F.A.Q. By Paul Wade

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Which team are you on, Coach? Edward or


F*** YOU.

I’ve been told that if I want to make

progress with my strength and muscle

mass, I need to use complex

periodization methods and cycle my

intensity and volume throughout the

year. Why doesn’t Convict Conditioning

feature periodization?

It’s not necessary to separate up your training methods into different periods (hence “periodization”)

throughout the year. Prisoners certainly don’t do this—they just train damn hard! Back in

the day, Olympic lifters and bodybuilders didn’t divide up their training year, either. Sure, they

might be motivated to push a little harder when a competition or physique contest was coming up,

but that was about it.

When performance drugs came on the scene, everything changed. Competitive athletes began

taking their drugs in line with the competition seasons. Athletes increasing their drugs stack were

able to amplify intensity and still recover; while detoxing from the same drugs, athleticism plummeted

and training objectives had to be altered accordingly. Coaches began to plan how to work

through all this. This was how “periodization” was born.

The idea of a “year” is really a mental construct, so far as training goes. Non-competitive, drugfree

athletes who divide their training year up do it for intellectual satisfaction. It’s for the mind,

not the body. Your muscles don’t understand the idea of a “year”. Your muscles really don’t know

whether it’s winter, summer, fall or spring. They only contract and relax. They don’t have a diary,

and they don’t fret about the weather. There are incredibly strong men who live in Arctic climates,

and there are some real powerhouses who live in the desert.

Just because I don’t buy into classical annual periodization, it doesn’t mean I think you should

work full-bore all the time. It’s good to give your muscles a breather from time-to-time, just as it’s

also good to really push yourself sometimes. But you don’t need any artificial program manipulation

to achieve this. Convict Conditioning naturally allows for natural cycles of intensity, and it

does so in balance with your body’s own rhythms.




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