SLCN Gazette's Online Magazine, COVID-19-Special Edition

We are pleased to present SLCN Gazette's online magazine, COVID-19: Special Edition! We at SLCN Gazette want to reach out to all of you by producing a special online edition solely focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, as we battle with it as nation.

We are pleased to present SLCN Gazette's online magazine, COVID-19: Special Edition!

We at SLCN Gazette want to reach out to all of you by producing a special online edition solely focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, as we battle with it as nation.


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Bitter Truth

B Y A P R I L M A E M . L A B R A D O R

Recent observations have shown

that strict social distancing and selfquarantine

procedures are also likely

to have an impact on a city's level of

air pollution.

Quality-monitoring satellites run by

NASA and the European Space

Agency have reported significant air

pollution declines. The pandemic,

however, is temporary and can still

be reversed. But experts warned

that observed improvements are

transient and that as cities,

countries, and economies bounce

back, so will pollution - unless

significant infrastructure or social

practices are adopted.

Also, we need to take a moment and

think about what we want to happen

and what we need to do once

everything goes back to normal.

Maybe we can reflect on the way we

are being governed or how issues

such as health care, poverty,

infrastructure, and pollution are

being addressed.

If we can create plans for other

catastrophic events such as this

pandemic, then maybe we will be

more prepared. It's also possible that

we will be able to prevent these

disasters from happening. There is

still hope.

S T . L U K E ' S C O L L E G E O F N U R S I N G S L C N O N L I N E G A Z E T T E | P A G E 0 7

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