Magic Protection - General Considerations

A summary of the basics of magical protection

A summary of the basics of magical protection


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10 Do not send back

Do not send back, deflect, disperse, recycle

I know, this point is controversial. But please consider it well. In sending back you bind

yourself to the negative energy, you use it to your own purpose, you acknowledge it. It

makes it stronger and entangles you in karmic tetherings.

Stepping into holiness is one of the strongest protections ever. And Oneness is the

absolute protection.

This being said, I've done some rebounce protections too ;-)

This energy costs are high though.

11 When it's too late already

You are under a curse or subject to negative energy, free yourself from it!

This is a very difficult topic and there are no patent solutions.

Use all the tips you can get. Assert your right to protection and freewill.

I would recommend working along this line. But please adapt it to your ways and liking. It

should work for you after all. This is only a general recommendation.

1. Research and learn

2. Get advice

3. Select what appeals to you

4. Plan your protection carefully

make it as complex as possible,

use as many methods as possible

5. Get a circle to help you

a circle can be a single cat ;-) or a coven

please use only people who know what they are doing and do it freely

Use material help

draw a circle

use a stone/crystal

hold a talisman in your hand

put a bowl of water in front of you


6. Push the curse/negative energy back

go to your inner core

picture your deep self as a light

expand the light outwards using your power, your community with the whole life or

whatever you prefer until the curse or negative energy is outside you

7. Do your protection

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