Linvar 2020 Catalogue

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1. This document represents the entire agreement between the parties. No alleged amendment,

addition, waiver or cancellation by agreement shall be of any effect unless reduced to writing

and signed by both parties. This agreement will regulate all present and future transactions

between the parties and will be applicable to all existing and future debts between the


2. These terms become final and binding once the customer places the first order and Linvar

(Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Linvar”) accepts same. The signatory hereto: (a)

acknowledges that he/she, understands and accepts each term of this agreement, and (b)

guarantees his/her authority to enter into a binding agreement on behalf of the customer.

3. The signatory to the Credit Application & Acceptance of Liability as Co- Debtor form, hereby

binds him/herself as surety and co-principal debtor in his/her personal capacity, jointly with

and severally from the customer for all amounts which may now be or in future become due

to Linvar by the customer, and agrees that these terms shall apply mutates mutandis to him/

her. The signatory renounces the benefits of excussion and division.

4. The customer acknowledges that Linvar made no representations regarding the goods and/

or services or any of its qualities except as specifically set out in writing and signed on behalf

of Linvar. The customer agrees that Linvar shall not be liable for any negligent or innocent

misrepresentation made to the customer. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to

determine the suitability of the goods and services according the intended use thereof and

the customer indemnifies Linvar against any and all claims in this regard.

5. All quotes: (a) will remain valid for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the quote or

until the date of issue of a new factory price list, whichever occurs first; and (b) are subject

to the availability of the goods and services. The prices quoted exclude VAT and are subject

to change in accordance with any increases in the cost price before dispatch of goods and

commencement of services. Any independent auditor may certify such increase and such

certificate shall be final and binding on the customer who shall be liable for such increase.

6. The customer shall inspect all goods and services immediately upon receipt thereof and shall

satisfy itself that these conform in all respects to the quality and quantity ordered and are

free of any defects. All orders or variation to orders, whether oral or in writing, will be subject

to these standard conditions and may not be cancelled.

7. Linvar shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to split the delivery of goods and performance

of services into the separate quantities and deliver/render it on the different dates as it may

decide. Linvar shall accordingly be entitled to invoice each such partial delivery/performance


8. Any delivery note (whether a copy of original) signed by the customer or a third party engaged

to transport the goods shall be proof that delivery was made to the customer. All risks in and

to the goods passes to the customer when the goods leave the business premises of Linvar

and the customer undertakes to fully insure the goods whilst in transit and until fully paid for.

Delivery, installation and performance times provided by Linvar are merely estimates and will

not be binding on Linvar. The customer indemnifies Linvar against any and all claims in this


9. Should Linvar agree to engage a third party to transport goods, Linvar shall engage such third

party for and on behalf of the customer and on the terms and conditions deemed fit by Linvar.

The customer hereby indemnifies Linvar against any liabilities and all claims which may arise

from such agreement with the transporting entity.

10. New goods are guaranteed according to the manufacturer’s products specific warranties

only and all other guarantees, whether statutory or by common law are hereby specifically

excluded. Services carry no guarantee. Linvar’s liability is restricted to the cost of repair or

replacement of faulty goods and/or services alternatively, at the sole discretion of Linvar, to

granting of a credit. Linvar shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential damages or

losses whatsoever and the customer indemnifies Linvar against all claims in this regard.

11. The customer shall return any defective goods to the business premises of Linvar at the

customer’s own cost and packed in the original packaging, within 7 (seven) days after date of

delivery of such defective goods to the customer or its duly authorised agent.

12. In the case of a 30 DAY customer, the customer shall pay the amount of Linvar’s tax invoice to

Linvar within 30 (thirty) days of the issue of an invoice by Linvar. The customer shall have no

right to withhold payment for any reason whatsoever and the customer shall not be entitled

to set off any amount allegedly due to the customer by Linvar against the customer’s liability.

Should the customer have any alleged counterclaim it shall only be entitled to raise and issue

such claim after having made full payment of its indebtedness to Linvar. All CASH ON ORDER

(COO) customers are required to pay upfront before the stock is delivered.

13. All discounts allowed to the customer (if any) will be forfeited should full payment not be

made by due date.

14. The customer undertakes to inform Linvar in writing within 7 (seven) days of any change of

its details including its directors, members, shareholders or owners or its physical or postal

addresses and contact details.

15. The customer agrees to make payment to Linvar of the standard rates and prices contained

in the price lists for any goods and services rendered from time to time, which are available

upon request.

16. All orders are subject to cancellation by Linvar if: (a) it cannot timeously or at all execute

same due to force majeure or due to any cause beyond the control of Linvar (including but not

restricted to inability to secure labour, materials or supplies, or by reason of any act of God,

war, civil disturbance, state of emergency, strikes, lockouts or other labour dispute, fire, flood,

drought or legislation); or (b) the customer breaches any term of this agreement or attempts

to compromise its debts or (c) any attempt is made to liquidate or sequestrate the customer

or to surrender its state, or judgment is granted against the customer or any of its principals,

or the customer applies for business rescue.

17. The customer will have no claim against Linvar unless is has, within 3 (three) days from the

date of delivery of the alleged defective goods or breach occurring (whichever takes place

first), given Linvar 30 (thirty) days written notice by prepaid registered post to rectify such

defect or breach.

18. Under no circumstances will Linvar be liable for any consequential or indirect damages or

losses or for any delictual liability of any nature whatsoever. Linvar shall not be liable for any

damages arising from any misuse or abuse of goods.

19. The customer agrees that the amount of its indebtedness toward Linvar may be determined

and proven by a certificate issued and signed by any director of Linvar, whose appointment

need not be proven, and which certificate shall be signed and shall be prima facie proof of

the indebtedness of the customer toward Linvar.

20. It is agreed that any printout of computer evidence tendered by Linvar shall be admissible

evidence and the customer shall not be entitled to object to the admissibility thereof on the

grounds that such evidence is computer evidence.


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