logistics > Built

Environment > Tourism > Leisure Nearly all NHTV’s study

programmes rank first in their categories in the national


Windesheim University of Applied Sciences


Windesheim is one of the top 3 Universities of Applied

Sciences in the Netherlands. Students appreciate our

personal approach: small classes, you are not just a number,

lecturers are coaches as well and we care for your success.

Our programmes are very practice-oriented. We work in close

collaborations with businesses/institutions. From the 1st day

on you work in projects for companies. We have 2 interesting

programmes for international students: International

Business and Sustainable Business & Innovations.

HAN University of Applied Sciences


Education at HAN is practical. You learn the theory and apply

it immediately in practice through projects. Projects from

real-life clients. We have close contact with companies and

research institutes in the Netherlands and abroad. At HAN

you don’t just learn the ins and outs of your profession. You

also develop general professional skills that are essential in

any workplace. Studying at HAN means growing: developing

into a confident, independent professional and a responsible,

global citizen.

Radboud University


With its leading academic researchers and excellent

teachers, Radboud University guarantees to offer you highquality,

research-based programmes. We offer more than

a 100 programmes, of which 11 Bachelor’s and 36 Master’s

programmes are fully taught in English. Radboud University

is known for its personal teaching style, which gives you the

opportunity to take part in small, interactive seminars. Our

green campus provides you with all the facilities you need. We

invite you to change perspective and create your own story!

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences


Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences provides

profession-oriented English taught programmes in the largest

port city of Europe: Rotterdam.

Avans University of Applied Sciences


Avans is a nationally top-ranked university of applied sciences

in the Netherlands with English taught study programmes

centering around international business, international

financial management, environmental sciences, engineering

and arts. Avans offers a pleasant, ambitious environment with

bright students and dedicated lecturers and staff. Our projectbased

teaching style enables us to offer small scale education.

This means you will often work together with other students

in small groups.







+ information on www.vatel.ch

Fontys University of Applied Sciences


With over 44,000 students Fontys is the largest university of

applied sciences in the Netherlands. It offers higher education

in the field of management, economics and engineering in

English, German and Dutch. In the cities of Eindhoven, Tilburg

and Venlo, located close to the Belgian and German border,

Fontys offers students a career in one of the world’s strongest

economic regions. Two internships, a semester abroad

and contact to students from all over the world are part of

the study programmes. Usually, the lecturers at Fontys are

not typical teachers - they are business people. Many have

worked for big companies before they started working at the

university. As Fontys has contacts with over 500 companies

worldwide, many students do an internship in world famous

companies. Thus, Fontys offers great opportunities to gain

both theoretical and practical knowledge prior to entering the

real business world.

Tilburg University


Based in the Netherlands, Tilburg University is known for its

high quality education, social orientation, strong campus

feeling, and our international and diverse environment:

students and staff from more than 100 countries study and

work here. Tilburg University wants to educate self-aware and

engaged academics, who understand society and want to play

a significant role in it. At Tilburg University, you will gain the

knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for the 21st century

job market.

TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology


Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a research

university specializing in engineering science & technology.

TU/e contributes to: - science for society: solving the

major societal issues by focusing on the Strategic Areas of

Energy, Health and Smart Mobility. - science for industry:

the development of technological innovation in cooperation

with industry. - science for science: progress in engineering

sciences through excellence in key research cores and

innovation in education.

Hotelschool the Hague


Hotelschool The Hague has been ‘At the heart of hospitality’

since 1929. Join our warm, welcoming and international

community with students from over 65 nationalities.

Ranked one of the best schools in the world for Hospitality

Management you can explore the world of hospitality and

receive excellent education and training. After successful

completion, you receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel

Management; your Passport to the World.

Saxion University of Applied Sciences


The world is getting smarter. Every day we see products,

services and solutions that were not there yesterday. Saxion

believes that people should be central in this process. That is

why we prepare our students in various ways for their future

role in this dynamic society.

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences


NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences is an

international University with 11.000 students from more than

90 different nationalities. NHL Stenden offers English-taught

programs on Bachelor and Master levels in the fields of Hotel

Managemnt, Tourism, Media, Business, Leisure, Logistics,

Education, Service and Information Technology. NHL Stenden

has several camuses in the Netherlands and also in South

Africa, Thailand, Bali and Qatar.

