Art Lesson Plan for Early Years Children

Art Lesson Plan for Early Years Children


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Hand Print Dinosaurs


Topic: Harry and the Dinosaurs

Go to School


• I can use printing to create a dinosaur picture.

• I can look carefully before I draw.

Success Criteria:

• I can paint and make prints with my hands.

• I can look carefully and try to draw what I can see.

• I can tell other children what I like about their drawings.


‘Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School’ by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds. A4 coloured paper

Ready mixed children’s paint, black felt pens and lots of paper towels.

Large paper covered table for shared drawing.

Toy dinosaurs or images to look at.

Opportunities for Reflective Learning:

Children will reflect on the thoughts and feelings of the character in the book and should be able to relate the story

to their own experiences of starting school. Children are given opportunities to evaluate their own work and that of

their peers and reflect on why they like some of the drawings.

Opportunities for promoting British Values:

Children are given opportunities to talk about each other’s work. They are encouraged to celebrate each other’s

achievements through positive feedback, promoting mutual respect. Children should be encouraged to show

responsibility for their environment and work independently; washing brushes, hanging up aprons etc.

Introduction/Mental Oral Starter:

Read the story ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School’ by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds. Why do the children

think the boy wouldn’t speak at first? Is there really a dinosaur called a Jackasaurus? What would you be called if

you were a dinosaur?

For more information on school exhibitions & other services

contact: lucy@minimasterworks.co.uk or visit


Hand Print Dinosaurs EYFS (Continued)

Teaching Session 1:

• Explain to the children they are going to make their own dinosaur using hand prints. Can the

children show you their hands with the fingers stretched out wide?

• Give each child a piece of A4 coloured paper and tell them to write their names very lightly on

the back. Can the children show you the middle of the paper?

• Ask the children to hold their hands out, palms up with fingers outstretched and using a brush

paint their own hand.

• Help them position their hand print right in the middle of the paper. Ask the children to clean

their hand with a paper towel and then wash their hands before returning to the table.

• Help the children position 2 more hand prints either side of the first one keeping the palms

close together.

Teaching Session 2:

• Tell the children their dinosaurs have bodies but need feet and tails and heads. How many toes

do they have? Which ones have claws? What are these bumps on the tail?

• On a large piece of paper draw some oval body shapes ask the children to try to add legs and

heads and tails to turn them into dinosaurs.

• Ask the children to walk around the table and look at all the dinosaurs. Which ones do you

really like? Which dinosaur does it look like?

• Give the children their hand print dinosaurs and ask them to all point to where the head should

be where the tail should be.

• Ask the children to add a head, a tail and some legs to their dinosaur hand prints.

• Ask each child what their dinosaur would be called e.g. Stanosaurus, Fredceratops etc. and

write it on a label on the back of the artwork so that MiniMasterWorks can add it to the child’s


For more information on school exhibitions & other services

contact: lucy@minimasterworks.co.uk or visit


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