KAUSE - MMRT95_MMLC70 Magazine

KAUSE - MMRT95_MMLC70 Magazine

KAUSE - MMRT95_MMLC70 Magazine


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Editors note

A s



we all

thrive in


that are

comfortable and

inspiring. Tabling is

one such forum that

brings out the best in

individuals through

various avenues. Being

part of tabling is surely a

privilege and after being

part of 95 for 5 years now, I

understand what service and

friendship in the true sense is.

Table Circle 9570 and fellowship is

synonymous! And to keep up is not an

easy feat. Also We may not realise but we

learn so much from each other especially while organising events such as


This thought is what led to the theme for the articles in this edition. I am

inspired by the people of 9570 in some way or the other and I truly think

sharing by some of our circlers tables and twinklers will enrich us a little


Hence In this edition, we focused on words of wisdom from part of our


I would also like to thank our Area Chairman Tr. Vijay Srinivas, Area ST Tr.

Santhoshraj CS, National President GLMF Cr. Nidhi Gupta and Area2

Chairperson 19-20, LMF. Cr. Shalini Voora for their time to share such lovely

things about our table and circle.


Cr. Ishita Shete


Cr. Ishita Shete



Seasons Greetings !

It’s great to see your Table

continue with your magazine

Kause, not many tables have

been able to achieve this.

Kudos to you guys for that.

Chairman Vijay and Team 95,

you guys have been

exceptional this year with

Publicity and various other

community service activities.

Fellowship has always been

the corner stone of 95ers, and

that makes every event of RTI

rocking with 95ers being

present the maximum ! Thank

you all for always keeping the

momentum high. Many

stalwarts have been there

from your Table and I’m sure

many more would emerge in

the years to come. This year,

a noteworthy Thing would be

the presence of Chairman

Vijay in every event that

happens, that’s a

commitment that’s difficult to

make, you’ve made it

happen buddy. Keep

Dreaming, and Dream

Ondraga !


Vijay Srinivas

Area Chairman,

Area 2, 2019-20

Tr. Vijay Srinivas

Area Chairman,

Area 2, 2019-20



Dear MMRT95 Family,


Tr. Santhoshraj CS

AST, Area 2



Warm Greetings from your

Area Secretary Treasurer,

congratulations MMRT95 &

MMLC70 on the first

magazine Kause for the year

2019-20. Chairman Tr.Vijay, a

brilliant year till date,

Amazing Community

services through the year

with completing Flight of

Fantasy, Diwali Disco and

many more. Publicity has

been taken to a different

level this year with News,

Print, Media and Displays all

across the state covered.

MMRT95 and fellowship are

synonyms which keeps

getting stronger. Secretary

Tr.Niren and Treasurer

Tr.Navin have been a great

support with timely reports

and follow ups. Releasing a

magazine takes effort which

is no easy task and MMRT95

has been doing it

consistently for the last few

years, kudos on that. Big

shout out to the Editor

Cr.Ishita Shete for making the

magazine happen. Keep

rocking "Ondraga" MMRT95 .


Tr.Santhoshraj C S

AST, Area 2


Dear Cp Cr. Kiran, Editor Cr. Isha and all circlers

of MMLC 70 ,

Golden Greetings to each one of you . The synergy

between your table and circle try personifies

the meaning of a family organisation . Its

lovely to see the way you work hand in hand

with each other in every facet of tabling and


The passion and commitment of the girls of 70 is

incomparable. Ive had the privilege of attending

one of your circle AGMs and you girls were

just phe- nomenal. The strength you love

around in shows the bonds of sisterhood you

girls share. Your dance performances at

Area Agms have always been

a blockbuster and made sure you have

emerged as winners.

Immense gratitude to the floor of LC 70 to

give The Golden Board NHC Sofie. Sofie adds

the touch of all that LC 70 stands for , to the

Nation- al Board .

GLMF Cr. Nidhi Gupta

National President

LCI 2019-20

Congratulations on a brilliant 3 quarters gone by

under the leadership of Cr. Kiran and wish you all

the very best for the coming quarter .

Awaiting to meet the family of MMLC 70 soon.

Wishes staright from my heart

Lets Celebrate and Serve With A Heart of Gold.

GLMF Cr. Nidhi Gupta

National President

Ladies Circle India


My dear friends ,my focus for this year is bonding

.circling provides a great platform to meet like

-minded people and make great friends.

This supersedes everything we have set out to


Take time to bond

- with your circle

- To bond with other Circler’s at inter circle and

area meets

- Celebrate your victories be it small or big .you

deserve it !!!!

Unlike other areas most of the circles in area 2 are

very well within the city limits of chennai . Let’s take

advantage of the geographical proximity to

maximise on fellowships and meets to promote


As part of this years initiative we started the year

with a fellowship game. I sincerely believe that

these fellowships will bring us all a bit more closer

with every passing quarter.