Hotel Management School

Maastricht – Zuyd


At Hotel Management School Maastricht,

you’ll be trained to be a manager or

entrepreneur in the hospitality industry. The

four-year bachelor programme consists of varied theory

and practical modules and two internships. You can spend

up to 1,5 years abroad! You will certainly not spend all your

time attending lectures. Apart from lectures from teachers

who are experts in the field, you will also be attending skills

training courses, workshops and taking part in excursions

to see the industry in practice. Teamwork plays a major role.

In the workshops, you’ll be working in a group of students

on practical problems or projects. It’s at our Teaching Hotel

Chateau Bethlehem where hospitality meets education.

You’ll be exposed to the real-life environment of this

beautiful hotel. This is a training environment unique in the

Netherlands, including twenty-six guestrooms, a restaurant,

a bar and various meeting rooms. The hotel has received a

lot of attention in the international media, not least for its

unconventional room designs by Dutch designers.

What’s more, you’ll enjoy living on our brand new campus! We

look forward to welcoming you!

University of Groningen, Faculty of Law


Consistently top-rated for international law programmes

in The Netherlands since 2016, the University of Groningen

Faculty of Law has an over 400 year long standing tradition of

legal education and academic excellence. Their international

programmes are unique, offering students the chance to

further specialise in an international context, and at a top

100 university. Visit their stand at the RIUF fair to learn more

about their LLB and LLM programmes open to int’l students.

HZ University of Applied Sciences


Since 2011 HZ has been in the top 3 of universities in The

Netherlands. HZ is the university where students are number

1. Every student has his own study coach, classes are kept

small. HZ’s business network and applied research centres

will prepare you directly to the international labor market. Our

knowledge domains are in International Business,Chemistry,

Water Management, Tourism and Engineering. HZ offers a

MSc in River Delta Development, 3 semesters with a focus on

climate change.




EDMUNDO este un serviciu ce apartine de Grupul EDUCATIVA

si ofera tinerilor romani informatii, consiliere si asistenta

pentru admiterea la institutii de invatamant superior din

Europa, SUA si Canada. In activitatea noastra ne bazam pe

cunostinte despre sistemele educationale internationale,

o larga retea de contacte cu universitati internationale,

legaturile cu tineri romani studenti si absolventi de studii

internationale si experienta in implementarea a numeroase

proiecte pentru tineri.



UNIVERSALIO este serviciul de consiliere educationala care

te ajuta sa studiezi oriunde in lume. Noi suntem alaturi de

tine pe parcursul intregului proces de aplicare: te ajutam

sa construiesti cele mai bune aplicatii posibile pentru orice

programe de licenta sau master la care doresti sa aplici si iti

aratam calea spre programele de finantare la care poti avea


FINS - Finantare pentru studii


FINS I.F.N. rezolvă problema lipsei de surse de finanțare

pentru tinerii români care vor să plece la studii în străinătate.

Produsele de creditare dezvoltate de FINS răspund nevoilor

specifice studenților care merg la universități internaționale:

cheltuieli de masă & casă, avansuri chirii, bilete de avioane,

costuri de școlarizare – acolo unde nu sunt acoperite din alte

surse. Pentru început FINS oferă un credit dezvoltat pentru

tinerii care vor să urmeze studii de master în Europa, urmând

ca în timp paleta de produse să cuprindă și soluții pentru

tinerii care vor să urmeze studii de licență.

American European Education


AHA was founded in 2007 as the first international hotel

management school in the country. With both a BA (Hons)

in International Hotel Business Management and a MSc in

International Hospitality & Tourism Business Management

programme, the academy has partnered up with Manchester

Metropolitan University (UK) to offer education & training in

hospitality to students interested in pursuing global careers.

Why American? Because of the famous 12-months internship

offered in top 4 and 5 hotels in USA.

Universitatea Romano Americana


Universitatea Româno–Americană, fondată în anul 1991,

promovează în România principiile de învăţământ superior

din Statele Unite ale Americii. Prin urmărirea misiunii şi

a obiectivelor sale strategice Universitatea a reuşit să îşi

dezvolte şi consolideze reputaţia atât la nivelul mediul

educaţional şi de afaceri românesc cât şi la nivel internaţional.

Universitatea oferă 11 programe de licenţă şi 23 de

programe de masterat în domeniile Afaceri, Finanţe - Bănci,

Management, Marketing, Informatică, Drept, Turism.

Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi

Medicină Veterinară din Bucureşti


Building excellency in agronomic education and scientific

research in Romania since 1852, University of Agronomic

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMV) is

known as a modern university with many years of tradion.

USAMV, through bachelor, master and PhD programs within

7 faculties, trains students to innovate and respond to new

challenges and become multiskilled and well prepared

specialists in Engineering Sciences and Biological and

biomedical sciences. With a large variaty of facilities, from

cutting edge infrastructure to many options for spending

time in 2 modern campuses, USAMV creates the perfect

environment both for professional and personal development.

Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism

Ion Mincu


Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism “Ion Mincu” este

principala instituție de stat din România, dedicată formării

specialiștilor în domeniul arhitecturii și urbanismului. Astăzi,

universitatea are în structura sa 3 facultăți: Facultatea

de Arhitectură, Facultatea de Urbanism și Facultatea de

Arhitectură de Interior. Universitatea de Arhitectură și

Urbanism “Ion Mincu” este membră a 6 asociații internaționale

de prestigiu (EUA, IAU, AEEA, AESOP, IAESTE, ELASA).



Misiunea a Codecool este de a reinventa procesul de educație

IT și de a completa lipsa actuală și viitoare a profesioniștilor.

Compania oferă cursuri de programare intensivă de 12 plus

6 luni în București. Programul de formare oferă cunoștințe

actualizate și gata de utilizare, cu garantarea unui loc de

muncă după terminarea cursurilor. În plus, absolvenții își pot

finanța ulterior taxa de școlarizare din salariile noului lor loc

de muncă dobândit cu ajutorul calificării.

The Skill Lab: ateliere de dezvoltare personala


Cum pornesti in cariera, mai ales in vremuri incerte? Ce

life hacks chiar functioneaza – si e vreo sansa sa invingem

procrastinarea? Cum devii un public speaker persuasiv? Ce

inseamna, de fapt, sa fii adult?

Lucram la asta impreuna, in cadrul noului proiect EDUCATIVA,

The Skill Lab. Primavara asta, ti-am pregatit o serie de

workshopuri practice care vor completa scoala si te vor

pregati pentru urmatoarea etapa din dezvoltarea ta. Incepem

cu Open Days online, gratuite. Invatarea poate fi fun si

autonoma, iar noi te sustinem in aceasta aventura!


Achieve your

potential at


Wide-range of courses available, including:

• Accounting

• Architecture

• Business

• Criminology

• Computing

• Economics and Finance

• Engineering

• Law

• Pharmacy and Biomedical Science

• Sport Science


Harry Abbott, Global Officer (Europe and Central Asia)

T +44 (0)23 9284 3463

E harry.abbott@port.ac.uk

+44 7444 925 489





(Guardian University

Guide 2020)






(QS Top Universities 2019)




FROM 150


Universitatea din Bucuresti


The University is one of the oldest institutions of higher

education in Romania. In its 150 years of existence the

University of Bucharest has gained solid national and

international prestige being the first Romanian academic

institution in the QS World University Rankings. The University

constantly collaborates with more than 100 prestigious

universities from 40 different countries. The degrees granted

by the University of Bucharest are recognized in most

countries in the world.

Academia Europeana pentru Asistenti Medicali


Academia Europeană pentru Asistenți Medicali este

facultatea care îți oferă un program de licență de 3 ani, cu

specializarea Asistent Medical Generalist, în care 75% din

timpul dedicat învățării este practic. Atât modelul educațional,

cât și programa de studii sunt dezvoltate în parteneriat cu

Coventry University, la inițiativa Grupului EDUCATIVA și a


Optiuni de Cariera


Consultanții Opțiuni de carieră susțin elevii și studenții

români în alegerea domeniului de studiu potrivit pentru ei,

identificarea punctelor forte și dobândirea abilităților de luare

strategică a deciziilor şi de auto-promovare pentru a-și atinge

potențialul maxim în studii şi carieră. Consultanții Opțiuni

de carieră sunt acreditați internațional GCDF (Global Career

Development Facilitator) și dublează expertiza de consultant

în carieră cu cea de consilier pentru aplicarea la studii în

străinătate. Află despre cum te putem sprijini pe pe cariera.


Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca


The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca is a leading

Romanian university, recognized as a centre of academic and

scientific excellence regionally, nationally and internationally.

