Maree Makom

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A small number of kids freeze in place with

rocks in their hands. Wahad Tnen Talate Samak

Mumluach (“One Two Three Salt-Fish”). M. excited,

scrupulously oversees the rules. Wahad Tnen

Talate Samak Mumluach. He turns around releasing

the kids’ brisk hand gesture and the body springing

forward, towards the camera. Just outside the

perimeter of that same image lie broken scaf foldings

and the remainders of a barbed wire fence under

piles of sand and gravel; almost visible also are

the white stone monument for the camp’s martyrs,

the bullet-ripped flag hanging on the electricity

pole to the right, and a grey outline of the sewage

funneling down from the roots of all the alleys

winding toward Bethlehem Way. The kids follow

the rules. The rock, between one paralyzing cr y to

the nex t, is picked up, raised and eventually put

down carefully on the pile growing at the center of

the court-yard; here too marking a border, like the

small mounds of stones in the abandoned fields

the blue car has passed along the outskirts of


Video Recording Site

An open courtyard in Deheishe, a refugee

camp near Bethlehem, established in 1948 as

temporary housing for 3,000 refugees, and

occupied today by about 12,000 people living

in less than one square kilometer

Video Recording Occasion

1998. Initial production days of a video piece

by L. and R. where dream-texts written by

R. are used as scripts for scenes shot in

Palestine/Israel. The piece is made under the

auspices of G., the owner of an art gallery in

the south of Tel Aviv.

The rules of the game (“Salt Fish”) played and

shot in the courtyard:

One person, the caller, repeatedly turns his/her

back to a group of participants. While his/her

back is turned the players are allowed to move

forward (arriving at the caller’s location is their

goal). Occasionally the caller declares “one,

two, three, salt fish” and turns to face the

group. At that point all movement must freeze.

In the current game version a goal is added:

The players, holding rocks in their hands, aim

to assemble a tall pile of rocks at the caller’s

feet, simulating the icon of a boundary marker

frequently used by Palestinian farmers.


M. - A Palestinian man residing in Deheishe

who is aiding the two women in the making of

their piece

Several kids from the camp recruited to

participate in the staging and videotaping of

the scene

L. - An Israeli videographer residing in Tel Aviv

R. - An Israeli writer living in Jerusalem

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