May atmore 2020

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It has long been said that absence makes the heart

grow fonder. After the last month with so many of us

working remotely and many of our favorite businesses

closed or restricted from their normal activities, we are

all longing to get back to normal. We want to find ourselves

back in our favorite places and near familiar


For our local businesses here in Atmore, the

COVID-19 pandemic has created a crisis, but through

these challenges, our business community is showing

its resilience. Together, we all can find ways to be

stronger than ever before.

If all the bad news and uncertainty is wearing you out,

here is a positive thought to focus on: Without a doubt

those of us who so passionately believe in the

power of community are being proven right. On a

national level, it may look like we are falling apart, but

we need to remember that our strength has always

manifested on the local level. I've said it before and I'll

say it once more: Locally is where America is at its best.

My time in Atmore has given me the great gift of

getting to know our leaders and citizens. And I've come

to see that Atmore is made of incredibly strong stuff.

We're innovative and resourceful. We're connected,

caring, and compassionate.

Even in the face of challenges, we're optimists at heart.

And that's why I feel this is our time to shine.

Communities like Atmore will be the saving grace in

a nation wracked by the coronavirus and (moreover)

the fear of the coronavirus. I believe this with everything

in me. And in the same way people are catching the

“panic” bug, can't we also catch the “help each other”

bug? I believe we can – and I believe it will start on a

community level.

I want to emphasize that we will get out of this, we'll

come back stronger. Normalcy will return to our

community. In the days ahead as we all begin to recover

and Atmore comes back to life, I believe we all need to

remember the following:

Remember that localism matters

Locally is where leaders in all sectors can make the

most difference. It's where we need to concentrate our

best thinking and our best efforts. People throughout

the Atmore area had the proverbial rug pulled out from

under them in every arena: business, work, financial,

family, and personal life. We can all help to put our

community back on the right track by shopping and

living local in the days ahead.

Chamber Notes


Look after our neighbors in need

Community groups and members throughout Atmore

have done an amazing job of helping their neighbors

but the work is not done. We must continue to identify

those in need and figure out ways to help. Think elderly,

sick and housebound people, those who live in underprivileged

areas, small children without access to food.

Activate the “can-do” attitude in our community

Celebrate small wins. Make a big deal out of them.

We really need something positive to think and talk

about right now. With enough small wins, we can all be

part of starting to create momentum. Also, focus on

resilience. Remember that as bad as things are right

now, Atmore is strong enough to get through this crisis.

The days ahead can essentially be thought of like an

old-fashioned barn raising. We need to come together

to provide help where and when it is needed. It's up to

us to help our community recover. Above all, remember

that the hard times won't last forever. When we get

intentional about doing what we can to strengthen and

build up our community, we're doing more than surviving.

We're setting the stage for renewed growth and

revitalization once this pandemic dies down (and it will).

One day in the not-too-distant future, we will find we

made it through the tough times and came out on the

other side stronger, better, and closer than ever.

Emily Wilson, CHSO, is Executive Director,

Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce.

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