The organization of the Technical University is complex,

comprising 12 faculties which operate in the two university

centres, Cluj-Napoca and Baia Mare, complemented by their

extensions located in the cities of Alba Iulia, Satu-Mare and

Zalau. The TUC-N brand is one of engineering, advanced

scientific research, innovation and artistic creativity in this

part of Romania.

Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi”

din Iasi


Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi se numara

printre cele mai vechi și cunoscute institutii de profil din

tara, fiind custodele unei importante traditii in educatia

inginereasca, stiitifica si culturala. Universitatea pregateste

ingineri si arhitecti cu o inalta calificare profesionala, capabili

sa raspunda cu rapiditate si eficienta cerintelor de inovare,

cercetare si dezvoltare ale agentilor economici. Pe www.

tuiasi.ro puteti citi informatii complete despre procesul de

admitere, burse oferite, cursuri, strategii de practica, cazare,


Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara


Cu 75 de ani de tradiție academică, Universitatea de Vest din

Timișoara este cea mai mare instituție de învățământ superior

din vestul țării. Universitatea ofera atat celor care doresc

sa inoveze sau sa performeze in domeniul stiintific sau al

creatiei artistice, cat si celor care doresc sa studieze in cadrul

ciclurilor de licenta, masterat, doctorat sau postdoctorat,

un mediu intelectual efervescent, care stimuleaza realizarile

individuale, munca de echipa si interdisciplinaritatea.

Universitatea de Ştiinţe

Agronomice şi Medicină

Veterinară din Cluj


Universitatea de Ştiințe Agricole şi Medicină

Veterinară (USAMV) Cluj-Napoca este o instituţie

academică de învăţământ şi cercetare avansată, care încă

din 1869 pregătește specialiști în domeniile de științe ale

vieții. USAMV Cluj-Napoca promovează excelenţa în procesul

educativ şi de cercetare prin cei peste 6000 de studenți,

masteranzi și doctoranzi, deservind un spectru larg de

specializări din domeniile specifice agriculturii, horticulturii,

zootehniei, biotehnologiilor, medicinii veterinare şi ingineriei

produselor alimentare. Domenii de interes: agricultură,

horticultură, peisagistică, silvicultură, viticultură, zootehnie

și biotehnologii, piscicultură, medicină veterinară, inginerie



Edison aims to have a major impact on the development of

the society as a whole, on the labor market and the Romanian

economy of tomorrow by creating entrepreneurship and

technology clubs throughout the country that provide access

to high school youth to the latest academic, scientific,

mentoring and competitive resources.

Romania / Netherlands /


The Entrepreneurship Academy


EA-The Entrepreneurship Academy funcționează pe baza

unui parteneriat cu Team Academy Netherlands, după un

model educațional existent de peste 20 de ani în Finlanda

și implementat cu succes în peste 18 țări. EA înseamnă un

mediu în care echipe de studenți învață business creând

și operând afaceri reale. Absolvenții Entrepreneurship

Academy sunt mult mai conectați la realitate și au mult mai

multă experiență practică decât majoritatea altor absolvenți.

Aceștia vor avea un set de abilități ce nu pot fi dezvoltate în

sălile de curs: atitudine antreprenoriala și responsabilitate.


IMI International Management Institute



IMI International Management Institute in Switzerland is

a unique, private, hospitality school founded in 1991. Our

International Hospitality courses in Hotel, Event and Tourism

management at undergraduate and MBA level, are validated

by leading UK universities. We have deliberately remained

small, with a maximum of 220 students per semester. This

way our students can be assured of a highly personalised and

individual approach to their learning.

Business and Hotel Management School


Welcome to BHMS, Business and Hotel Management School!

BHMS is one of the world’s leading hospitality schools,

located in the heart of Lucerne, a vibrant and beautiful city in

Switzerland. To find out about our school, its courses and a

lot more, please take time to explore our website and get the

opportunity to receive live counselling through our live chat

service here. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Swiss Hospitality Management Schools


Since its first hotel school was established in 1982, SEG has

become a world-class hospitality education network. The

Group owes its outstanding success to an education based

on Swiss tradition and training excellence, focusing on the

practical aspects of hotel management. Close ties with the

big names in the hospitality business ensure that the Group’s

curricula meet industry requirements. SEG member schools

are 100% Swiss-owned, ensuring that students receive a

first-rate Swiss education.

