「心即韻」2019 陳張莉個展 Inner Rhyme- Jenny Chen Solo Exhibition

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生 命 經 歷 人 生 不 留 白

Accumulating Experiences

No Blank Pages in Life

What matters in life is not its length but its depth.

I have always been a strong-willed, competitive person ever since I was young,

and I am constantly curious about and eager to explore the surrounding as well

as life itself. Such tendency has contributed greatly to my independent character.

My fascination with new things has also brought me to continuously observe the

never-ending changes in different fields, allowing me to see myself as a student

always learning new things. This state of mind echoes Steve Job's well-known

words, "Stay hungry." It is precisely because of this life attitude that I have always

embraced the positive energies in life.

Art came into my life due to coincidences. Although we "became friends" at a

relatively late stage of my life, it has undoubtedly substantiated, enriched and

painted my days with unending surprises, empowering me to take a giant leap

intellectually. I have come to understand that life is not measured by its length but

its profound depth. Although the briefness of life is lamentable, death nevertheless

perishes in the face of eternity; and art represents the invisible eternity because of

the metaphysical and everlasting spirituality it embodies. These qualities form the

key to awaken the deep and pure mind of humanity.

Art has accompanied me to take a small step in my physical life, but formed the

giant leap of my life in eternity.

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