Chef Tom Voigt- Private Villa and Yacht Chef

Be assured of Loyalty, professionality and customer-oriented approach with a Chef who is able to work worldwide for your private or charter yacht. I am a professional Private Villa and Yacht Chef having flexibility and ability to cook World-class cuisine on demand. For more details:- https://www.cheftomvoigt.com/yacht-chef

Be assured of Loyalty, professionality and customer-oriented approach with a Chef who is able to work worldwide for your private or charter yacht. I am a professional Private Villa and Yacht Chef having flexibility and ability to cook World-class cuisine on demand.

For more details:- https://www.cheftomvoigt.com/yacht-chef


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Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) is a species within the family of

Annonaceae plants. Originally from South America, the cherimoya is

grown widely as a fruit tree in the subtropics and higher elevations of

the tropics.

Botanical history

The name cherimola is derived from the Spanish term "chirimoya" or

"Chirimoyo", which in turn are due to an unspecified Indian name.

Possibly a derivation comes from the Peruvian Quechua Ciri, "cold",

and Muyu, "circle, wheel" in question, meaning "fresh, round fruit."

Water from 74.6 to 77.1 g

Protein 1.9 g

Fat 0.1 g

Carbohydrates 19.2 g


Phosphorus from 30.2 to 37.0 mg

Calcium from 21.7 to 32.0 mg

Iron 0.80 mg


Ascorbic acid (C) from 5.0 to 16.8


Niacin (B3), 1.02 mg

Thiamine (B1) 0.10 to 0.117 mg

Riboflavin (B2) 0.112 mg

Use as a remedy, toxicity

The seeds of cherimoya contain various alkaloids, consumption leads

to nausea and various symptoms of poisoning. The seeds are used as

an insecticide and parasitic skin diseases, as well as a strong emetics

and laxatives.


Cultivated it is today in all regions worldwide with a suitable subtropical

climates. So you can find plantations, for example, in Madeira

and in Israel. It is partly but (eg, Costa Tropical and Costa del Sol)

grown in Spain, and in Italy in the area of Reggio Calabria and Villa

San Giovanni.

In areas where this species is not native, it must be partially

pollinated by hand, because some varieties of flower pollen is ripe

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until a day later, when the stigmas are fertile. The fruits ripen about

five to eight months after pollination.

The fruits keep ripen after harvest. They are therefore climacteric

fruits. When stored at 10 ° C, the after-ripening delayed.

Use in the kitchen

The cherimoya fruit is eaten raw as a fruit, it can also be processed

into juice or ice.

Nutritional value per 100 g of flesh

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