Mandylion_ParishBulletin_MAY 17

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Ika-anom na Domingo nin Paskwa<br />

The Reason For My Hope<br />

We live in a<br />

hyperconnected yet<br />

religiously fragmented<br />

world. One peculiar<br />

trait of modernity is the<br />

dispersion of the society<br />

into independent systems.<br />

No longer could truth be<br />

found in just one center but into several<br />

competitive centers. Result: people are highly<br />

opinionated. Relativism seems to dictate our<br />

daily discourse. My truth versus your truth.<br />

Others call it a post-truth period. Truth<br />

seems to less and less matter. Feelings, most<br />

especially vitriol ones define the character of<br />

national leaders.<br />

Therefore our faith will be tested,<br />

provoked and ridiculed from countless<br />

perspectives. Almost in every nook and<br />

corner of our social space, religion is<br />

looked down as a pre-scientific worldview<br />

or a fossilized myth from the books.<br />

Others would simply dismiss it as a<br />

psychological construct. New atheists like<br />

the Dawkins and Hitchens have put up<br />

a savvy and relentless attack on religion<br />

itself. Question is: How many of us could<br />

The story of Our Lady of Fatima imparts not only a<br />

revelation but also principles that we must stick to.<br />

give a ready answer to those who question<br />

our faith?<br />

The letter of Peter in the second<br />

reading admonishes us to be “always be<br />

ready to give an explanation to anyone<br />

who asks you for a reason for your hope.”<br />

Some would try to escape the conundrum<br />

by shifting to Orthopraxis. “It’s ok not to<br />

understand and explain doctrines for as<br />

long as you’re a good person.“ And so,<br />

questions about articles of our faith are left<br />

unanswered. Children today go to senior<br />

high or college and would usually find an<br />

atheist or agnostic professor. Where will they<br />

go to find answers if we can’t account for the<br />

hope within us?<br />

While Christianity has a very strong<br />

ethical code rooted at the Sermon on the<br />

Mount or the Beatitudes, it is never satisfied<br />

by the dumbed-down alibi to just “being<br />

good.” We are a logos religion. Benedict<br />

XVI said that our religion is a religion of the<br />

word, of reason, meaning and intelligence.<br />

There is so much to explore in our faith<br />

and most of the time we get to scratch only<br />

its surface. The Pope Emeritus reminds<br />

Lectio matris<br />

us of the need to reason out, to wrestle<br />

with our creed, to keep on search for “only<br />

creative reason, which in the crucified God<br />

is manifested as love, can really show us the<br />

way”<br />

Jesus once asked his apostles: “Who do<br />

people say i am?” Peter answered: “You are<br />

Christ, the Son of the living God.” Getting<br />

the teaching right matters immensely. There<br />

should be no room for relativism . We take<br />

seriously doctrine. That is why we have creedsformal<br />

statement of faith. Baptism asks us to<br />

profess our faith through the creed. However,<br />

in our effort to pronounce the right creed, let<br />

us also remember the second part of Peter’s<br />

admonition:“ …do it with gentleness and<br />

reverence, keeping your conscience clean”<br />

Our purpose in explaining our faith is<br />

not to win an argument. Our purpose is to<br />

win someone for Christ. We don’t have to beat<br />

our enemies to prove we are right. If we love<br />

them more than winning an argument, then<br />

we are following St. Peter. Let us be bold in our<br />

speech. Let us be smart. Let us be theologically<br />

informed. Let us all do these in love.<br />

By Fr. Francis Tordilla<br />

mistreatment and continued sacrificing to save sinners from hell as<br />

Mary encouraged them.<br />

Diligently praying the rosary isn‘t for show and a vague<br />

obligation. The three children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta of<br />

