F.A.Q. By Paul Wade

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As far as switching routines, you should give most routines a three month run to see some

results. But beyond that, I’m a big believer in shaking a routine up every few months, just for sanity’s

sake. Learn to do this yourself—be your own coach. Experiment, move things around,

change, invent. If you are increasing your reps, your form, or if you are moving to harder exercises

(i.e., 2-3 above) you’re doing something right. Keep on keepin’ on.

Higher frequency program templates

I often get asked why I promote low frequency programs—routines where, for the most part,

you work each movement hard, just once per week. The simple answer is that these routines

work. I’m a big believer in optimizing rest and recovery for maximum strength and growth.

Remember: you don’t grow when you train. Training just damages muscle. You grow when you


I’m hesitant to recommend higher frequency programs. Why? Because if you dish them out,

most guys will start using them! That’s not always a good thing, baby. It’s a much better rule of

thumb to start with a good, solid, lower frequency program (like Good Behavior) and see how

you go. If you keep making progress every week, why add more frequency? That’s why all the programs

I really pushed in Convict Conditioning were lower frequency: New Blood, Good Behavior

and Veterano.

But there may be circumstances where upping the frequency actually works. Perhaps for an athlete

coming back after a layoff, where muscle memory allows them to progress faster; for trainees

choosing to work at lower intensity; maybe in cases of men and women with unusually powerful

recovery abilities; and so on. In these situations, I have a “little black book” of effective higher frequency

programs I like to throw at people. I didn’t want to include them in the book, because a

big chunk of athletes (eager, young, or just plain impatient) would bypass the other, more helpful

routines and start using the more frequent ones right off the bat. Since most drug-free athletes (like

it or not) suit lower frequency strength work, these higher frequency routines would do nothing

but slow up their progress. And guess who’d get the blame? Me, dammit!

I’ve listed four of these programs below. I didn’t want these routines in the book, but I’m a lot

happier tucking them away here—on a website which tends to attract more experienced lifters

and bodyweight athletes. That said, don’t go overusing these suckers or using them inappropriately

and blaming yours truly. I ran down a puppy this morning and I got enough guilt in my life.

Here goes…




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