International Rights Catalogue Spring 2020

Please feel free to browse our catalogue and do not hesitate to contact us for more information or reading copies. We look forward to hearing from you!

Please feel free to browse our catalogue and do not hesitate to contact us for more information or reading copies. We look forward to hearing from you!


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Mysterious, impenetrable, magical,

unfathomable, under threat

Mysterious rainforests

The endangered paradises of our Earth

© Getty Images



+ Impressive nature photography

+ Species-rich flora and fauna

+ Information on the national parks

Mysterious rainforests

The endangered paradises of our Earth

360 Pages | 23,1 x 29,5 cm


€ 34,95 [D] | € 36,00 [A] | 47,90 CHF

ISBN 978-3-95504-947-8

Howler monkeys and orangutans, colourful toucans and shy jaguars are having a hard

time – one percent of the world’s total rainforest area is lost each year and with it,

countless animal and plant species that we might not even know about are also

disappearing. The treasures of the rainforest are as unexplored as Mars, but what we

know needs to be protected. This magnificent photographic book presents the

tropical and temperate rainforests of our planet, shows protected areas and portrays

their exotic flora and fauna.

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