Fatima, before Mary and the angel‘s apparations, often shortened<br />

prayers to get done more quickly.<br />

Thus, they were told the importance of prayers for peace—for<br />

it contributed to goodwill in the middle of war, famine, violence and<br />

anger that shifted in the time of Mary’s apparations up ‘til now.<br />

Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta were persecuted by their<br />

community, as well as their religious leaders, for ‘lying’ as their<br />

claims seemed outrageous for onlookers. They had to endure this<br />

Sacrifice isn’t much of a complex concept for children to realize<br />

even in small ways.<br />

The whole thing was a huge ordeal—branded as liars,<br />

questioned repeatedly, and even imprisoned for a short time—and<br />

quite traumatic, too, for the three children to put up with. But they<br />

did not give in and did what Mary asked of them.<br />

That perhaps is the biggest lesson from Our Lady: courage is<br />

needed to face obstacles. Life challenges whoever and of whatever<br />

age. Faith gives you that courage, and you have to be brave enough<br />

to embrace such faith. By Jahzara Endriga

Vivid Reflections<br />

during the<br />

Covid 19 Pandemic<br />

While the human race battles against<br />

a virus so strong that it put a halt into life,<br />

managed to make people go home to their<br />

loved ones and gave everyone enough time<br />

to re assess their existence, one cannot help<br />

but ask how much did you learn through this<br />

experience? Allow me to share with you some<br />

of the interesting gains people got from this<br />

lockdown.<br />

“Help is help. Mayong sadit o dakulang tabang and maski<br />

sisay ka and ano man ang status mo you will need help and you<br />

can always give help din. You are not alone. You may think<br />

and feel that you are pero dai yan totoo kasi maski stranger may<br />

pakiaram or makikiaram saimo. And lastly, Prayer talaga is<br />

the best tool against anything and everything.” – Jade<br />

Cedro-Domino, an OFW and member of Kindness Team Naga<br />

“Health and family is wealth. Dawa nuarin pa man dapat ta<br />

ini pirming tinatawan nin importansya.<br />

Sa bawat kadipisalan asin pagsakit, hanapan ta ning magayon<br />

na rason kung tano nangyayari ang mga ini. Pwedeng may<br />

mga leksyon sa buhay ta or pwede na may madiskobre<br />

kitang mga opportunities na sa arog kaining sitwasyon lang<br />

nagluwas (sa business or personal na buhay) Iwasan ta na<br />

ang magparareklamo asin maging grateful kita poon sa<br />

pinakasaradit asin mga simpleng bagay na winawaras sato nin<br />

Diyos. Gabos iyan blessing.” – Michelle Tolosa-Lim, Wife &<br />

Mother of 4, Entrepreneur<br />

“Health is the top priority. Economies of countries will<br />

be put to halt if public safety is at risk. On the micro level, each<br />

person should be mindful of their personal and family’s health.<br />

Bravery of the medical frontliners are admirable. They<br />

remain steadfast to their oath to serve despite the fear they are<br />

experiencing. We cannot lose them because who will treat us?<br />

Volunteerism is not status-biased. No one is too rich nor<br />

too poor if you want to help those in need. Many people are<br />

getting hungry due to lost jobs/income. No amount is too small<br />

to help feed the hungry.” – Krystine Lauang-Pagdayunan, Sales<br />

Manager and USI Alumni Board Member<br />

May this experience elevate our learning towards the<br />

goodness of mankind and how much our Lord loves us. He is<br />

truly our Saviour and He comes in many forms, through our<br />

family, our loved ones, our friends, our Leaders, our Medical<br />

Front liners, our Priests, our parish members and sometimes<br />

even through strangers. We are not alone for we are His<br />

children.<br />

Tinipon ni Karen Bisana-Tolentino<br />

Extraordinary<br />

Ministers with<br />

Extraordinary<br />

Ministry<br />

Some thoughts from our<br />

Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy<br />

Eucharist who give communion to the<br />

sick as regards their experience and their<br />

source of inspiration.<br />

Regarding sa pag serve Kay Lord<br />

