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of Sarees

Cleaning and Storage

With proper care and attention, sarees

can be preserved for ages and passed

on to generations without losing its

lustre or freshness. A saree should be

either delicately hand washed or dry

cleaned. Some fabric types can be machine

washed and dried.



Cleaning Wash in high

temperatures. Color safe

bleach is recommended

on dyed cottons.

Ironing Cotton sarees

can be ironed with a hot

iron, as they do not

scorch easily.

Storage Do not keep dark

cotton sarees with the

lighter ones. In case of residue

moisture, the colour

imprint could play havoc.


Cleaning Before washing,

soak the saree for 10-15

minutes in water added

with rock salt to lock the

hues in, which will prevent

any fading of colors.

Ironing Damp linen clothing

to prevent the iron

from burning or yellowing

the fabric.

Storage Keep your saree

lightly folded. Store it

on a wooden hanger in

a way so that it is not

squeezed or pressed down.

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