Vatel Switzerland -

Hotel & Tourism Business School


All theoretical knowledge must be checked and validated

by using in it real conditions; this is the reason why Vatel

Switzerland brings together infrastructures for classroom

teaching as well as infrastructures for professional practice

and application on the same campus. Our hotel has real

customers, either people just passing through, tourists, or

business people. These conditions, unique in Switzerland,

assist you in comparing your theoretical knowledge with

reality in the workplace.

United Kingdom

University of Reading


The University of Reading was founded in 1892 and received

its Royal Charter in 1926. It is now ranked among the top 20%

of world institutions (QS World Rankings), and home to more

than 20,000 students from around 165 countries.

The main Whiteknights campus and London Road campus

are situated close to Reading’s town centre and are just 30

minutes from London Paddington by train. Whiteknights

campus is located on 130 hectares of beautiful parkland,

earning its ninth consecutive Green Flag Award in 2019.

With over 5,000 hall rooms we are able to guarantee

accommodation for all students in their first year.

University of Portsmouth


The University of Portsmouth is at the heart of a vibrant

waterfront city on the south coast of England. Portsmouth

is a great place to both live and learn. •Most affordable city in

the UK for students according to the NatWest Student Living

Index 2016 •90 minutes from London by direct train •Dedicated

careers service with details of part-time job opportunities

•Paid work placements integrated into many courses •Rated

Gold for teaching excellence by the Teaching Excellence

Framework (TEF)

De Montfort University


DMU is home to more than 20,000 students who study

in excess of 400 courses, more than 160 of which are

professionally accredited by bodies such as ACCA

(Association of Chartered Certified Ac countants), RIBA (Royal

Institute of British Architects) and Institution of Engineering

and Technology (IET) meaning students can gain exemptions

from professional qualifications after graduation. Our

students are supported by 2,700 staff, including some of the

finest academics in British universities.

University of Suffolk


At the University of Suffolk you will become part of our

global network and your journey will be both exciting and

challenging. Our network is reaching out into communities

across the globe to make education accessible to students

from around the world. You will benefit from our relationships,

collaborations and partnerships with people, organisations

and communities both in the UK and internationally, helping

you build the skills you need for your future career. We have a

range of interesting opportunities and different environments

for you to explore – together we will create opportunities for

learning and for life.

Anglia Ruskin University


ARU is a modern global university, with five faculties and six

research institutes based in three campuses in Cambridge,

Chelmsford and Peterborough. The university is academically

ambitious and prides itself on being enterprising and

innovative, nurturing those qualities in our students. With 9

out of 10 students starting their career within six months of

graduating our courses offer the right skills that will help you

realise your ambitions.


University of Essex


We are Essex: home to the daring and the tenacious, a place

for the ambitious and the bold. We’re a close-knit, supportive

and welcoming community. We are ranked Gold in the

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF 2017) which means we

deliver an excellent educational experience. Our trailblazing

research also continues to change the world for the better and

we are ranked 25th in the UK for research quality (TGUG 2018).

We’re loved by our students too, Essex is top 15 in England

for overall student satisfaction (NSS 2017, mainstream

universities). This is your chance to become a member of

one of the happiest groups of students around. Now’s your

chance to join Nobel Prize-winners, award-winning directors,

presidents, well-loved actors, astronauts, and over 75,000

other alumni who have gone on to shape the world and share

the Essex spirit.

University of Bristol


Bristol is an internationally distinguished university with

excellent facilities and a reputation for quality in both its

teaching and research. It is one of the top 50 institutions

in the world and top 10 universities in the UK. We offer

undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across these

subject areas: Arts, Health Sciences, Engineering, Biomedical

Sciences, Science, Social Sciences and Law. Located only

90 minutes from London, the University of Bristol provides

students with a world-class curriculum delivered by

academics who are experts in their fields.

Middlesex University London


With more than 130 years’ experience under our belt, we

remain a world-class centre for education, research and

learning. To get here, we’ve had to constantly challenge

ourselves, invent and evolve. And thanks to the expertise and

active involvement of our expert lecturers, you’ll receive an

education that’s both innovative and inspiring. As a student

at Middlesex University you’ll be part of a vibrant student

community of talented and ambitious students. Our staff are

committed to high-quality teaching, keep close to industry

trends and produce internationally-significant research.

