What is existential crisis and why do we need help

An Existential Crisis occurs when a person has survivor's guilt or start thinking life is meaningless, contact our expert team that help to cope with this http://vcaretherapy.com/what-is-existential-crisis-and-why-do-we-need-help/

An Existential Crisis occurs when a person has survivor's guilt or start thinking life is meaningless, contact our expert team that help to cope with this



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What is existential crisis and why do we need help?


You have moments when you start questioning your life, search for meaning in life,

reflect a more on yourself and explore the abstract concepts related to your self and

your enviroenment. You experience extensive emotions which are disturbing and not

self regulatory, your life seems meaningless and you constantly search for the purpose

of your existence.

It is when you are experiencing an existential crisis, an existential crisis includes the inner

conflicts and anxieties that accompany human responsibility, independence, freedom,

issues of purpose and committement.

Existential crisis is not time and age specific, people might experience this crisis at any

time and at any age. It depends on how fulfilling your life is, how purposeful and

meaningful your actions are. These reflective questions might leave you in a state of

hopelessness and despair. The crises is related to three basic aspects- the emotional

aspect and the cognitive and behavioral aspect. Victor Frankl in his book “Man’s search

for meaning” mentions that one of the fundamental aspects of existence which can take

away the meaning of life is pain. A person suffering from a chronic disease, a person

experiencing emotional distress often seems to be in a painful state, it is when the

individual realizes the impermanence and meaninglessness of his existence. Despair,

helplessness and hopelessness are also facets of an existential crisis. Because of these

emotions an individual might be less motivated to work, does not experience life with

inner joy, associate happiness with relative things and thus does not value the

responsibilities for their life. The cognitive aspect comprises of the loss of personal

values and decision making.

Meaning of life is associated with change of mind, therefore when encountered with

diffrernt problems it is not necessary to apply the same possibilities or the same

solutions but explore different set of possibilities, discover new values and reinterpret

the situation with positive thoughts. Decisions made at the time of crisis has a large role


to play with our own resiliency , the perception and refelction of the cognitive aspects

can help a person to interpret the situation in a completely different way and help make

the right choice which would resolve the exiistential crisis. The behavioral component

comprises of the actions taken at the time of crisis. The inability to cope with the daily

activities and causing trouble to others, thus lack of proper coping mechanisms leads to

loss of relationships, health problems, addictions and anti social behavior.

Meaninglessness experienced in an existential crisis is related to the alienation state and

with other worlds which eventually affects the social life of the person.

The existential vacuum can accelerate the emergence of feelings of anxiety and

depression and other psychological and somatic symptoms. Despite of your successful

life, you might experience boredom and other feelings related to meaninglessness. A

person experiencing an existential crisis is characterized by the need for therapy. Due to

lack of coping mechanisms and resiliency you might not be able to overcome the crisis.

But with the help of the therapist ,who will help you to reflect and introspect more on

yourself trying to find the answers and the solutions which lies deep within you.

Sense of meaninglessness is associated with a wide range of emotions such as fear,

anger, shame, sadness which might trigger feelings of anxiety and depression. This is a

moment when you feel unsure and uncertain about life and your life seems to be

directionless. You feel your emotions are unexplainable and they are incomprehensible

by people. But this life state is not permanent, the emotions and feelings are not

permanent, you won’t be going though this phase forever. When you realize your life is

in a state of utter despair and everything around you seems to be meaningless and

valueless .

This is the time when you need to seek for help, may be opening up about your feelings

and thoughts with a friend or seeking help from a therpist. Therapy helps at this time

because you might not know what to do with these feelings and there does not seem to

be a solution , but it is important to accept that your therapist will help you identify your

limitations and work beyond these limitations and discover the possible solutions for the

problem. You will eventually realize that you have the power to get to the other side even

if it’s hard to imagine it at the moment.


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