Come Home

An artists book following the human connection to nature.

An artists book following the human connection to nature.


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come home.

It begins with a beckoning.

c o m e h o m e c o m e

h o m e c o m e h o m e

c o m e h o m e c o m e

h o m e c o m e h o m e

c o m e h o m e c o m e

h o m e c o m e h o m e

c o m e h o m e c o m e

h o m e c o m e h o m e

come home.

And dissolve into the forest,

let the water engulf you

sink your feet into the creek bed

and root yourself amongst the


b e



Let your skin melt into dewy

pools of light.

Allow your breath to become the


and your skull to fill with clouds

Your limbs stretch and intertwine

with the vines

while your lungs fill with the warmth

of sunlight.

For you are of nature,

And you are home.

By Anna Fern

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