Area2 Has always outshined at the national level

and I wish to keep the flag flying high with all your


My advice

Breathe new energy into your ongoing projects .

Revive projects that have made a positive impact

on the masses. Include projects that make

a difference.

As Hellen Keller rightly said :

Alone we can do so little ;

together we can do so much

Dear Circlers !!!!!!

Together we shall work

together we shall achieve

Together we will Outshine

Together let us Build a New Tomorrow,

Today !!!!

LMF. Shalini Voora

Area2 Chairperson 19-20

LMF. Shalini Voora

Area2 Chairperson 2019-20

Chairman’s message

Hi Fellas,

I am very happy and

privileged to be the

Chairman of this Table. The

year has been a whirlwind

with all the events like Flight of

Fantasy, Diwali Disco, Forever

95,Projects and Fellowships.

The last quarter has

begun, in these tough times I

am so happy that the spirit of

tabling is still super high at

MMRT 95.

Being at the helm of this

table is very special to me

and I have made very special

memories and am looking

forward to making more

memories for life in de next

couple of months .

Tr. Vijayaraghavendra

Chairman MMRT 95


Chairperson’s message

Dear family of MMLC70 & MMRT95,

The past 10 months of being the

Chairperson of this multitalented

and enthusiastic circle has been a

beautiful journey,

Chairpersonship is a big

responsibility to the list of already

existing responsibilities that each of


makes u realize what you are capable

of and it teaches you how to


LC70 has given me some

beautiful memories and friends for

life.... I don't think I could have

asked for a better team, we have

had some amazing fellowships, satisfying

community services, fun

twinkler events, fabulous digital

HRD's, in all the past 10 months

have been exhilarating.

I would like congratulate

Cr.Isha for getting the secretary

recognition consistently and Cr.Mona

Cr.Shivagi and Cr.Siddhi for

fellowship recognition consistently .

Looking forward to the next 2

months of friendship and service

Kiran Sakhrani

Chairperson MMLC70


Celebrate your life here!

Little by little, day by day...

What is meant for You will find its way...

Let time set its own pace, why hurry,

Everything is falling in place so why worry!

Life has a beautiful way of unfolding things...

So just let go and watch as change begins...

Flow in the direction where life takes you,

You will reach new horizons and have a break through!

Life is as simple as you make it...

Relax, Smile, Breath and Enjoy every bit...

Experiences will help you evolve each day..

Learning’s will come to you as you progress each day...

Believe, Surrender, have a little Faith....

Always be Grateful and in a Mindful state...

Listen to Yourself and the Messages that Universe sends...

A process so Divine, as you apply Your Energy transcends...

Have courage and Follow your heart...

Somehow it always Knows where to Start...

Be Aware, Intuitive and grab all opportunities...

Be happy, grounded and don’t dis your abilities...

Live life king size and make each day count!

Give Your Best and as a result you’ll always stand out!

Throw that extra baggage away, live light..

Forgive more, Let Go and always Shine Bright...

As Yog Guru Master Minood says:

“Gear up for great things!

Celebrate your life here!

Yes! Celebrate your life here!

You are Visiting!”






Yoga is not a work out, it's a work in.

Regular practice of yoga cleanses the Mind Body and soul all

together. A Yogi is not one that performs certain set of yoga

stretches and exercises at a particular time for physical health, he

is one who practises it throughout his life thus enhancing his mental

and spiritual well-being. Yoga is a wholesome experience wherein

you master the art of self restraint, discipline and in turn increases

productivity not only in your personal but it also helps in your work


Yoga emancipates the best ways you do anything with attention. It

helps you to feel happy from within by cultivating a healthy

relationship with your own self.

Yoga - its first an intention, then it becomes a behaviour, slowly turns

into a habit-- culminates to a second nature and then it is simply

who you are.


Yours in Tabling

Hemant khandelwal




Look BacK

Flight o

Sivakasi to Madurai - Chen

A Day in Ch

at VGP universa

70 , RSRT 158


f Fantasy

nai - Madurai to Sivakasi


l kingdom

The importance of

learning a foreign


It was a few decades ago when traveling

overseas was considered an expensive

ordeal. It was the ‘black & White era when a

person returning from a trip overseas would be

considered an aristocrat, welcomed with a

garland of flowers .

Today we are talking about the 21st

century, where the world is changing with

every tick of the clock.

Sofia Khandelwal

National Hon Circler,

LC India 2019-20

Director - Mind your Language


Globalisation has led to many International mergers &

partnerships of India with various other countries . Therefore

‘Communication’ plays a key role for the smooth functioning of any

business or profession overseas.

It is always beneficial to communicate to your business

associate in his/her local language. It not only makes understanding

simpler but also creates an immediate connect with them.

Hence learning foreign languages opens up an ocean of

opportunities to Business personnel and professionals.

At our language institute, we highly recommend parents to

enrol children as early as age 8 as their learning absorption is faster.