We are committed to helping you develop personally and

academically as well as preparing you for the competitive

employment market. Our students come from all corners of

the globe; a third of students are from outside the UK – as

are many of our academics. This creates a diverse learning

environment that gives you international knowledge, insight

and cultural understanding you need to compete in the global

job market.As well as our base in London, we have campuses

in Dubai, Mauritius and Malta, giving you the chance to study

in one or more countries. Our international reach extends

far beyond our campuses. We have a network of prestigious

academic partners across the world, and were the first

UK university to achieve the highest rating for our global

collaborative provision from the Quality Assurance Agency.

We also have one of the largest network of international

offices of UK Universities. Recently invested £200m in stateof-the-art

campus located in a safe area of North London.

Single-campus university, with nearby accommodation.

Excellent student support, from application to graduation.

Dedicated employability service and career supportDiverse

student community, with a . of students from outside the UK.

Located in London, one of the biggest business and cultural

hubs in the world. Great social and sports scene with clubs,

societies, trips and events. Affordable course fees and living

costs. Excellent academic staff, with strong industry links and

international experience. Access to placements in London.

Courses accredited and recognised by professional bodies.

University of Worcester


The University of Worcester is a community where

students love to live and learn. We are a campus University

based in the charming city of Worcester - where lively city

culture and idyllic rural beauty combine to offer the best of

both worlds.The University of Worcester is proud to offer a

truly inclusive environment where each and every person

counts as an individual.

University of Kent


Kent is a leading university in south-east England, ranked 22nd

in the UK by The Guardian University Guide 2018. Shortlisted

for Exceptional Performance in Teaching and Research (Times

Higher Education Data Points Award 2016), our students

are among the UK’s most satisfied with their academic

experience. Known as the UK’s European university, we have

a cosmopolitan community with many opportunities to study

and work abroad. With campuses in Canterbury and Medway

and specialist postgraduate centres in Athens, Brussels, Paris

and Rome, we offer academic excellence, first class facilities

and a superb student experience.

Brunel University London


Brunel University London is based on a single campus in west

London so you will live and work in one place with easy access

to central London. Brunel is a lively, vibrant and strikingly

international community and you’ll meet people from all over

the world. Whether you choose to study an undergraduate,

postgraduate or research degree, at Brunel you’ll learn to apply

your mind to real-world problems in real-life situations.

Coventry University


Coventry University is ranked Number 12 in the UK and is the

UK’s top new university and voted the 39th best student city

in the world! With world leading lecturers, renowned teaching

and a real focus on practice led learning, it is understandable

why Coventry University achieved a Gold rating in the recent

Teaching Excellence Framework and why it was ranked

second overall for teaching excellence! It is also Number 6 for

Student Experience, Number 1 for providing students overseas

experiences and has a graduate employment rate of over 97%!

Birmingham City University


Birmingham City University welcomes over 24,500 students

from some 80 countries. We are situated in Birmingham,

which is the UK’s second-largest city. We have recently

invested £260 million in our campus development

offering world leading facilities for courses in Art, the Built

Environment, Business, Computing, Design, Education,

Engineering, Health, Law, Life Sciences, Media and Social

Sciences. Our 1,700 teaching staff come from industry,

ensuring you benefit directly from their knowledge.

York St John University


York St John University is outstanding. We are a high

quality, friendly university, known for academic excellence

and a responsive nature, a strong community spirit and a

magnificent campus, based in the centre of the historic city

of York. Recent campus investment of over £100m provides

an excellent student experience and a fantastic range of welllocated

accommodation. York St John awards are distinctive

and dynamic. They are designed for students to achieve not

only the subject specific skills needed to enter their chosen

profession, but also the life and work skills employers are

looking for in today’s competitive job market.

Navitas UK


Navitas UK colleges offer academic pathways in partnership

with their respective partner University that lead to degrees

at the following UK universities: Anglia Ruskin University

(CRIC), Brunel University, London (LBIC), Plymouth University

(PUIC) and University of Hertfordshire (HIC). Our unique

approach to education assists in transforming international

students into UK University graduates and lifelong learners.

All Navitas colleges are located within the campus of our

partner university and as such, students have access to all the

wonderful facilities available on campus.