Experiences kadakol na, way back in<br />

my youth days I was a member of YE and YFC who<br />

always love Serving the Lord on Youth Camp and Youth<br />

Encounter with No limits. I’m also a member of SFC and<br />

Eventually joined CFC with My God’s Gift Partner my<br />

Wife Maricel. My family is my inspiration for my Service<br />

to the Lord.<br />

When we are giving the body of Christ to the Sick is<br />

a big responsibility. Before I’m afraid of that obligations<br />

until personally experience it. No equivalent Joy and<br />

Love For that Experience. The gratitude of the sick for<br />

your effort is like Heavens Joy. Bringing Christ to all in<br />

our hand is a gift of Love by God that need to be shared.<br />

(Benedict Aguirre)<br />

Sa paagi ning pagpakomunyon sa mga may helang,<br />

nabubuhayan ang sakong espiritu asin pagkamoot sa<br />

kagurangnan. Nagtutubod ako na saro man ining paagui<br />

na ako nakakabalos sa Diyos, nakakapahiling ning<br />

pagpasalamat sa mga biyaya na sakong nareresibe sa<br />

saiya. Mga dai ko malingawan na eksperiyensya:<br />

1. Ogwang sarong gurang, na sa kahaluyan ko<br />

siyang tgpapakumonyon, sarong semana bago<br />

siya dagos na nagpaaram sa kinaban, saka<br />

lang sako nagngirit. Siguro paagui niya ning<br />

pagpasalamat asin pagpaaram.<br />

2. Ogwa man saro na sa kada pagpakumunyon,<br />

tghahagad niya na sya sakong pangadyian asin<br />

bago ako maghali, siya napray over asin ako<br />

tgbeblessan.<br />

3. Ogwa man saro na ako sinabihan, ang<br />

pagpakomunyon ko garo man lang daa ako<br />

nagpepreparar ning kwarto sa harong ning<br />

kagurangnan. (Janthe Espiritu)<br />

Compiled by Sophia Dipon

News Update<br />

The New Normal: Highlights of the Guidelines<br />

of DOH in the Places of Worship<br />

Now that the majority of the Provinces in the Philippines<br />

are placed under Modified General Community Quarantine,<br />

the Government through the Inter Agency Task Force have<br />

recommended some health measures and standards to protect and<br />

shield individuals, families and communities got infected of the<br />

unseen enemy- the NCOV 19 Virus. These measures is now what we<br />

call the “new normal”, a norm that we will strictly practice in public<br />

including Churches and Places of Worship, until the cure or vaccine<br />

for COVID-19 disease is developed. This new norms will allow<br />

operation of essential services and guide the mobility of people.<br />

Physical Distancing<br />

Physical distancing means maintaining a space between<br />

yourself and the other person when outside of your home. DOH<br />

recommends at least 2 meters from other people. Physical distancing<br />

strictly prohibits gathering in groups.<br />

Wearing of masks<br />

The wearing of masks is made mandatory in public, this is to<br />

prevent the spread of NCoV 19 virus, when a person is speaking,<br />

coughing or sneezing in close proximity with another person. Is the<br />

washable face mask recommended? We can also use the washable<br />

mask to protect ourselves, since we reserve the supply of surgical<br />

masks to the front liners who are in very close proximity to patients<br />

who are classified as either, probable, suspect and persons confirmed<br />

with COVID-19 disease, specially we have a shortage of surgical<br />

mask.<br />

Hand washing and disinfecting<br />

According to WHO clean hands protect people from being<br />

infected. During the ECQ and even GCQ or MGCQ, washing of<br />

hands with soap is recommended to be done frequently, a proper<br />

hand washing steps were also provided in social media platforms<br />

“If anyone is sick, let him call on the elders of the church.<br />

They shall pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the<br />

Lord. The prayer said in faith will save the sick person. The Lord will<br />

raise him up and if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven”<br />

(James 5:14-15).<br />

Although with mobility restrictions due to the General<br />

Community Quarantine protocol, Fr. Mijares and Fr. Mojica of<br />

Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Jude Thaddeus visited some<br />

