Meditarion eBook

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Bene ts


John F. Ledgar

Holistic Counsellor


Spiritual Healer.

Table Of Contents


Bene ts of Meditation

02 How can I learn to meditate?


How to meditate?

Keys to Meditation.


Time to meditate.


Whats next?

About John.

Bene ts of meditation

Meditation in is simplest form, is quieting of the

mind to enable you to gain a deeper understading

of who you are.

Through meditation you are able to connect with

your true-self and begin to live a life that is closer

to your true life’s path.

Meditation has been proven to be bene cial for

health, decreasing blood pressure, stress levels

and raises your overall sence of wellbeing.

Living a life, connected to our true life’s path leads

to more feelings of connection, contentment and

joy and less feelings of stress, depression and


This enables you to take some control over your

life back from a hectic and fast paced world.

Through meditation you can gain a greater

understanding of who you are, whilst at the same

time relieving symptoms of chronic illness,

depression and anxiety to name a few.

As a result of meditating you are able to connect

with your true-self and begin to live a life that is

closer to your true life’s path.

Living a life more connected to your purpose has

many bene ts beyond the physical and

psychological ones already mentioned. You gain

more satisfaction from life when you are

connected to your purpose.

It also has the bene t of releasing tension, and

creating a sense of peace and calm.

As stress levels decrease, this also has a positive

e ect on blood pressure, heart rate, respiration

and over all wellbeing.

John Ledgar - Holistic Counsellor and Spiritual


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How Can I Learn To Meditate

It’s a bit like riding a bike, once you’ve learned how to meditate then it’s a process you’ll

have access to the whole of your life.

But where can you learn to meditate?

There is a lot written about meditation on the internet, that is a good place to start

gather information to make your decission.

When you are starting out, it’s important to choose a meditation method that’s easy to

pick up.

I’d personally suggest a breathing meditation, a walking meditation or, if you prefer, a

“high tech” meditation like Insight TImer where all you need to do is sit down and play the

app. My personal preferance is to use visualisation to access a meditative state.

My suggestion is that once you are armed with the information, it is better to nd a

teacher who can work with you and answer your questions.

There are pluses and minuses to each of these methods, but as a general rule they are all

easy enough to pick up.

Once you’ve decided on a meditation method, trial it for a week or so to see whether or

not you really get on with it. If you do, keep going with it. If you don’t, then try another

method instead.

As with everything else in life, not everyone gets on with everything. There’s no

embarrassment if you nd you don’t like a particular method.

A week or two’s trial is a good length of time. Anything less and it’s unlikely you’ve given

the method a fair trial. After all, it probably took you more than one lesson to drive a car.

Do your best to meditate at the same time each day. We’re creatures of habit and this

includes meditation. Especially when you are learning something new, set aside a speci c

time of the day when you are most likely to be able to carry out your meditation practice.

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How to meditate?

Having decided that you want to learn to

meditate, now is the time to decide how

you want to learn to meditate.

There are a myriad ways you can meditate

and each has it bene ts.

You may choose a moving meditation such

as Tai Chi, Yoga, or walking meditation.

You may choose a chanting meditation, or

other forms such as Transendental


I prefer to keep things simple.

My method of meditation utilises focussing

on my breath and visualisation.

Keys to meditation

I view meditation from a simplistic point of view, and as such keep things as simple as


In essence, meditation is an altered state of consciousness, some what similar to

hypnosis. We all enter into and out of this type of state several times during the day,

such as when we are sleeping , day dreaming and waking.

In meditation we are practicing to do these things with purpose.

The rst key for me is the breath. Focussing on the breath and using it to activate the

parasympathetic and help calm the sympathetic nervous systems. It also gives us

something to focus on whilst practicing meditation

The second key is non-attachment to your thoughts. Thoughts are like waves and will

ow in and out of your mind whilst you meditate, as they do to your mind throughout the

rest of the day.

My third key, is openess. Be completely open to the experience. Allow yourself to

experience whatever happens with an open heart and an intention of openess, well

knowing that nothing but good can come from it.

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Time to meditate.

Having explored and learned a bit about meditation. I would like to invite you to explore one of

my meditations.

Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down.

Begin to focus on your breathing.

Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, as if you are blowing out a candle.

Repeat this several times, until you feel relaxed and then resume your normal or regular

breathing patterns.

Imagine there are some stairs infront of you, begin to walk down them as I count:






At the bottom of the stairs you notice you have entered a vast crystal cave.

You explore the cave, using all your senses, pay special notice to your senses as well as to how

you are feeling.

Spend a few minutes reaching out with your feelings.

Begin to come aware of a large crystal in the centre of the cavern.

What colour is it? How does it make you feel?

Sit by the crystal and explore it with ALL of your senses. Reach out with your feelings and see

how it makes you feel inside. Can you hear it speak to you? Does it show you anything?

After spending several minutes exploring the crystal, give thanks for the knowledge it has shared

with you.

Walk back towards the stairs, ascend them as I count:






As you enter your room, begin to bring your focus back to your breath.

Breath deeply and calmly. Notice the sensations in your body. BEcome more aware of your

hands and legs. Wriggle your ngers and toes and when you are ready open your eyes.

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What next?

After nding the meditation style you like, work it into your daily routine.

Find a set time each day, where possible, to sit and meditate.

You may choose to look for someone to teach and guide you. Sitting in a meditation

circle or group can be a great supportive way to learn to meditate. You are able to share

your experience with several people and gain feedback from others about what helps

them to reach deeper levels of meditation.

You may want to sit after meditation to record, in writing, your experiences.

Depending on where you are on your meditation journey, you may even want to look into

developing your own meditation circle or group.

About John Ledgar

John is a Holistic Counsellor, Spiritual Healer, Kindergarten Teacher and a father of three


He has been exploring spirituality on and o for over the last 20 years.

In the last year he has dedicated his life to exploring meditation and studying Holistic


At the end of 2019, John was running a small intimate meditation circle at his home in

Hampton Park Victotia Australia. At the moment he is exploring ways to bring his

meditation circles online to support his participants and the wider community who

require a positive outlet during these trying and di cult times.

If you are interested in connecting with John, contact him via the links on the following


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Thank You

Connect with John.

Phone Number: 0417 801 201

Email: johnledgar11@gmail.com

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