May atmore 2020

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The Staff Report

Continued from page 5

Inside the new freezer

Some people, especially the elderly and those with

health conditions, will continue to remain at home.

Please share the following information with senior

Walter Albritton

Continued from page 25

The business of the King is to make Jesus known

and loved. It is to witness to the ways our lives have

been changed, and are being changed, by the

transforming power of the living Christ. It is to help

people see that the true meaning of life is not found in

eating, drinking and playing around but in finding ways

to love people into the Kingdom of God. It is to help

others discover that meaning and joy are found in loving

God and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Must we wallow in dullness and frustration because

we are sheltered in our homes for a time? No!

A thousand times No! We can grow our faith forward

by reading and studying God's Word. We can spend

time in intercessory prayer, lifting up the sick, praying

for our heroes who are on the front lines of service. We

citizens you know and love from MEDICARE.GOV.

Managing stress during COVID-19

More than ever, it's important to stay home to slow the

spread of COVID-19, and if you must go out, practice

social distancing. While we stay home, don't let fear and

anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic become overwhelming.

Here are a few ways the CDC recommends

managing stress during these challenging times:

• Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to

news stories and social media.

• Connect with others. Talk with friends and loved ones

over the phone or via video chat about your concerns

and how you are feeling.

• Take care of yourself. Take deep breaths, stretch, or

meditate. Try to eat healthy meals, exercise regularly,

and get plenty of sleep.

Remember: If you need to see your doctor, please call

them first. Medicare has expanded their ability to use

telehealth services during the COVID-19 emergency for

common office visits, mental health counseling, and

preventive health screenings.

In closing, please continue to stay safe. Like us on

Facebook (City of Atmore Mayor's Office) and visit our

official website www.cityofatmore.com

Thank you, Atmore.


can encourage others with phone calls, cards, letters

and gifts of food and flowers. We can find creative ways

to make our love known to family and friends. We can

pray for a worldwide spiritual awakening. We are not

helpless because we are isolated. We can be about

the business of the King!

Now repeat that little poem 10 times until you have

memorized it. Then, the next time dullness comes

calling, celebrate the truth that you are wanted for the

business of the King! Say it to yourself: “I am wanted

for the business of the King!” You are – so get busy!

Life will be sweeter no matter how long our seclusion


The Rev. Walter Albritton is Pastor of Congregational

Care at St. James United Methodist Church in



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