10 sick parishioners in Sitio Magdalena on May 11, 2020. These sick<br />

persons are not yet at the point of death but have been longing and<br />

waiting to receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.<br />

for people to remember, by singing the Happy Birthday song twice.<br />

This is the best way of disinfecting oneself. The use of alcohol as<br />

disinfectant is also recommended specially when water and soap is<br />

not available.<br />

Respiratory Hygiene<br />

DOH recommends the following measures as correct coughing<br />

etiquettes; cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with<br />

elbow or tissue, afterwhich, tissue must be dispensed of properly.<br />

In Churches and Public places, it is recommended for the<br />

following to be strictly developed and practiced:<br />

1.Ensure availability of resources for Infection, Prevention and<br />

Control (IPC) for COVID-19<br />

2. Development of clear IPC Policies<br />

3. Train church staff and servers to high touch areas that will be<br />

cleaned and disinfected regularly<br />

4. Provide adequate space to allow physical distance among<br />

church goers<br />

5. provide adequate infrastructure for water supply, waste water<br />

and solid waste services<br />

6. Installing hand hygiene facility in the Church and chapels at<br />

the entry point, Note: tap can be turned off with arm or foot<br />

7. There should be a disability accessible hand hygiene<br />

optionThese new norms according to DOH will help in slowing<br />

the COVID-19 infection, while the Government is still firming<br />

up our health care system to accommodate number of confirmed<br />

persons and until the cure for COVID-19 is made available. As<br />

a strategy, the Government is strengthening the 3 T’s (Testing,<br />

tracing and Treating) to mitigate deaths and increase recoveries.<br />

Everyone is oblige to adhere with the standard health measures<br />

and Infection Prevention and control for COVID-19.<br />

By Eleanor Peña<br />

Rediscovering Pastoral Care for the Sick<br />

As observed by Fr. Mojica, there was so much peace and joy on<br />

the faces of the sick persons after anointing<br />

them with oil in the name of the Lord. With the word of God, they<br />

learned to trust Him, for they were given assurance, the promise of<br />

love and God’s presence in their life. The joy in their heart is but the<br />

fruit of peace , the peace of Christ, as seen on their faces.<br />

With the priests praying for them and anointing them with oil,<br />

Fr. Mijares observed that they “are given again a sort of physical<br />

hope and felt again the need for the spiritual power of God. Also,<br />

thru Anointing, they felt they are part and that they belong to the<br />

parish and to the Body of Christ, the church”.<br />

Here are some discoveries and realizations after the sick received<br />

the sacrament of Anointing by the priests:<br />

There was healing- not much of physical but more of spiritual<br />

healing which can contribute to physical healing.<br />

With Anointing, there is an increase of sanctifying grace for the<br />

sick. With the pandemic crisis, they have so many issues and concerns<br />

bothering them. But when they received the sacrament of Anointing,<br />

Healing, forgiveness, love and joy entered their life. In union with<br />

God, there is no reason to worry, no reason to be weak in facing<br />

temptations, in avoiding sins and trials in life. By Melba Vera Cruz

Santa Elena, Santa Krus<br />

asin Santakrusan<br />

(Enot na Parte)<br />

Sarong bantog asin<br />

makolór na debosyon<br />

kan satong Simbahan sa<br />

bulan nin Mayo iyo an<br />

Santakrusan. Maniribaiba<br />

an pagkasabot asin<br />

pagpahayag kan debosyon<br />

na ini sa mga probinsya kan Pilipinas. Para<br />

sa iba, ini parte kan Flores de Mayo, sarong<br />

pag-taóng onra ki Maria, an Ina kan Dyos.<br />

Nin huli ta an bulan nin Mayo, bulan nin<br />

pagbukad kan mga burak, ginigiromdom<br />