However, language is never restricted to age. Anyone with the

passion to learn and the hunger to grow can master a foreign

language in no time .

As a foreign language professor it gives me great satisfaction to

convert a prospective student into a confident speaker .

To conclude, I would like to quote Nelson Mandala , who said “

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his

head . But if you speak to him in his own language, that goes to his

heart “

مرحبا!‏ Olá!

Γεια σας!




Balancing Work & Home

Oh ! What a Topic!!!!

Writing an article was on my

bucket list and thanks to LC 70

for such a Fantastic Initiative.

Really excited to pen down

my thoughts. Hope you enjoy

reading it too……

Balancing Work & Home – isn’t

that what we do every day?

In fact it’s a way of life. And I

am 100% sure that, for all of us

it’s less than a roller coaster


As this title suggests, I actually

wonder if someone is ever

able to balance work with

home perfectly???????.

Cr.Chaitali Shah


Anyways here is my story!!!

My journey of this balancing began before 20

years when I got engaged to a boy from Trichy.

I thought I would be going to a new place where

I will have to adjust with a new family.

But things turned around when I landed here in

south. I was in, for a shock “Tamil”.. I could not understand

a single word of Tamil which became such a big

challenge that the other adjustments felt really negligible.......

I wanted to join the office but Tamil was an

issue here too....I was confined to my house, which

was extremely difficult for an outgoing person like me,

so I decided to learn Tamil for my own freedom...

Tried different ways ...learning the alphabets by

joining the dots, showing things to people and asking

its name in Tamil, reading hoardings, milestones on the

highways, listening to Tamil music, watching Tamil

movies, conversing with staff without using English

words...and what not!

Finally within six months I got a

reasonable hold over the language.

Friends started appreciating me for

the short span of time in which I had

picked up Tamil.... I received a lot of

compliments for my accent..... The

best one was - A Tamilian lady

coming and asking if I was a Tamilian

who adjusted so well in a traditional

Gujarati business family after doing a

love marriage with a Gujju boy!!!! My

family and home front was


Next came WORK, I got

professionally involved in our family

company. Initially I started working in

admin – doing filing, filling bank

challans etc. and today I am a SBU

Head of three branches of N

Gopaldaas Jewellers. We are in our

92nd year of excellence in diamond

jewellery with 7 Branches across the

world, with an award winning title of

“Legendary Diamond Jeweller”.

After work + home, the third &

most important part of this journey

began. It was MOTHERHOOD. I was

blessed with two wonderful

daughters, whom I had to nurture. By

God’s Grace today I am a proud

mother of two beautiful girls aged 15

and 17, who are vouched for both

their conducts and


Now as far as the balance

between home and work is

concerned, believe me it’s never

“PERFECT”. You have to be lenient

and strict with yourself at the same

time. The most important part is

never feel guilty of the odd days. This

guilt feeling is only the killing factor

for all working women.

There are days when you devote

yourself completely in the kitchen,

some days when you are busy at office

- day and night, unfortunate days

when the kids are unwell, they

become your priority. (Kids are always

the first priority), the duty list for a

woman is endless………

The problem with most of us is

when we do household duties we feel

guilty that we are not doing justice to

office work, while working at office we

feel guilty that we are ignoring the kids,

while sitting with kids we feel that the

house is in a mess!!!!!!

OMG we are our own critics.

We as women get lost in different roles

- working women, career women, wife,

daughter-in- law, a mother, feminist

and running in rat race of proving ourselves.

In this whole process, we forget

the core essence of being a women.

Please remember that, the rejoice of

womanhood is never in career or

taking care of family or being a

mother, but it’s purely being a


The thrill, the panic, the dilemma, the

excitement of this journey can never

be explained. It only can be experienced.

So let’s just enjoy the journey

and not focus on this “BALANCING


Chaitali Shah


N Gopaldaas Gems & Jewellery

Exports Private Limited,

251 TTK Road, Alwarpet,

Chennai - 600018.

Phone No. 044-24662233.

Diwali Disco

Look BacK












1 cup- unsalted butter

5 oz of chopped chocolate(

half dark, half milk, or whatever

you prefer)

1/4 cup coco powder

1 1/2 caster sugar

1tbsp vanilla essence

3 eggs

1tbsp baking powder

1 1/4 Flour

3/4 cup chocolate chips or

roughly chopped chocolate


~Grease and line a square brownie mould

~Melt the chocolate and butter on a low


~Mix in seived coco powder and let it cool


~Add in the sugar and mix until incorporated.

~Mix the flour and baking power in a bowl

~Mix in the eggs and vanilla in a measure jar

~Fold in the dry mix and the egg mix,


(Always start with dry and end with dry.)

~Once fully incorporated, mix in the

chocolate chips.

~Pour the batter into the lines mould and

bake at 170*C for 15 to 20 minutes or until a

toothpick comes out clean.

~Let it cool completely on a cooling tray.

~De-mould and cut to your preferred sizes

Tanvi Sampath

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