Community Needs Assessment for North Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Community Needs Assessment for North Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Community Needs Assessment for North Philadelphia Pennsylvania


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agencies “develop a picture of organizational quality, recognize best practices, and identify possible

opportunities for improvement”. When an agency is being reviewed, its review is graded as follows on the

needs assessment process:

1. At risk There is little or no needs assessment data, and the agency has no system

for synthesizing available data to guide the direction of comprehensive

agency strategic or operational plans.

2. Insufficient but

making progress

There are needs assessments for specific programs required by funding

sources. The data are only used to meet program requirements

3. Sufficient Systems exist for utilizing the program needs assessment data on an

agency level or for disseminating funding within the agency. There is a

regularly conducted, broad based community needs assessment and a

system is in place to utilize the data across program lines

4. Sufficient and

making strides



There is a regularly conducted, broad based community needs

assessment and a system is in place to utilize data in developing the

agency strategic plan and in formulating goals and objectives

5. Excellent The agency meets the criteria in 4 and the information from the needs

assessment is used in formulating agency goals and objectives in which the

board members were involved and approved. Information is also shared

with the community, local policy makers and legislators. The agency needs

assessment and strategic plan are utilized in seeking funding through

government and private funding sources.

Community assessments can and should be more than just a gathering and analyzing of data, they can

also be a basis for creating change. A community based needs assessment can help the agency address

families by providing a snapshot of families in the service area and their economic well being, educational

status, health and welfare. Agencies can begin to create change either by setting a framework for

programs and plans that work toward ending poverty (or helping individuals and families to move up and

out) or family stabilization (helping individuals and families to stop moving down). It can provide important

community information as to who may be working on issues and where gaps in community services lie. It

provides an opportunity to meet and develop partnerships strengthening services for citizens in the area.

Finally a community needs assessment helps the agency in its planning process by providing the


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