Wm I Johnson - Finland Trip 1987

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Getting tired now, went to bed at 12 Mon. nite at Hotel, up at 6:30 after waking at odd

times all nite - 2:50, 3:30, 4:00 and then went to sleep. How could I sleep not knowing where I’d

get to, and just got bit with the 420mk bill. Said I should be 450 but as it was clerks error they

said the additional 30mk would be excused.

Pg.11 And now this whole room to myself, just off entry hall, and living room - toilet and

basin just off from entry hall and next to this room (pict. 4-5). Also have space in hall clothes

rack too, so I can hang up some of my things out of bag. Washed some socks, took 1 ½ days

to dry. Next time I’ll put them on radiator (did that later and socks and underwear dried over

nite). Have twice as many clothes as I needed but not knowing what washing and drying

facilities might be available I felt I had to be sure to have enough changes. Just remembered

Terry’s Birthday is tomorrow - 35 yrs. - oh boy how time goes by.

March 19, 1987

It’s now 5:15am, up since 4:30 or so going thru Thurs. schedules and what not,

wondering about next - locate library, passport office, records etc, but what can I do with such

limited FInn language skills. Can’t read phone book, or signs on buildings. Hope to go north to

see Terttu and Mrs. Iisole soon. Went to town to passport office, girl receptionist spoke English

quite well - no parents names on passports, so that is out. Library has been relocated in

suburbs. Wouldn’t be able to do much there either with limited language Do better to get

records microfilm from Salt Lake genealogy Library. Liisa just told me their library has no

genealogy dept. Got back with feet and hands cold - cold hardly open, unlock outside door to

hallway and stairs to apartment.

Pg.12 Well, I found out Terttu lives in town called Salo about 2 hrs. from Helsinki, part train

stop for switch to Hanko and about 40 me. closer than Uusikaupunki, where Terttu’s stepmother

is. Hope she can come to Terttu’s when I’m there. Would like to meet her as she was good

friend to cousin Aino, whose place she filled after Aino’s death. Took good care of Terttu and

real good friend of Isomeri family. Found out that I can go to Salo next Saturday 21st, take 9am

train from Helsinki and get to Salo at 11:00. Terttu, Enzio (her husband) will meet me at station

and we go to their home for afternoon lunch and visit. Next Sunday plan to go to Sac. Meeting

at Mission Home and Yussi and his 2 boys plan to come for a visit. Haven’t heard if Risto will

be able to come. They both live in suburbs quite a ways out.

March 20, 1987

Friday, 1am Woke up 11:30 - been going thru pictures - Kalle knows a Photo shop man -

friend from long ago and is seeing him Sunday 22nd and will get copies of some pictures I have

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