The Source - 2020 Lockdown

We are GRATEFUL to all the ones that worked hard under the given circumstances, and as such allowed us to succeed in the production of April 2020 edition. As a team we present proudly: The Source Team

We are GRATEFUL to all the ones that worked hard under the given circumstances, and as such allowed us to succeed in the production of April 2020 edition. As a team we present proudly: The Source Team


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Every year, April 22 marks the anniversary

of the birth of the modern

environmental movement in 1970.

This year, we celebrate 50 years of

Earth Day. What is Earth Day? This

is a very befitting question for our

generation today. Earth day is about

appreciating the uniqueness of our

planet Earth with its incredible and

dynamic diversity. The purpose of

this day is to increase awareness on

protecting planet earth by encouraging

people to ‘go green’. That is

to buy green products and focus on

the Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (the

“3 R’s”) in fighting against global

warming. In 1970, on April 22nd, a

public awareness was given about

the state of our planet’s environment

and raise awareness to pollution.

Earth Day is usually observed

worldwide with conferences, outdoor

activities, rallies and service

projects. When Earth Day started,

there was public support for the creation

of the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) and contributed

to the passage of the Clean Air Act,

the Water Quality Improvement Act,

the Endangered Species Act and

several others environmental laws.

Earth Day was proposed by the late

Senator Gaylord Nelson Wisconsin

who died in 2005. After seeing the

damage caused by a 1969 oil spill

in Santa Barbara, California, Nelson

was inspired to organize a national

‘teach-in’ focusing on public education

about the environment. The

oil spill brought a lot of protests and

fury at protecting the environment

better. Groups that had previously

been fighting pollution, loss of


wilderness and wildlife extinction

(to mention just a few), used this as

a platform to gather together in one

accord to defend the earth. In the decades

before Earth Day, there was

a lot of pollution through massive

and inefficient automobiles. Industries

belched out smoke and sludge

with no fear of the consequences that

would be faces from the law or the

press. Air pollution was deemed a

‘smell of prosperity’. Earth Day 1970

came to provide a voice to the emerging

environmental consciousness and

aided the movement to put environmental

concerns first.

The History of Earth Day. Earth Day

has gained a lot of significance. With

the growing food shortages, rocketing

fuel prices, increased global

warming and changing weather patterns,

people have taken keen interest

in learning how they can do their part

in caring for the environment and


Patricia Odani

Patricia Odani, (SA, CompTIA Security, CyberArk Trusted

Advisor) is a Cyber Security Analyst for a Fortune 50 company.

She has diversified skills in management, leadership, and

Agile delivery methods. She is currently pursuing a Masters

in Cybersecurity as well as serving on various cybersecurity

committees on her company’s campus. She gives back to her

community by mentoring young technologists entering the

workforce and by writing insightful pieces on cybersecurity

best practices for public edification.

Both adults and children have learned

strategic ways of adopting lifestyles

that ensure cleaner environments are

maintained. Earth day is important

because it reminds people to think

about humanity’s values, the threats

that the planet is constantly under due

to the mismanagement of waste, and

how to continually protect the environment.

Each year, corporations and

activists create new projects, initiatives

and campaigns to protest and

restore the earth. There are several

Ideas that can be observed world

wide in commemoration of Earth

Day. Promote understanding of important

environmental issues so that

there is more awareness of the need

to care for the environment. Make

a commitment to a service, for example,

planting a tree, or helping to

clean a local garden or park. Picking

up discarded non-bio-degradable bottles

and recycling it. Aim to maintain

clean water by not polluting in the

community you are in. Turn off lights

when not in use. Go paperless. Earth

Day can also be celebrated at schools.

Young children should also be involved

in protecting the earth. Some

examples of how to get children and

schools involved include creating

bulletin boards in the classroom using

recycled materials with the aim of

teaching children to recycle at home.

Students can also help other students

recycle and be aware of ways to recycle

with the use of poster projects.

Students can also find ways to make

their home environmentally friendly

by practicing good recycling habits at

home. Children can also participate

in activities like picking up trash on

their school grounds, or in their communities.

They can also participate in

planting trees. There are several ways

to celebrate Earth Day, everyday of

the year, not limiting it to April 22.

Everyone has a chance and a right to

participate in keeping the environments

clean and safe.


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