UP Academy Academic Overview (3)

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FALL 2020



“Education is

not preparation

for life;

education is life


― John Dewey


Unbound Potential Academy offers the progressive learning model; a flexible, personalized

curriculum tailored to the needs of each learner. Children learn more deeply when they are

asking the questions and engaging in their designed explorations in our hands-on, projectbased

environment. Children explore ideas, surroundings and manipulate and experiment

with tools and materials. They ask questions, follow their imagination, puzzle over their

findings, express their understandings and come to a deeper knowledge. Curriculum units will

be infused with auditory, reading/writing, visual and kinesthetic learning styles. Students will

also have the opportunity to experience community learning trips and STEM integration.

Teacher planned lessons, as well as an online learning portal, will be utilized to address the

needs of core content.


UP Academy believes in multi-age classrooms. Social skills and peer relationships are

maximized with fluid environments based on strengths and weaknesses rather than age. This

model enables students to develop learning communities. Learners will embrace team building

and respect for one another's differences. Mentor teams will be developed to encourage

younger and older students to listen, affirm, set goals and hold each other accountable. There

is both a leader and a collaborator in every child.


Learning opportunities will be referred to as

“pursuits”. As students master content,

reports will show missions accomplished! The

goal will be for students to close their

educational gaps and master skills they are

ready for, whether it be below, on ,or above

their current grade level. Students will

maintain portfolios throughout the study year,

in order to capture evidence of learning

throughout each pursuit.


Students will take a norm- referenced tests

(ITBS) at the beginning of the study year in

order to develop a personalized starting point

in the learning mission and again at the end of

the study period to monitor growth and

learning. Progress reports from the learning

portal, portfolio and quarterly student- led

conferences will be utilized to maintain

accurate records of the students' present

levels of understanding. We stand apart from

schools focused on ranking and categorizing

children according to test scores. We define

education in terms of an interest in digging

deeper for answers. We measure success in

terms of intellectual rather than academic

ability.UP Academy strives to make learning

matter. Students will no longer learn concepts

to show mastery on a test, but see the

relevance of learning in everyday skills and


U N B O U N D P O T E N T I A L 3

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