kan Simbahan si Maria paagi kan pagdulot<br />

nin mga burak sa palibot kan saiyang<br />

imahen. Sa “katapusan” kan siyam na<br />

aldaw na pag-debosyon ki Maria, ginigibo<br />

an Reyna Elena, o an pagpili nin mga<br />

babae sa parokya na marepresentar sa<br />

maniriba-ibang kalidad ni Santa Elena,<br />

an ina kan Emperador na si Constantino<br />

(+337). Sa ibang lugar inaapod ining<br />

Santakrusan susog sa sarong tradisyon na si<br />

Santa Elena an nakakua kan tunay na krus<br />

ni Hesus. Iyo ini an enot na pagkasabot kan<br />

Santakrusan. Sa ibang parte kan Pilipinas<br />

an Santakrusan iyo an Aurora, sarong<br />

prusisyon kan Mahal na Krus na ginigibo<br />

pagkabanggi sa maniriba-ibang banwaan<br />

o barangay. May kinakanta na mga gozos<br />

asin dalit siring man mga pamibi arog kan<br />

alabasyon. Pano nin kaogmahan asin tunay<br />

sinisibutan an tulong gawe nin pagdebosyon<br />

na sinasabing minana pa sa mga Kastila.<br />

Mag-untok muna kita nin kadikit na<br />

panahon mantang nagrarani an maogmang<br />

selebrasyon kan mga ini, asin paghurophoropan<br />

an patugmadan kan satuyang mga<br />

tinutubod. An gabos minaikot sa pigura kan<br />

Mahal na Krus. Ano an mga ginikanan kan<br />

pagdebosyon sa krus kan Kagurangnan asin<br />

pano ini nakaabot sa présenteng gawe?<br />

Masasabing an pag-debosyon sa Mahal<br />

na Krus halos kasabay kan pagpuon kan<br />

mga perigrinahe sa Tierra Santa. Pakatapos<br />

runuton kan mga Romano an mga rebelyon<br />

kan mga Judio, kaiba na digdi mismo an<br />

syudad kan Herusalem, minawot kan<br />

Emperador na si Adriano (114-138 AD)<br />

na sanglian an ngaran kan Judea bilang<br />

“Syria Palestina” asin an Jerusalem bilang<br />

“Aelia Capitolina” tanganing mapara sa<br />

memorya kan mga Judio asin Kristyano<br />

an importansya kan lugar asin tanganing<br />

dai na sinda magtalubo pa. Bunga kan<br />

katuyuhan na ini iyo an pag-raót sa Templo<br />

kan Jerusalem (70 AD), an pag-patag kan<br />

Bukid nin Kalbaryo asin an pag-tugdok<br />

kan sarong templo ni Venus sa tuktok<br />

kaini. Pinatupas nya man an bukid kun<br />

sain sinasabing makukua an lolobngan ni<br />

Hesus dangan nagtugdok man duman nin<br />

templo sa onra ni Jupiter Capitolinus. An<br />

pagpatugdok kan mga paganong templo iyo<br />

lugod an nagin dahilan kun tano nailikay<br />

an mga sagradong lugar na ini para sa mga<br />

Kristyano sa ano man na katibaadan.<br />

Kan magin Emperador si Constantino<br />

(312 AD), tinugutan an mga Kristyano<br />

na magpahayag sa publiko kan saindang<br />

pagtubod. Susog sa historiador na si<br />

Eusebio kan Caesaria, si Constantino<br />

nakumbinsi kan saiyang ina na si Elena<br />

na magin Kristyano asin ini nagpabunyag<br />

sa huring parte kan saiyang buhay. Ini an<br />

dahilan kun tano si Constantino nagpuon<br />

na magsusog kan mga sagradong lugar sa<br />

Tierra Santa. Kan taon 326, ipinagaba<br />

niya an templo ni Jupiter Capitolinus asin<br />

ipinagibo an presenteng Simbahan kan<br />

Banal na Lulongan Sa Jerusalem (Church<br />

of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem). Siring<br />

man ipinagaba an templo ni Venus sa<br />

Bukid nin Kalbaryo asin nakua giraray<br />

an lugar kan pinagpakuan ki Hesus.<br />

Sinuratan kan Emperador si Macario,<br />

Obispo kan Jerusalem, na hanapon an Krus<br />

ni Kristo. Sa mga panahon man na idto,<br />

minawot man ni Elena na dumanan an<br />

mga sagradong lugar kun kaya apisar kan<br />

saiyang edad, siya nag-istar nin duwang<br />

taon sa Palestina.<br />

Sa puntong ini, masasabi nyato<br />

na an pagkakua kan sinasabing Krus<br />

ni Kristo asin an pagigin imbwelto ni<br />

Santa Elena parehong totoong nangyari<br />

susog sa mga natadang dokumentong. Sa<br />

sunod, pag-uurulayan ta kun pano nagin<br />

parte kan duwang klaseng alamat an<br />

mga pangyayaring ini sa kasaysayan kan<br />

Simbahan. By Fr. Francis Tordilla

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