Wm I Johnson - Finland Trip 1987

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clothing, etc, etc, etc. On way back to apt. (taking pictures on way) a young man - dark skinned

foreigner stopped me - and in English asked if I knew where certain restaurant was I didn’t know -

He asked if I lived here - I said was visiting from Carlsbad Calif. near San Diego USA - he said he

was from Algeria - spoke FInnish, French - English and Arabic - I told him it was probably as

difficult for him to learn English as it would be for me to learn Arabic - we laughed, wished each

other well and went our way - How did he know I spoke English? Maybe the English - Norfolk

style coat (John’s from Hong Kong tailor) and English type cap that was so prevalent in England.

Kalle told me the Arab - terrorists {my comment: did we even talk about terrorists back in

87?} have young well educated men as fronts in various areas and in Finland there have been

gun-runners operating out of well known restaurants - could this have been one of them?

Pic #11 Helsinki Harbor Market Place Booths

Yesterday on way back from downtown Helsinki there was a young man in Turban (hindu

style) passing out books (Har-Krishna) written in Finnish. He spoke English also, altho he

addressed me in Finnish. I said “ei ymmana” and he said - oh you speak English - he asked

would I like to read his book - I said no-thank you - I don’t read finnish and besides I am from the

USA, LDS - Mormon. He shook hands - said he was glad to meet a Mormon - wish each other

well and I went on my way, leaving him on corner just as Finn Lady inquired as to his “Kirga.”

Back to room apt. at 3:40 pm - sun’s out but air is cold - got pictures on way - (16-21). Confirmed

plane reservation to London. Kalle just came in, Liisa and friend going away to 2 parties. Kalle fix

supper - Liisa and friend left about 4:30 - will be gone for evening.

Pg. 27 Kalle leaving also - sort of relief cause when Liisa here she always wants me to eat

something - going to sort out my things - need or not in next few days - put everything I don’t think I’ll

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