University of Hull


As England’s 14th-oldest university, we have a proud heritage

of academic excellence and life-changing research. We’ve

invested £200 million in a world-class library, a superb health

campus, a state-of-the-art concert hall, on-campus student

accommodation and new sports facilities. Over 96% of our

students go into work or further study within six months of

graduating, according to the Higher Education Statistics


University of Northampton


Here at Northampton, our mission is to transform lives and

inspire change. We aim to ensure your time at university is

fulfilling, satisfying and enjoyable. We have exciting, industryrelevant

courses, excellent and passionate lecturers, and

know that looking for ways to make a positive difference

will change the future. The University of Northampton has

been awarded Gold in the Government’s Teaching Excellence

Framework, placing us in an elite group of only 42 universities

in the UK with the highest rating.

Falmouth University


From advertising, art and architecture, through to film and

fashion, music, theatre, technology and product design, Great

Britain is leading the way. The Creative Industries are now the

fastest growing sector in the UK economy and the trend is

similar across the world. With our industry connections and

live briefs, the career opportunities are endless. Our graduates

have gone on to become everything from games designers to

choreographers, documentary makers and fine artists.

University of Greenwich


The University of Greenwich, London welcomes students

from Romania. We currently have 316 Românians studying

with us, especially across our Business, Finance, Computing,

Networking, Engineering, Humanities and Architecture &

Design degrees. You will be able to integrate quickly into the

University of Greenwich, and London / South East of England;

the UK has more than 100,000 Romanians living here and

many are in our region. This is important for studying and

potentially working while you are studying. There are many

part time job opportunities in London and in the region. When

you have graduated, it is interesting to note that the UK is one

of the most important trade partners for Romania in the EU.

For instance, as of August 2012, over 4,500 British companies

were registered in Romania.

Northumbria University, Newcastle


Here at Northampton, our mission is to transform lives and

inspire change. We aim to ensure your time at university is

fulfilling, satisfying and enjoyable. We have exciting, industryrelevant

courses, excellent and passionate lecturers, and

know that looking for ways to make a positive difference

will change the future. The University of Northampton has

been awarded Gold in the Government’s Teaching Excellence

Framework, placing us in an elite group of only 42 universities

in the UK with the highest rating.





Times Higher Education Awards 2018









* Non-specialist higher education institutions with a survey population of at least 500.

For our full list of subject areas visit


University of East London


The University of East London is the careers-led university. Our

mission is to prepare you for the jobs of the future. We have

been doing that for our students for over 125 years, from the

2nd Industrial Revolution through to where we are now, the 4th

Industrial Revolution.

University of Central Lancashire


Lancaster University is ranked in the Top 10 in all three major

UK university league tables: The Times/ Sunday Times, the

Guardian and the Complete University Guide, in addition to

being awarded the highest standard of teaching quality- TEF

Gold. Our diverse, international campus represents over 100

nationalities where all students have the opportunity to gain

overseas and/or industry experience throughout the course

of their degree. Dedicated Careers staff and initiatives such

as the Lancaster Award contributed to 97% of Lancaster

University graduates going into work or further study within six

months of graduating, singling out the University for its high

levels of graduate employment. Finally, Lancaster is one of only

five institutions to achieve the International Accommodation

Quality Mark – awarded to those who satisfaction among

international students was at 90% or higher. This is further

enhanced by our accommodation winning the ‘Best University

Halls’ award in the National Student Housing Survey for six

years running, thanks to its safe environment, high quality and


Buckinghamshire New University


Bucks New University offers industry-focused courses with

95% of our graduates in employment or further studies within

6 months of graduation. We are proud of being Number 1 in the

London area for Student Satisfaction and Teaching Quality due

to our personalised teaching and for our community of staff

and students. At Bucks, we equip students with the skills to

succeed and as a result, we are Top 40 in the UK for Highest

Graduate Salaries. Come speak to us!

Solent University


Based on the south coast of England, just over an hour away

from London, Southampton is diverse, lively and packed with

things to do – and Solent is right in the heart of the action. We

offer all of the skills, knowledge and practical experience you’ll

need – all of the things employers are looking for. You’ll benefit

from our superb industry contacts and cutting-edge facilities

throughout your studies. During your time at Solent you’ll

have the opportunity to work with our exciting and innovative

student enterprises. With unique opportunities ranging from

retail to event management to freelancing in design or film, we

pride ourselves on giving our students the real-life experience

to succeed and excel.

University of Huddersfield


The University of Huddersfield is a modern, successful and

innovative university with a long and proud tradition in teaching

and research. Formed in 1825, the University now has over

22,500 students including 3,500 postgraduate students. Our

international students are an important part of our University

– in fact we currently have over 85 different nationalities

represented on campus. There are seven schools of study:

Applied Sciences, Engineering and Computing, Art & Design,

Education and Professional Development, Huddersfield

University Business School, Human and Health Sciences, Music

and Humanities.

London South Bank University


London South Bank University is one of the UK’s leading

modern universities. For 125 years, LSBU has been preparing

students for career success, with an emphasis on industry

ready graduates. LSBU academic schools: Applied Sciences,

Arts & Creative Industries, Built Environment & Architecture,

Business, Engineering, Health & Social Care and Law &

Social Sciences. LSBU is no.1 London Modern University for

graduate prospects (Sunday Times League Table 2017) and the

Entrepreneurial University of the Year (Times Higher Education

Awards 2016).

University College Birmingham (UCB)


UCB is a highly specialised public sector university focusing on

studies in hospitality, tourism and culinary arts management

and business, sport, education and marketing programmes.

We offer a range of qualifications up to Masters Degree level,

with many being awarded by the University of Birmingham.

Located in the centre of Birmingham, the UK’s second city,

UCB is an industry focused institution with some of the best

practical learning resources you will find.

St Mary’s University, London


St Mary’s University has very affordable accommodation on

our beautiful campus in Richmond, the safest part of London,

just 35 minutes from the centre of the city, and 30 minutes

from London Heathrow airport. We’re ranked 1st in London

for Teaching and Course Satisfaction (Guardian University

Guide 2020), our accredited Business School degrees have

guaranteed work placements, our Law School is top in England

for employment (LEO 2018), and we are top in London for Sport

(Which? University 2019).

London School of Science and Technology


LSST is proud to offer an open and inclusive education

experience, which is free from barriers to learning, to learners

of all levels and backgrounds, with about 4000 students

currently studying with us at our 4 different campuses

(Wembley, Luton, Birmingham, Elephant & Castle).

University of Sunderland


University of Sunderland, at the N. East of England consists of

19,500 students, fulltime and part-time and is an innovative,

forward-thinking university with high standards of teaching,

research and support. It offers 89 undergraduate and 63

postgraduate programs and has 3 campuses (2 in Sunderland

and 1 in London). The University is known internationally, for

the quality of teaching and the research done is classified as

‘world-leading’ and “internationally excellent’.

University of Westminster


The University of Westminster is a diverse and dynamic

international higher education institution located in the

heart of London. We have a 180 year history and offer a wide

range of courses. We have very strong links with industry

and professional organisations in London, across the UK and

globally. Programmes are taught by leading practitioners and

offer a range of internship opportunities and professional

accreditation, providing our students with the skills needed for

successful careers.

University of Lincoln


Everything the University of Lincoln does is geared towards

giving our students the best experience possible while they

are with us. We were rated 17th in the UK in The Guardian

University Guide 2020. The University of Lincoln was also

awarded Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework.Each

year, several thousand students become graduates of the

University of Lincoln at our spectacular graduation ceremonies

in the magnificent Lincoln Cathedral, which is one of the

finest medieval buildings in Europe. Lincolnshire is a place

we know and love, and we think you will too if you decide

to join us. But our city is not a mystery to you either even if

you have not visited us yet. Our county is the birthplace of

renowned physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton, and

the UK’s first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. More

recently the city of Lincoln has featured in Downton Abbey

and The Da Vinci Code. Speak to us to find out how you can

gain an education to help you make a difference in the global


University of Wolverhampton


Opportunities for students have been at the heart of our

mission for over 190 years. At the University of Wolverhampton,

we offer over 500 courses to unlock your potential and help you

on your way to a bright future. Discover what you’re made of

at a university that offers 96% graduate employability, all the

benefits of a central UK location, and teaching and provision

that has been recognised as exceeding national quality

requirements for UK higher education.




EDMERICA este partenerul tau pentru admiterea la universitati

americane. Impreuna vom explora oportunitatile academice si

bursele de la cele peste 4.900 de facultati din SUA. Prin sesiuni

informative, workshopuri, cursuri SAT, tabere, si consiliere

personalizata, te sprijinim pentru a selecta programele

potrivite si pentru a construi o aplicatie reprezentativa, care

sa-ti maximizeze sansele de admitere si finantare. Inspirati de

cei aproape 1.100 de romani la studiu in SUA, iti amintim: Yes

You Can!







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